Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Good Christmas

Well this have been a pretty good Christmas. I got alot of clothes though. I guess getting clothes isn't that bad especially when you already have them picked out, but still . . .

Here is a list of everything I got. y'all don't have to read it.

Kutless CD
Barlowgirl CD
4 or 5 Shirts
1 new pair of Jeans that have embroidery on them
1 new belt
1 new hat
a $100 gift card to JC Penny
a $3 gift card to Brusters (see Cooks, now we have excuses to come visit y'all at work. lol)
candy. .
Fountain pen
Caligraphy Set (it came with a fountain pen that you have to put together. . we can't figure it out. anyone know how?)
1 Lotion and body wash set with a sponge. . .
I'm sure I got more. . .i just feel too lazy to go check

yeah so all that was from my parents and grandparents. I got stuff from my friends (y'all of course!) but since it was y'all that gave the stuff to me, I'm not gonna put it up here cause y'all know what you got. yeah. .. MERRY late CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 25, 2006

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is what i said last night- MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!!

this is what I'm saying now- MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Who's gonna be at the Christmas Eve Service? I need to know so I can give y'all your presents. I'll be here, as will my grandparents.


Sunday, December 17, 2006

bored. . .

im feeling very bored right now. I'm waiting for people to leave my house cause it's 7:23, and the party ended at 7. yeah, so Richard, Julia, Amanda, Craig, Paul, and of course my brothers are in my basement. They are watching Mean Girls. AAAAAHHH! I HATE THAT MOVIE! although it has some really funny scenes. Anyway, Im here blogging . . . oh yeah, here's a picture of my uncle, aunt, and cousin, and NO JULIA! MY UNCLE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE YOUR ORTHODONTIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

I guess I know

I guess I know why each of y'all came into my life, whether a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime. Here goes-

The Pruitt Family- Y'all came into my life to teach me humility, and about friendship. I believe that y'all came into my life for a reason, and yes as I found out today, its very possible that y'all only came into my life for a long season, but its also very possible y'all came into my life for a Lifetime. Whichever it is, I'm very thankful that y'all did come.

The Sillaman Girls (yes, Mrs. Sillaman too)- Y'all came into my life to teach me about life and God and learning. I believe that y'all came into my life for a Lifetime, and a Reason.

Aly- You came into my life to teach me about love. At first I didn't know why you came, so I was gonna say you came just to be my friend, but then I thought about my past, and your past, then my troubles, and how you were there for me. I believe you are here for a Lifetime.

Lauren Cook- You came into my life for a Reason. To aid me in my times of trouble, and yeah you're good at it. I think you came for a Lifetime.

Erin- You came into my life to teach me about failure and friendship. Yeah it probably doesn't seem like it, but I believe it's true. I think you came into my life for a Lifetime also.

Betsy- You came into my life to teach me about being humiliated, and life. I think that you're here for a Lifetime, even though sometimes it seems like just a long season.

Valerie and Brianna- Y'all came into my life to teach me about beauty, both inside, and out.
I think y'all are more Lifetime friends.

Brian- I think you came into my life to teach me about friendship. I'm still not sure though if you're a Lifetime or just a really long Season friend.

Justin- I'm not completely sure why you came into my life, but I think it was just to be there for me. Lifetime for sure.

Joey- You came into my life just to be a friend for me. Again I'm not sure if its for a Lifetime or just a loong season.

Cassie- You came into my life for a Reason. It was to teach me about life and love and God, learning, sadness, death, and friendship, and gladness. I'm so glad you came for a Reason but I guess I can't change the past, I can only hope to change the future.

You never know what you're missing until it's gone.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Nickleback- Faraway

I love this song, and the video is really sad, but flippen awesome. Its great.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I want this shirt

For a very long time now, I've loved trucks. I'm not really sure why, but I do. My mom told me about this shirt she saw in an ad. I told her I wanted it. I found it again. I have the link too. hehehe. I want the shirt, but the other picture is just of what it says. No my love of trucks has nothing to do with Erin, or her love of trucks. Its my own thing.
yeah. feel free to tell my mom about this shirt. I"ll cy'all bye

Monday, December 11, 2006

How'd I get friends like y'all?

Seriously, how did I end up with friends like you?

Friends- Ya know the famous people in your life, who you spend every waking moment with, who you tell every little secret to. The people who are always there to lend you a shoulder to cry on, the ppl who'll help you through a break up, who'll never betray your secrets. Who knows what's best for you, especially when you dont. And the people who'll give you their kidney. . . well that's debatable. And of course, as the famous line goes- You're friends will be there to bail you out of jail, but your best friends will be there with you in jail. somthing like that. You're friends will always be there for you.

Y'all are seriously the best a girl could ever ask for, which stinks when I say that I know I'm not. Everyone of us are jerks at times, so I gotta say that I'm sorry for being a jerk, sorry that I wasnt there when you needed me, even though I wanted to be so badly. And even though I'll never betray your secrets, I'm sorry you won't tell me. I'm so sorry. . .

Hugs are the best, especially from your loved ones, so dont think I'm weird when I hug somone who's not sociably acceptable, or a guy friend, or just someone who you wouldnt hug, and guys, dont think I'm a freak when I hug you, cause then well. . .you'd be the jerk. And if I do hug you, then you either need it real bad, I need it real bad, or it's just my way of saying thanks for being there to talk, or listen to me.

This is for you, yeah you know who you are- I know I've never been there to save your life like others, but you don't have to rub it in. I wanted to be there, but I guess I was one of those "SEASON" friends that Matanda was talking about, cause apparently I wasn't supposed to be a "REASON" friend. But one thing I wanna know is, where were you when I needed a shoulder to cry on? But hey, I guess its partly my fault that you weren't there for me when I needed you most. I chose not to tell you when I needed you. I guess I was afraid you'd preach to me, or judge me too quickly, but I guess that's what we're all afraid of- Being Judged. So why do we do it then? Maybe we just think we're too good for the world, or is that the farthest thing from our minds? Then why do we really judge? I'm sorry, but I'm still not sure what to do.

My reply to Matanda's post- Whether a friend comes into your life for a REASON, a SEASON, or a LIFETIME, they are your friend, and you should make the most of your friendship. Anyway, unless there is somthing I should know, I figured I came into all of y'alls lives for a SEASON, or a LIFETIME, cause I guess I can't see any reason, and I would really really like to be y'alls friends till the end of eternity. But y'all should be happy cause I think that the majority of y'all came into my life for a REASON. If you did come into my life for a REASON, I think it was to teach me. To teach me about life, love, God and of course, more learning. Yes even some of y'all came to me to guide me through rough times. I think I know what each and everyone of y'all came into my life for. If you would like to know, just ask, cause there is way to much to put on here.

Now it's time for the little side notes about the skating party on Saturday-

It was really fun. If you could describe the Christmas party in 1 sentence, what would it be? then try to do it in 2 words.

This is my 1 sentence- Ice skating is always fun, especially when you're with some of your awesomest friends in the world, as are parties. . .oh yeah, definetly fun.

Now my 2 words- beyond belief.

Oh and Noelle or Beccah, can you get Elaine to read this part- Thank Elaine alot for the body cream and the note cards. The cards are really pretty, and the cream smells like heaven, and its really good for my dried hands. Thanks alot!

See y'all l8er.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Day 3, Tuesday November 28, at sea

Just to inform y'all that this is gonna be a loooonnngggg post. Sorry, but it's an especially good one, but I'll try to shorten it as much as possible. Here goes-

This morning we had fruit and breakfast delivered to our room. Then I went to watch a dance class, but Aaron was there, and he didn't have a partner, so he asked me to be his partner. I think we learned the Meringue(sp?), or was it the Mambo? I'm not sure anymore. Anyway, we were ok dancers, but we can't have anything to distract us when we're dancing, or else we'd get off beat, and lose it completely. Then I went up to the teen center, (which is called Off Limits, so that's what Im gonna be calling from now on) and I played pool and taboo. Then I went and I found my grandma. We went to lunch, then we hung out on the deck, and then I had to go to my manicure and pedicure. The lady that did my mani and pedi, was really nice. She was from Jamaica. Her name was Toyen. I think she had alot of fun in St. Thomas(sorry that was random). Then we went back to our room, and read, slept some, and played Phase 10. Then my grandma went to a computer class, and I went to Off Limits, and did some more stuff. Then at 7:30 I went to my room and we got ready for dinner. Then we went to dinner.

Afterwards I went to Off Limits. We played (are you ready for this?)BATTLE OF THE SEXES!!! or if you prefer, we played BATTLE OF THE GENDERS!lol So here goes for the fun explanation- We had a bunch of different competitions.

The first competition was was getting a name and a cheer. The girl's was this- Our sh*t is Bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S. can you guess what our name was? and just to let y'all know, I was not for the cheer, but I didnt have a say. Girls won.

The second competiton was a puzzle game. The leader gave each team a 100 piece puzzle that were both exactly the same. You had to see who could get the most peices of the puzzle together in 1 min. Girls won. . .again.
(so throughout these competitons, you get points, no matter what, so the boys were getting points just not as many as the girls)

The third competition was a building block contest. We were given a bunch of little blocks and we had to see which team could build the tallest tower. . .on a rocking ship. .. . in 30 seconds. . . .the guys were not orderly at all. . .Girls won. .. . . . again.

The 4th competition was a trivia game. A guy would go up, choose a question from a book, then ask the girls. If the girls didnt know the answer, the guys got a chance to get it, and so on with the girls. There was this one guy who knew the answers to almost all of the girl questions. It was quite strange, cause he told us that he and a friend had done makeup and dressed as girls once (and they weren't that young when they did it either. Try about 15. *shudder*) yeah, so the girls one that was also. .hehehe

Then the 5th and final game- This game was an all or nothing game, as in, if you win, you get 50 points, and if you lose, you get none. So heres what happened. YOu had to take whatever was already on your person, and make a chain with it. shoes, jewelry, for the guys- their shirts, ect. . The girls lost that round by 8 steps. So the guys got 50 points. They only won by 20 points anyway.

So we had alot of fun doin that. Then I went back to my room, got ready for bed, then went to sleep, after a while.

ya know, if no one had won that last round, then the girls would've won the whole game. I guess it shows what guys are good at, and what they're not good at.

Lol, I'm just jokin' guys.

carrots are gooooooood!!!!!!!! I just finished a bag.

See? the rabbit like carrots too. Wow that was weirdly stupid. I'm still tired. See y'all tonight! cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

Friday, December 08, 2006

Day 2, Monday November 27, At sea

Today was a very lazy day. We slept in and ordered breakfast in our room,slept even more, then went to lunch, came back to our room and slept even more and I read my book. Then we got ready for dinner. It was formal night so I wore my cocktail dress. We went to anytime dining. We were seated with a lady and 4 men. 2 of the guys were from Canada. Fred-the oldest- was in his 70s, and Aaron, the younger one was 17. . . . they were not related nor were they gay. Fred had an extra place in his room, and he invited Aaron to go with him. Anyway, so during dinner we were talking randomly, and I found out 2 important things about Aaron, and Fred- They were both Christians, and both Pastors Kids. Well that was a big surprise for me, especially since I was a PK and a Christian as well. I also found out that Aaron was a Fantasy Freak, like me and NoNo (hey at least I'm not a philosophy freak. . .well thats debatable). So we got to know each other, but it was kinda weird. So then after dinner, i went up to our room and changed, then I went to the teen center, and of course played pool like always, we also played pictionary, but it was a racing version. it was fun. then i went back 2 my room, and we stayed up till 2:30 playing Phase 10, watching Over the Hedge. lol. But we could stay up till 2:30, cause we slept the whole day away pretty much. . .

Chocolate covered raisins are oh sooooooo good.

"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe tog...
-Oprah Winfrey

Dancing is really hard on a ship. . . . especially when the swells that are hitting the ship are up to 14 feet high. . . . .scary

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

This is a little more urgent

As much as I would like to tell you about my trip in the Caribbean, I cant. I have some more pressing matters like WHAT TO DO FOR SPEECH.

In January, I'm going to Kentucky for another speech conference, but this is also a tournament. I just read last night that I have to enter 3 different speech categories- Limited Prep, Interpretation, and Platform. If that made no sense to you, thats ok, I'm gonna explain it in small words- I have to write 2 speeches for this competition(or tournament if I prefer). The platform is going to be the easiest to write, and the Interpretation is gonna be the hardest. . . So let us start with Platform-

Original Oratory- Just a regular speech written by me of course

Persuasive- A speech written by me that is trying to persuade ppl to do or believe something.

Expository- A speech written by me that is to expose everything about my topic- I did an expose about gymnastics, and I showed some skills, talked about apparatuses, and that stuff. you get that right?

Now the hard type of speeches to write- Interpretations-

Dramatic Interp- All interps have a point to them, but the dramatic is not supposed to be funny. . . but you can add alittle bit of funny in it. you understand dramatic right?

Humorous Interp- FUNNY!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahah. wow that was self explanatory. . .

Poetry/Prose Interp- Im sure you understand Poetry, but prose? they are both similar. Poetry/Prose is an interp in Lyric Mode, like Dr. Seuss(sp?).

Thematic Interp- An interp with a theme like dragons, and you get a bunch of peices of literature and put them in your speech and they all form to a common point. Simple enough.

Original Poetry/Prose- Just the normal Poetry/Prose, but it's written by you.

I could do duo, but I dont have a partner.

Anyway, I really really need to know what to do for my Platform and Interp speeches. I need to know what category speech I should do, so pppppplllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee comment!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Day 1 November 26, 2006

This is an account of my first day headed toward the Carribean.

I woke up at 5:32. I was ready at 5:45, but no one else was. We left around 6 and we missed our flight at 7. We got another flight at 8:30. In the time that we had we got breakfast. Then we finally got in the airplane. Once we got our seats, my grandma pulled out the barf bag and set it in an easy to reach place. I said "Barf bag- ya gonna need that?"
Then she replied "I might"
Then I fell asleep. About 45 mins before we landed there was this little boy in the seats in front of us. He was really cute, but he was crying. Then he looked over his moms seat, and looked at me, then I started doing my cheer-up-any-kid-whos-crying thing. He immediatly started smiling. Throughout the rest of the flight, he was looking at my grandma and me.
After we got off the flight we found the people with our cruise line, then we got our luggage, and got on the bus that took us to the port. We went through 2 llllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnngggggggg lines and at the front of the second line, they asked for my ID, or Birth certificate, and I had neither, so we had to get my mom to fax them to us. Then we got to our room and we settled in and got lunch, then we slept some more, then we went to dinner, then we came back to our room and played cards then I went up to the teen center and we played dodge ball. That was definetly hilarious and fun. Ya wanna see my bruises?????? Then I went back to my room and got ready for bed and you know the rest.

So seriously- ya wanna see my bruises???????

yeah that's what happened the first day. I guess I'll post more later. bye

Monday, December 04, 2006


As fun as I had on my cruise, Im happy beyond thine comparison to be home with y'all. I would love to post more at the moment, but I cant because I dont have the cord to connect the camera to my comp, and I've gotta go do math. . . but I'll post later about my trip, and hopefully I'll find the cord so if you're lucky, I'll post pics. yeah. . . but I'm back, and happy beyond thine comparison. . . I picked up a few bad habits on my trip. . . I'll tell y'all about it later, cause I dont really wanna write alot now. . .but if you just ask me in person, I'll tell you a bit about it in pieces. You might wanna start with my bad habits that I picked up on my trip. . .lol. cy'all. ttyl. bye

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Goodbye and goodluck. not really though. I'm not gonna have time to get on tomorrow so I decided to post now. I put pictures of my new shoes on here though. Arent they pretty?Anyway, so I'll take pics and stuff. Goodbye. I'll miss y'all. WAAA!

Thursday, November 23, 2006



So my whole family is here on my moms side. My aunt, uncle and cousin Dima, and my Grandma. We just finished eating our Thanksgiving meal. We made- cranberry sauce jelly style and homemade, sweet potatoe casserole, Green bean casserole, turkey (of course), mashed potatoes, green beans, broccoli salad, cornbread dressing ( the dry stuffing like stuff), gravy, and this really good sweet bread made by yours truly. I was wiped after making my bread stuff. Everyone here are zombies. We're all soooooooooooooo tired. Anyway, it was all really good, especially the broccoli caserole. Now they're cleaning up, and my aunt has fallen asleep on my shoulder. Aw. I feel like Im gonna barf. No I didnt pig out, but I've been eating little bits and peices all day, and its apparently all built up so my stomach was full immediatly. Too bad caffeine doesnt really affect me a whole lot. tsk tsk. I had some Mountain Dew. I really need somthing to do besides blogging. Good thing Im gonna get our Christmas tree down in a few mins. hehehehe. We're having an early Christmas with this side of our family. Sooooo. . .wat did/ are y'all doing for Thanksgiving? huh? huh? huh? TTYL

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Lifeboat Game

No, this isnt a literal game, but I got this from one of my friends, and thought it was pretty cool. Its a philosophy game and since Im into philosphy, I thought it would be cool for y'all to try. So read, and follow the directions at the end.

Situation: You are aboard a Disney cruiseliner, enjoying shuffleboard and all the shrimp you can eat, when all of a sudden, the ocean swallows up the cruiseliner. As it happens, God is sick of humans inventing artificial worlds to vacation in when God went to all the trouble of creating the real world for humans to enjoy. Just as God is laughing and heading to Vegas, one lifeboat pops up from the ship and 11 survivors clamor aboard. The trouble is, the boat will only hold 7. If four are not tossed overboard, everyone will die. God is in a hurry but feels merciful, so He reaches down and rips you and your Sunday school class out of Ohio and gives you the task of deciding who should live and who should die. If you don't make the decision in 20 minutes, everyone on the lifeboat and in the Sunday school class will die. God hates procrastinators. Which four will die so that the rest may live?

1. Caucasian male construction worker, age 28. Having problems with wife (#2) due to a history of domestic violence. Pulled 5 people aboard the lifeboat. Main hobby is sailing.

2. Caucasian female homemaker, age 25. Married to #1 and three months pregnant, but considering abortion. Did not finish high school.

3. African American male Iraq war veteran, age 23, divorced. Wounded in friendly fire incident and sent home. Addicted to heroin.

4. East Indian female medical doctor, age 56, widow. From Hollywood, specializes in breast enhancement surgery.

5. Unemployed male Caucasion Philosophy professor, age 42, single. Great sense of humor, plays in a Bluegrass band. Lives with parents.

6. Hispanic female with Down Syndrome, age 7. Parents died in the cruiseliner "accident."

7. Caucasian male Baptist preacher, age 35, married with a wife and three children at home. Has a heavy drinking problem.

8. Famous female Jewish fiction writer, age 82. Husband at home with Alzheimer's.

9. Jewish male grandchild of #8, one of twins, age 16. Thinks he may be homosexual.

10. Jewish female grandchild of #8, one of twins, age 16. Wants to be a fourth grade teacher.

11. African American male from cruiseliner cleaning crew, age 31. Makes extra money by stealing jewelry from rich vacationers aboard ships. Trained in First Aid and CPR. Considering entering Nursing school.

List the four you think should be tossed overboard and give the reasons for your decisions. We don't have to do this in 20 minutes, but we should all try to come to a consensus on it. Have fun.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I just felt like it. GOSH!

Full Name: Rebekah _ _ _ Wayne

Age: 13
School: Im homeschooled but next year I'll be goin to Annapolis Area Christian
Email: like I'd tell you. stalker!
Eyes: brown (boring!)
Hair: Auburn Red
Height: 5' 6"
Shoe Size: 9
Who lives with you: Lets see, I live with my family, but on Fridays and sometimes Saturdays Brian is here.
When is your bedtime:I dont have one, but Im normally in bed by 12, and I normally stay up till 1 or 2
---------HAVE YOU EVER--------
Flown on a plane: yes
Drank so much water that you started to feel sick: yes. its not fun
Missed school because it was raining: not really.
Told a girl that you liked them?: as a friend
Been hurt emotionally: yea
Kept a secret from everyone: um....yes
Had an imaginary friend: yes, what about it!?
Ever talked to yourself: who doesnt?
Been on stage: yes
Cut your hair: yes
Had crush on a teacher: no. GROSS!

Shampoo: Herbal Essences with anti frizz
Favorite colors: red, green and black
Day/Night: Night (you can sneak around and sleep for once)
Summer/Winter: I don't really like either. I'm one for the season of Autum
Cartoon Character: Tweety!
Favorite Food: I dont really have a preference, but I really like my moms chicken enchiladas
Favorite Advertisement: I dont really have a preference
Favorite Drink: Hot Chocolate, or Hot Apple Cider (if you spike the cider. . .well you know the rest. . . hehehe)
Favorite Sport: Lacrosse, and Gymnastics
Favorite car:Dodge Ram Truck 3500

------------RIGHT NOW-------------
Wearing: jeans, gator hoodie and shirt underneath hoodie.
Eating: nothing.
Drinking: nothing
Thinking about: trucks
Listening to: Wine Red, by The Hush Sound
--------IN THE LAST 24 HRS---------
Cried: yes
Laughed: uh . . .yeah! lol. SEEE
Worn Jeans: yes
Done Laundry: no
Drove a car: no.
Talked on the phone: yes
Said "I love you": to my grandmother yes

---------DO YOU BELIEVE IN----------
Yourself: now and then
Your friends: most of them
Santa Claus: belive in my parents? yes
Tooth Fairy: not really
Destiny/Fate: no
Angels: yes
Ghosts: yes
UFO's: yes
God: yes

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE-----------
Do you ever wish you had another name? all the time, and I know exactly what'd would be
Do you like anyone? no. guys are friends at the moment, and nothing more, for a long long time.
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Cassie (big surprise isnt it?)
Which of your friends have you known the longest? here the cooks either that or Noelle by like 2 mins
Who's the loudest: Definetly Erin
Who's the shyest: depends what you mean by shy, if you mean quiet then me, but Lauren for everthing else at times.
Are you close to any family members?: not really no
Who do you hang out with the most? family: Cooks, Brian and Justin, and Mike
When you cried the most: How would I remember that?
What's the best feeling in the world? its a matter of opinion, but for me it's love
Worst Feeling: not being loved
What time is it now? 9:25
Let's walk in: river
Let's run through: mall
Let's dance in: the ballroom
Let's look at the: horses
What a nice: horsey
Where did all those: idiots go?
When will they: be back?
How are: your teeth?
Why can't you: just shut up!?
Silly, little: boy.
Show me some: of my friends!!!!!
The sky is: tranquil
Tell me: wats goin on with ya?
Hide me: in your computer so I can play with the HTML!! (that was really weird)
Love me: forever, or I'll never love again.
My mom thinks you're: kinda strange. . .
He's not: that great.
Are you that: one person that this other person introduced me to 2 years ago?
Can't you: stop insulting every person you love?
What time is it now: 9:31

Monday, November 20, 2006

This is sad. . .

OK, some of y'all know that I'm goin on a cruise next week. . .well I love my grandma and all, but I dont really wanna leave. I've gotten close to y'all and I dont wanna leave. . . .i feel horrible about that, but its true. I guess it shows how much I love y'all. I know its only for 7 days. . but still. . . waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I leave on the 26 of November, and I get back December 3rd. so. .I'll try to get on a computer and blog or email or somthing. . I cant promise anything, but I'll definetly take pics and try to post them on my blog. . and I'll show y'all if I cant do that. So i should probably go. over and out.

Master Juggler

OK, y'all gotta check out this link. this whole post is a link. It's a video of this flippen awesome juggler. oh yeah. . . . . . check it out- Master Juggler

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Is it so bad?

Has it really come down to this?
Is it so bad that you don't even feel when your heart is breaking?
Is it so bad that you don't even know when you're falling in love?
Is it so bad you don't even care when a friendship is breaking?
Is it so bad that you don't even cry when your best friend has just died?
Is it so bad that you don't have guilt when you've betrayed all your loved ones?
Is it so bad you don't even feel the knife slicing open your wrists?
Is it so bad you don't try to change when you're hating?
Is it so bad that you've lost all hope?
Has it really come down to this?

As I wrote that, I was thinking about a lot of different things, mostly feelings. This doesn't mean alot to me, but with somepeople it's true. If you want to post a comment, I ask that you do not critisize anyone, or my poem or writing, just say how it makes you feel, and what you thought about when you read it. Thats all. Thanks

If I showed you my heart, would you break it?

Saturday, November 18, 2006

As I was saying . . .

As I was saying earlier that HTML is my friend, this is to conclude that-

I have put up 2 pictures under 2 names on my link list. Matanda and Erin were the lucky winners. I would've put other peoples pics up there, but I cannot because EVERYONES PICTURES ARE TOO BIG TO PUT ON HERE! thats why I cannot put anyone elses pics on here. Terribly sorry. But if you'd like to get smaller picture, about the size of Matanda's picture, then I can put your pic on my link list and you'll be extra special (cause all of y'all are already special).

For those who saw me earlier at the Train Garden- IM in a better mood if ya havent noticed. oh yeah.


oh yeah, It was flippen awesome! Kutless, Red and Disciple are flippen awesome, although I prefered Red. I have this newfound love of hard rock, or howeveryou wanna classify it. It was great. No one really watched the soccer game. Then at 4th quarter we got in line for the concert. We got there and suddenly we see a bunch of ppl running to the line, and we're like WOW!!!!!So we're waiting in line for a while, and people keep farting! EW! So we get on the feild and we're still waiting while a few ppl are talking, then they let us through. So the first band was Red. They were awesome! their opening was flippen sweet! the guitarists went up on the speekers and started playing. it was really cool The lead singer had makeup aroundhiseyes, and half the time he looked like he was on drugs. it was funny. Then Disciple came out, and they were ok. Then Kutless came out and they were pretty good. yeah, so Im running short on stuff to say, but we got home around 1:15. then Iwent to bed around 2:30. that was great. So yeah. ttyl!!

You never know what your missing till its gone.

Friday, November 17, 2006

For Amanda

Amanda Sillaman has noticed this- Not a whole lot of people have her linked on their blog!
The link to her blog is on my side bar, so go there, and put her on your links. Its really quite simple. SO DO IT!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

little ity bit of the week

this is a very shortened version of something that happened this week-

MOnday- I wanted to buy a black gothic looking choker and my mom says thatI'm turning goth.

Tuesday- I told Aly that my mom thinks Im turning Goth, she said that I act very goth at times.

Wednesday- I told Mike that mom think IM turning goth, and he said I was goth.

I guess I went through 3 stages in 3 days. . .thats kinda weird.

So now, what do you think?? and beware, I can delete comments before they even show up on my blog. . .beware.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Check it out!

Check out my piczo site, that I recently recovered and I havent been on in like 1 week, but it looks a whole lot better than when it did the other day.yeah. go here- Red hot gymnast

Yeah, so go there.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

happy Birthday


Sunday, November 12, 2006

theres really no good title for this post

Its as simple as this-

I hope y'all know what love is.

I'm not saying that I do, but its been really bugging me that people claim to love, or know what love is, but they really don't. I do know that love is sacrifice though.

It's as simple as that.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Prayer Request

She fooled all of her friends into thinking she's so strong,
but she still sleeps with her light on,
and she acts like It's all right,
as she smiles again her mother lies there sick with cancer,
and her friends don't understand her,
she's a question without answers,
who feels like falling apart.
She knows, she's so much more than worthless,
but she needs to find her purpose,
she wonders what she did to deserve this and...

"Do not worry Aelwyn, whats done is done. We can not change the past. We can only hope to change the future."

Many of you know that I grew up in Florida. The place I moved from before coming to Maryland was called Winter Haven. Our church was small and mostly retired people were members of the congregation, but we did have about 2 other families with kids. One specific family I want to focus on at the moment though- The Irby's. The Irby's had 1 daughter and 1 son. Their names were Thomas and Anna. Im not sure of the ages at the moment cause I havent seen them in so long. Their parents names were Tim and Lisa. They have 1 dog, a dachshund named Ashley. When I was in Florida, Anna and I had some rough times. She was 2 years older than me, and we were pretty much the only kids at our church, besides our brothers. Despite everything, we were friends, and I grew to love the Irby family, which pains me more and more to say that the other day I got news that both Irby parents were diagnosed with cancer. I have told some of y'all about this on Friday. So please pray for them. One thing about what I opened this with-
I havent seen the Irby family in a few years, and I dont really know if what that said fit the description of Anna or Thomas, but I know that their mother lies there sick with cancer. There's not much to say really, except, please keep them in your prayers. Thank you.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Fave passage. . .quite strange.

Mark 6:14-30

King Herod heard about this, for Jesus' name had become well known. Some were saying,[a] "John the Baptist has been raised from the dead, and that is why miraculous powers are at work in him."

15Others said, "He is Elijah."
And still others claimed, "He is a prophet, like one of the prophets of long ago."

16But when Herod heard this, he said, "John, the man I beheaded, has been raised from the dead!"

17For Herod himself had given orders to have John arrested, and he had him bound and put in prison. He did this because of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife, whom he had married. 18For John had been saying to Herod, "It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife." 19So Herodias nursed a grudge against John and wanted to kill him. But she was not able to, 20because Herod feared John and protected him, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man. When Herod heard John, he was greatly puzzled[b]; yet he liked to listen to him.

21Finally the opportune time came. On his birthday Herod gave a banquet for his high officials and military commanders and the leading men of Galilee. 22When the daughter of Herodias came in and danced, she pleased Herod and his dinner guests.

The king said to the girl, "Ask me for anything you want, and I'll give it to you." 23And he promised her with an oath, "Whatever you ask I will give you, up to half my kingdom."

24She went out and said to her mother, "What shall I ask for?"
"The head of John the Baptist," she answered.

25At once the girl hurried in to the king with the request: "I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptist on a platter."

26The king was greatly distressed, but because of his oaths and his dinner guests, he did not want to refuse her. 27So he immediately sent an executioner with orders to bring John's head. The man went, beheaded John in the prison, 28and brought back his head on a platter. He presented it to the girl, and she gave it to her mother. 29On hearing of this, John's disciples came and took his body and laid it in a tomb.

yeah, thats alot to read. I dunno why that's my fave passage. One day I was flippen through my Bible and I just stumbled across this passage. It's been my favorite ever since. So yeah.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

An Ode to Brians Hair

The sanity of all humanity is gone
Your hair is gone.
Maybe not completely, but mostly,
Your hair is gone

Long hair can be weird,
But you get used to it.
When you cut it all off,
It looks quite strange

The sanity of all humanity is gone
Your hair is gone.
Maybe not completely, but mostly,
Your hair is gone

At 11:30, you went to get your hair cut
At 12:20, you came back with short hair.
I dont know what to do but,
Now you look sooo different with out your hair. . .

The sanity of all humanity is gone
Your hair is gone.
Maybe not completely, but mostly,
Your hair is gone

Friday, November 03, 2006

Pure Torture! and Withdrawal

AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im sooooo happy!!!! for reasons I will explain. . .hehehe

Anyway, so its absolutly torture- THE FLIPPEN WEEKDAYS! During the weekdays i have school, tutoring, school, piano, school, gymnastics, school, speech, school, and did I mention school? But on Friday, the burdens of all that are starting to be lifted. So basicly the weekdays are torture. The weekends are great, cause im always with friends, and its so fun, cause we'll go to dinner, or to the mall, or just hang out at my house or the Cooks and watch a movie. Our host normally consists of the waynes, the cooks, Brian and Justin. Somtimes DJ doesnt come. This has been goin on since after they went to Belize. Brian startedcoming over, then Justin, and then it just started happening like everyday literaly. I guess over the summer, I've slowly created a history with these people. Its kinda amusing, cause the Cooks and Brian and Justin have walk in privleges. They can just walk through the door, and no one really cares. They do it so often, but the Cooks always think they have to knock. THEY DONT! But i guess, they're all considered family. Justin and Brian eat dinner with us once and a while. So we really are a family. Its just kinda strange somtimes. Anyway, onto other matters.

IM soooo giddy!!!!! This would be the withdrawal part. hehehe. So the other day I was talking to Cassie, and I was telling her about DJ, and about how i went to the doctor, then i told her i was on drugs, which I am, but they're not illegal. But you see, now i havent had the drugs in about 3 days, and its startingto afect me. Im starting to cough again! this is really bad. I need my meds sooo badly! If i look really weird, or im acting weird tonight, that would be the withdrawal, or I've got ADHD, or ADD. I dunno cause im really really really reall really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really hyper. hoo hooo hoo hoo. although it might have somthing to do with my strange lack of sleep last night. I went to bed around 2, then woke up around 9:30. i got 7 and 1/2 hours of sleep, so i dont really see how i could be really tired. I dunno. yeah so anyway.

yesterday i had gymnastics. i got 2 new bruises. oh yes, they're very fun and painful, especially when i wanna walk. oh yes. yeah, but instead of floor, we did tumble track which was fun fun fun! So now my back really hurts. yeah. last night after gymnastics I went out with the cooks and my bros to see Brian at work. I got double chocolate chunk icecream in a waffle cone with chocolate was gooood! ive had this really really really really really strange chocolate craving lately, and Im not a abig fan of chocolate. its weird. yeah,so im really excited about this weekend, actualy pretty much everyweekend. Oh yeah. So i have no idea what im gonna do this weekend, but yeah, it'll probably be fun and we'll probably look back on memories. oh yes it'll be fun.

When memories are old and gone,
make new memories that are good and fun just like the old.
Yes, good and fun, just like the old.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Thine Hallowed Eve

That is what is used to be called (withouth the "thine"). Hallowed Eve. If you feel like reading, here are some links I got off of my dads blog about Hallowed Eve- Part 1 , and Part 2, yah, thats alot of reading. Now im gonna tell you a bit about my hallowed Eve.

It was a dark and stormy night. . . not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. . . nope wrong story. I had tutoring today with Mrs. Sillaman. We were getting ready to leave, and my mom volunteered to take Julia and Amanda to the church while Mrs. Sillaman took the trailer to Annapolis (i think thats what happened). Yeah, so we did stuff @ my house, then Brian came over like normal, and then we got ready for the Harvest Party. Yah, so when we got there, I practiced my lines with Matanda, I met Matanda's friend Kristin and Lauren showed me her Biology test. Then we ate, and just did random stuff.We practiced our skit more with Kimmy, Amanda, Matanda, me and DJ. My mom totally ruined the mirror thing. It was gonna be flippen sweet. Matanda . . .or should I say Fair Godly Mother was going to conjure up a mirror, and then blow a bunch of glitter to get it gone (if that made any sence). But we did somthign else. BORING! yeh, so then we went and saw Beccah. hehehe that was fun. We tried to sneak up on her. But we didnt do our theme song. It was supposed to be the Pink Panther theme song. But then we sneaked up on Courtney Ring. While I was there, she gave me some good tips for my interpretive speech for today at speech class. Yeah. . . . Then we went back to the church, and we stood around cause we missed the candy. That totally sucked. Oh and Mike, ifyou're reading this, Matanda said Thank you again for the candy, and she luvs you. Same to DJ from Matanda. yeah, so I went home, and then I took a shower and went to bed.

OK, my cat is oh so cute right now. If I can gt the pics off the camera, and onto my comp, I'll definetly show you. Oh yeah, and if you cant read anything up there, thats ok, what you do is copy it and paste it on whatever word processor you have. then change the font to somthign you can read. yeah. .

Over and out

Sunday, October 29, 2006


so for my very first post, I posted about this helicopter game. My score was in the low thousands. Now my high score is 2099!!!!!!!!!!! Yipee!!!! so yeah, Im just now challenging everyone to go and beat my score. have fun!

wow. . . .

i know I say I have a life. I do have a life, but it really mostly only consists of email, blogging, school, speeech, gymnastics, music, and hanging out with friends. oh yeah. a great life. lemme tell you what each subject consists of- email- mostly checking email, and just staying on my email page. blogging- blogging almost everyday. school- school on the computer and math.-speeech- thinking of somthing to write or use for speech, writing, and memorizing. gymnastics- going to gymnastics on Thursdays and doing alittle in the week. music- piano, and listening to music in my room (boring)hanging out with friends- this ones a little interesting. almost every weekend I go out with friends to the mall, or just around doing stuff (no its not illegal stuff). like last nigh- we went to panera bread, then to the mall, then to the cooks to watch a movie. The group normally consists of Brian, Justin, the cook girls, and the waynes, but DJ doesnt always come. But last night Tina and Jessica came with us. sothat was fun. but we might go do somthing l8er today. but basicly I need to get a life. I socialize, quite often. I do activities, so why am I saying I need a life? I have no idear. but right now im bored. . . .

Saturday, October 28, 2006

New Jeremy Camp CD!!!!!

OK, this is sweeeettttt!!!! I like Jeremy Camps Music, so im just here telling everyone about a new Jeremy Camp CD called Beyond Measure. It looks cool. I think the CD is out already, so it should be availiable at your local Christian Book Store. So yeah. . . here is the new cover. . .Have fun.

i really have nothing better to do. . . .

um. . . .yeah, so brian spent the night at our house. . .again. sooo. . . .now the cooks are downstairs and Brian is still here, and my bros are here. They're all gonna leave soonish, and that'll be sad, c ause my mom's gonna put us to work, cause Pastor Rod(our old pastor who is in town and is preaching on Sunday) is coming over to watch the football game. BORING!!!!!!! yeh, so i dont have anything better to do than blog. sooo, here are some pics. you can write your own little caption in your head for them, cause im not gonna write one on here.

Thursday, October 26, 2006



Im kinda bored, and I need y'all's help. My mom is making me be Cinderella for Halloween!!!!!! IM 13 YEARS OLD!!!! Im not blonde either. the reason I have to be Cinderella is because Im in a skit, and and Im playing Cinderella. The thing is that Im still peasanty looking in the skit, so I think I can pull that off. hehehe, but after the skit I will majikly transform into . . . . . Dun duh duh dunnnn. . . . . .you'll have to wait and find out. hehehe. It'll be good. So I guess I dont really need y'alls help, butIdont really want to be Cinderella. Oh well. Bye!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Pennyville. and a little oral surgury

So on Monday (the day that I was coughing alot) I was in Pennsylvania all day. the whole day were either were in Cabellas or driving, and looking at leaves. BORING!!! But I took some nice pictures that we're goin to experiment with on Photoshop. hehehe. So anyway, when we started to leave, we got a call from Joe Palumbo, the athletic director at AACS, and he explained that DJ busted open his upperlip. As best as i can understand what happened, DJ was goin to head the soccer ball, and the goalie was going to it also, and the crashed into each other. The fell down, then both got up, and DJ thought he knocked out his teeth, so he went and saw the trainer. His upperlip aparently got snagged on his braces and they sliced his lip open. So they got him to the ER, but the couldnt stop the bleeding. So he got a bunch of stiches. So now his lip is really swolen, and he's always drooling, cause he cant really feel a whole lot near his mouth. So yesterday bright and early they went to the oral surgeon, and he had some mouth surgery. It turns out that he pretty much knocked out 3 teeth. OUCH!!! So he missed school yesterday and today. So he's been on the computer most of the time that's why I havent really had time to post on what happened. So can y'all pray for him, and one more person- While in Pennyville, we went to this bookstore called hearts and minds, and the owner has a 14 year old daughter named Marissa. She has had lime disease for 3 years, and it's become a chronic illness. Some days she is too weak to even get out of bed, so because of that, she cant take place in her church youth group and other activities, so she doesnt have any friends. So can y'all pray that one day she'll get better, and that God will bless her with friends who will love her through her sickness? thanks all.

So onto yesterday. I had speech club, and the kind of speeches were impromtu. You pick 3 topics out of an envelope, and choose one. You're supposed to have 2 mins. to prepare, but they gave us 3 or 4. Then you're supposed to get up and give a speech that has to be less than or exactly 5 mins. No one made that time. Oh crud, i just realized that i didnt get my ballots from my speech, cause my mom made us leave early! oh well. So anyway, i thought i did horrible, but everyone does. My speech topic that I chose was carelessness Im not going to tell you what I said.

So i probably should go now, and do school. bye

Monday, October 23, 2006



So one day I was up in my room, and I was lighting some of my candles, and doing my weird pyro thing, with candles and chopstix, and there was alot of smoke in my room. That was a Tuesday in the month of September. That day, I went to the Sillamans house, and I was randomly coughing *cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*cough* and Mrs. Sillaman asked what was up, and I explained the thing about the candles. So i figured it would go away soon enough. I was totally totally wrong*cough*cough*cough*. That Friday, I was sitting on the window sill in the SonSeeker room*cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*, and pretty much throughout the night I was randomly coughing *Cough *cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*. Two weeks later- still coughing, but more of a gargling sound. Two weeks later- Still coughing. Two weeks later- Still coughing, but now its really messing up my voice. *cough *cough*cough*. 4 days later- Still coughing, now its keeping me up at night though, and its not helping that its freezing outside. *cough*cough*cough* Last night- I went to go to bed at a reasonable hour. I was almost coughing up my esophogous(no joke/no exaggeration) My parents even heard my coughing (which is kinda strange, cause they're normally tuned out to that kind of stuff). Today- I was in Pennsylvania for the majority of the day. My *cough*cough*coughing is worse than last night, and more frequent*cough*cough*cough*. My mom has gotten me an appointment with the doctor in the morning*cough*cough*cough*. I've got a really bad runny nose (which has been there for a while now) One more thing to add to the sick/pain list-my limbs keep giving out on me a.k.a. sometimes my legs or arms, or even finger, will just spontaneously start hurting like crap, so i cant walk or use that part of my body for motion without pain*cough*cough*cough*cough*.

So Im being bugged about getting off my computer. So Iprobably should get off now. so quick update on whats going on in my life- blah blah blah blah blah. pretty much nothing, although can ya'll pray that I do well on my speech tomorrow? its Impromtu!

oh yeah, to all ya'll who are reading this- I know that alot of ppl who are reading this are sickies now. So Im not the only one. I'll pray for all of y'all, but could you pray for me also?

C y'all later!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Just Because . . . .

ok, this is just because a bunch of people talked about their birthdays recently-


so anyway, yeah. ifyou want to know what to get me for Christmas or my Birthday, just add the robot SantaClaus to your aim buddy list, and type in hi, then menu, then "3", then "2", then enter my screen name for aim. I've got to update my wish list though, or you could go to my wishlist on my profile on here. yeah, so over and out.

If you read this, please comment.

OK, this is just so I know who reads this. Anyway, I'm just going to put a few random pics on here for fun

This is Cassie!!! We all know and love her, but we need to be continuously praying for her.

So yeah, if you read this blog, just post a comment. Thanks

Over and Out

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rain rain go away, come again another day. . . wait, I like rain.

yeah so this post was inspired by Beccah Pruitt, and DJ Wayne. The first part is from Beccah-

I love rain! Whenever the weather is nice, I'm always so glum, but when its rainy, I'm oh so perky, and hyper, and happy! But I know it's going to be short lived. Oh well. It's nice while it lasted. I LOVE RAIN!!!!!

Second part inspired by DJ Wayne (the mean brother)-

Question for all of y'all-

To each of you, what is so special about music?

I was told once that music is a way to express yourself. Another time, I was told it was a great stress reliever (that's what I told the President of the USA). They both are, but for me one of my favorite things about music, is the way its takes you away from the world. When you are writing lyrics, you can be as imaginative as you want to be. Lets say that someone died, and your feeling really sad about it, if you listen to music, alot of times, it just takes you away to a world where either bad is going on or good. It just takes you away. It's like lala land. You know when you were younger your teacher used to ask you if you were in lala land if you werent paying attention? well is so similar to that. You just get to be you without boundaries, or without anyone to judge you. Music is awesome. Well that's just my 2 cents.

Well, I probably should go now. C ya'll l8er

Over and Out

Sunday, October 15, 2006

We Must do Something about this. . .

ok, if your wondering this is a serious matter to me.

So in alot of books that I read, the author talks about how the characters can read peoples faces. Maybe not like open books, but they can sense wariness, or sadness, or joy, or pain, or any number of emotions. Can you do that? I know Im still working on it. So that is what we have to have everyone doing somthing about. So all you have to do is watch peoples faces and you might understand them more. Maybe reading their eyes is probably better than trying to "read their faces". So that is my challenge for you, next time you see me, I'll probably have a strange look on my face, so maybe you'll be able to read it. If you need to, practice on your friends or parents. have fun!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

We're going down in flames

Yes I know that the title is really really strange and random. But thats ok, its kinda how Im feeling now. Just bear with me.

Well, today has been interesting to say the least. I woke up reasonably early for a Saturday. Then someone called on behalf of the Golden Eagles Marching Band(the annapolis area christian school band) to ask my parents if I could come to the competition today. well I could, and when i got there I watched band practice. And wrote some of my speech.

Because Im kinda at a loss for words at the moment, Im just gonna sum it all up. i went to the competition an hour away, and we waited for an hour to perform, and during that time, we found out that someone couldnt come, and someone else couldnt come to replace the first person that couldnt come (but of course no one can replace the Chinese General). So Mrs. Wenger (the band director) was stressed. She's also really really funny when she's trying to sound out the drums. hehehe. Anyway so we competed, and us runners did really really bad. We missed our cues and everything. the funny thing is that we were all together, when running, but we werent supposed to be. yeah. So anyway, Justin, Brian, Allen, and the Cook s are at my house at the moment, so I really should stop being unsociable. Bye.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Speech Club

Ok, so I have been talking alot about my speech club and stuff. So Im going to be talking more about it.

So today I gave my persuasive speech. that was strange. . . . to say the least.

Oh and this is for you Matanda- I did the original speech that I planned on!
yup. I was convince by Megan Ring to do it.

I'll tell everyone else the topic in person. so I have the opportunity to answer questions.

So for next week I have to write an expository speech. I dont exactly know what Im supposed to write on, but I know that I have to have visual aids. My mom said that splits and walkovers count as visual aids. yipee! But seriously, I need a good topic. Please give me ideas. Thanks

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Well. . . I was told I need to organize my thoughts, by 2 people, so Im going to go in order with what happened yesterday.

Well Erin came over, and Brian and Justin came over at the same time almost, then Lauren. So for a while we just sat and watched DJ play Xbox. Then I had to get ready to go to band practice, then Aly came over, and I left. I had to wear all black which was funny cause everyone thought we were s. So I got to AACS high school,and my mom gave me her cell phone. not that I used it. So I met everyone and we went to practice in the big feild. We used the lines on a football feild to find out where we were supposed to go. So what we did was when it was our time to go, we ran to our mark, and then we waved our flag in a figure 8 then brought it behind our back then whipped in to the holding position. it was fun. I was paired with another named Becka. So now I know 4 Becca/Beccah/Becka/Becca's
They are interesting.

So anyway. After practice, we went to Broadneck High and sat around for 1 hour, then we competed. Then I went home and ate dinner at 10:00. Anyway so Im getting tired. And I've got stuff to do. So I'll c ya'll later!


Saturday, October 07, 2006


So yesterday was the first SonSeekers/Flock meeting. SonSeekers played liar, then spoons, then Mrs Sillaman gave a speech on being BORED. But the real interesting part began after practice. (short synopisis about band- Cassie asked if I could be a runner in the band and I said yes, so yesterday I was at band from 3:45- 5:15) After practice I went to the cooks to help Lauren with her aim thing(which didnt work out) then i stood next the the doorway to the kitchen, and Erin kept telling me to sit down. Then I started looking at everyone weird. and after Mrs Sillamans speech, people were talking to me, and I started freaking whenever they got 2 feet away. Then Erin started chasing me. bleh. Then we went to 7-11, and when I got back i had the slightest headache, and i started running my fingers through my hair. Im extremely frusterated, but im not completely sure why. So we got home and we sat in the cooks car and talked, then it was time to go in. then Justin and Brian stayed till 11:30. that was weird.

So today I have a band competition. I have to sit during the whole song, then in the last 30 seconds i have to get up and run my flag down the feild to my mark, wave the flag in a figure eight, and bring it down. But i dont know where to run, and which way to wave the flag. it seems easy, but its not. Im not even sure where it is. Im so scared. Im guessing no one is coming to the competition?

So I'll see ya'll later!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

new speech class

well, my mom has officially been inspired to start me on a speech class. I do have to say that my mom signed me up for that speech conference without my knowledge, or my consent, but I loved it, so we will see how this goes. The rings are in my new speech club thing, and so now I'll see them once a week or somthing like that. So my homework for this week is to write a persuasive speech, and get it memorized. I still need a topic, and I have to write it tommorow, so I can start memorizing and stuff. Anyone got any ideas???

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Gymnatics on Thursday *shudder*

Well, I had gymnastics on Thursday, but I had my speech thing also, so my mom took me to gymnastics after my tournament. So I got there, and we had a weird warm up, and then we had Floor as our first event. we did a few things, and then my coach Mrs Lisa wanted us to do a roundoff backextension roll backwalkover backwalkover. Well. . . . whenever I end a roundoff, its normally with a rebound, or a backhanspring, so i did a roundoff, then i started to do a backhandspring instead. When i was putting my hands down, I realized that i was supposed to be doing a back extension roll, i kind of tucked and rolled, but i tucked with my knees on my arm, and I came slamming down on the ground with my knees resting on my arm. it was very very painful. Then we did roundoff backhandsprings for real this time, but I was iceing my arm, but since I was so determined to do a roundoff backhandspring, i just got up from icing my arm, and started doing gymnastics again. My arm hurt so badly after that. then we went to trampoline. I did backhandsprings on the cheese mat, and my hand hurt soo badly, but it wasnt that part that hurt doing my floor thing. It was my hand, and it's been hurting for so long. Anyway, our next event was vault. IT WAS TOTALLY AWSOME!!!! we did fronthandsprings, and I didnt even touch the cheese mat when i ran, I just sailed. once I went so far, that I landed at the end of the mat, and stepped over one of the beams that were at the end of the mat. It was awesome. then we had Bars. . . ugh. I did ok. I really got to work out my abs more. So all in all, it was ok. Then my mom picked me up, and I went back to my speech thing. bye

Friday, September 29, 2006

The last 2 days

Well, as some of you know already, I was in a speech conference all day on Wednesday, and Thursday. Here is a little how it went.

Well, I got there, and I saw The Ring Family - Mr.Ring. But that's besides the point. They split everyone up according to their speech skill, and set everyone in a room, while different people came in and talked about the different kind of speeches. Here are some examples-

Platform- A prepared speech that was writen down and memorized

Impromtu-YOu are given a topic to talk about and 2 min. to prepare for it, and 5 min to speak.

Apologetics-Defending you faith

Interpretation- where you do a skit or a scene from a play or book or somthing, and you give it a flare with actions.

Extemoraneous- Talking about current events

So I think that's it. Impromtu and Interpretation are my favorite. So that was the first day, ooo but at the end all the groups split up into much smaller groups, for group interpretation- a group acts out a story, that has a twist (a bigtime twist in our case) ours was Goldilocks. It took place in a new york Loft, and Goldilocks was a boy. It was very fun!

So the next day we got to choose our classes. We were given a list of all the classes, and they told us what they were about. So for a few hours I was in a bunch of classes. Then we had our practice time for the tournament. It was strange. . . . Anyway then we went into tournament orientation, and then we came out, and since I had to leave early I was first for the tournament. I did horrible! So then I went to gymnastics. That is a different story which I will tell later. So I came back just in time for more group interp. practice. Then we had 20 min. of goof off time, and we played "Do you love your neighbor?" that was fun. Then we practiced again and then we went and preformed.

So it probably sounds boring and all, but it wasnt. The teachers (or should I say interns) were hilarious, and they were interactive, and it was great. Im goin next year. . .

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My speech!

Well, here is my speech. I've edited it an all. here goes-

“Gymnastics is an expression of my innermost emotions, my response to the love and care with which I have always been surrounded in my life.” Olga Korbut said that. She was the young from Belarus who was the first to successfully preform a back flip on the beam. By doing this she got everyone excited about gymnastics again. No one took the sport seriously, but that changed over the years, thanks to her.

Gymnastics is one of the most daring, sports out there. It demands flexibility, courage, strength, balance, stamina, and overall power. The top gymnasts practice for hours a day. Most have to leave school, and become home schooled, just so they can get in enough training each day. Most gymnasts compete according to their skill levels, on 4 different apparatuses. They are Floor, beam, bars, and vault. Some of the best gymnasts have invented new skills that were named after their creators. The Yurchenko and the Sukarah-more commonly known as the “sook,” are some examples of the skills the were named atfter their creators.

Bela Karolyi is a coach who has trained some of the top gymnasts in the world- Mary Lou Retton, and Nadia Comenici. They both scored perfect 10's in the Olympics, Nadia being the very first in her sport. These are truly magnificent women.

Injuries are extremely common in this sport, some of them are even . But as tragic as that is, people love gymnastics to watch, and to participate in. I am proud to say, that I am a gymnast, and I love it with all my heart.

Yeah, I know it's kind of long, but its what I wrote, and its almost perfect timing. So yeah. Pray for me! thanks

Monday, September 25, 2006

Speech! Speech!

ok, my mom signed me up for a speech class thingamajig, and now I have to do 3 speeches in 2 days, and public speaking is not one of my strong things. yes I did sort of get over stage fright, but they are asking me to memorize my speech. I'm supposed to recite a poem, or a story or somthing, and I chose to do that poem called After a While. Its on here somewhere. There is supposed to be another speech on hobbies or sports. I still have to write that one, and Im supposed to take a current event article, and summarize it in 30 seconds or less, and if you know me, that is not easy. So I'm asking you to pray for me that I dont freak out or anything, and that I remeber my lines and all that junk. The speeches are on Wednesday, and Thursday this week, and they want me to wear a dress or skirt, so I have to wear a skirt. I think I'm going to try to wear dress pants on Thursday. so thanks bye

Sunday, September 24, 2006

This weekend. . . .

So now I can safely say that this Saturday was probably the strangest day of my life. Im not going to go into detail there though. But this weekend was really really fun. My bridge won in its age group. I did absoulutely horrible on the corn toss competition, and went to 2 petting zoos. We got to hold a million bunnies, and we named half of them. There was this huge rabbit he was seriosly bigger than my grandmas dog. He is HUGE! We named him Murphy. Only Alina got to hold him though, because no one else tried to. Yeah, we played truth or dare a few times. Then on Saturday night, we went square dancing. Corrie made me dance with her. It was kind of strange, but I learned a do-si-do, whatever that is. We played man hunt on Friday, and they didnt find us at all.
OOO! I got three huge bruises just from rolling down the huge hill, although, I did have a belt on. There was a pie contest, but my pie didnt set, so its was all liquidy, but I heard it was really good. I didnt try it though. It was a peanut butter pie. Yum Yum. There were so many people at the retreat, that we had to sleep downstairs, but thats ok, because it wasnt bad at all. Oh yeah, Amanda couldnt bring her video camera, or somthinglike that, so she brought a tape recorder. That was very interesting, because everytime she turned it off, someone said somthing funny. Oh somthing awesome we did, was star spinning. its where you pick out a star in the sky, keep your eye on it, then spin till somone says go, then everyone runs to a certain point. It was really funny. According to Noelle, coffee, and I dont mix. probably because, I get extrememly hyper even if its just half regular,and half decaf, we dont mix well for her, but we mix great for me. Anyway, this weekend was just plain fun, and confusion for me. ooo my latest act of hilarity.
During church today, I was extremely tired, so pretty much throughout the whole sermon, I was closing my eyes, and my head would fall back, but I would always catch it. So eventually I got so I couldnt keep my eyes open at all. So i had my head straight, then i closed my eyes, and then all I remember is that i could feel my head going back, but i was so tired, I didn't catch it, so the back of my head went, BAM! my head hit the top of the chair with a really loud thud. I jolted upright after that, and everyone in my row, and behind me was ing up, cause they had see it. Julia, Betsy and I, were trying so hard not to burst out laughing. I looked back a row and Brian and Erin were just sitting there laughing at me, so hard. So Brian kept asking me how my head is. Now he or anyone for that matter, no one is going to let me live this down. My head really hurts now. I should do short list of things I learned this weekend, like my friend Noelle.

5 things I learned this weekend

  • Never and I mean never fall asleep in church especially if the chairs are wood.
  • Star spinning might make you puke, or just make everyone fall down and keep you dizzy for the next 2 days.
  • High school relationships really are kind of stupid.( dont get mad)
  • I'm a bad square dancer
  • Truth or Dare is stupid!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thank you and have a nice day. . .

    Thursday, September 21, 2006

    El Mejor Puente

    I finally finished my bridge yesterday! I am sooo happy!!!It is absolutely awesome! Im ecstatic about it, if you havent noticed! my bridge is soo totally awesome. I even wrote a theme song for it, in spanish! Im soo happy. there is a lattice on top, and on the sides, then I have a bottom truss. I even decorated it with markers!! It soo rocks my socks!!!!!

    Wait till you see it!

    Tuesday, September 19, 2006

    After a While continued. . . . . .

    Here is bits and peices of a conversation about the poem I put on here. I had this conversation with a friend, so if it doesnt really make sence, just say so. This was just a thought about what might have happend to make her write such an emotional poem like this.

    the thing is , she probably has felt failure, and realized that she needed to learn more, and she has probably thought she was in love and felt hurt, because she was not loved back, and she was probably been defeated many times, but learned how to react to it. and maybe she knew someone who had planned on doing something for one day, but then out of the blue just died, and could no longer do what they planned. she has probably been sunburned. and maybe just maybe, she was waiting for someone to come and make her happy again, but decided that she would make herself happy, and get throught the rough times. And she probably felt like she was worthless, that she couldnt handle things, and she just didnt have the emotional or physicall strength to get through life

    It may not seem like it, but she probably had felt joy because she knows that even though nothing is completly set-love, life, tomorrow-she is happy because she can learn and yet at the same time write and be happy because she loves to write. That probably didn't make alot of sence.

    Then my friend says-
    hmm it makes me feel that the author is unable to trust anyone with anything insicurity, need but no willingness to search out what is needed, nothing to rely upon
    no poem makes me feel a certian way
    i just feel how the author feels
    me:says you
    you dont know the author feels
    friend:i just told you did i not
    me:you told me how you think the author feels
    friend:and was i wrong
    friend:lol then corret me
    me:the author had to feel an emence amount of emotions
    love joy happyness, sorrow, anger, failure

    Now this is part of a conversation I had with another friend-
    me:for. . . ?
    her:a simple life before they experienced all the hardships in life

    yeah, so if you can give me good things she might have been feeling when she wrote this poem, then post a comment, and I might put it on my blog!