Saturday, November 18, 2006

As I was saying . . .

As I was saying earlier that HTML is my friend, this is to conclude that-

I have put up 2 pictures under 2 names on my link list. Matanda and Erin were the lucky winners. I would've put other peoples pics up there, but I cannot because EVERYONES PICTURES ARE TOO BIG TO PUT ON HERE! thats why I cannot put anyone elses pics on here. Terribly sorry. But if you'd like to get smaller picture, about the size of Matanda's picture, then I can put your pic on my link list and you'll be extra special (cause all of y'all are already special).

For those who saw me earlier at the Train Garden- IM in a better mood if ya havent noticed. oh yeah.


Justin said...

hey bekah, if you open the pictures under paint.exe and then save them as a *.jpg file it will dramatically drop the size of the file so you can post the pictures on the net. if you have trouble I can show you sunday evening when I get home. Well all is getting well over here, I finally got my laptop connected to the wireless network overhere. so yea ttyl love ya justin.

bex said...

thanks I'll try it.

Jack Yoest said...

That'll work only sometimes... Jpgs are good but, sometimes you need to make the picture smaller, for real. Get fireworks.. Its a great movie/picture editor program. Its only like 100$