Saturday, November 18, 2006


oh yeah, It was flippen awesome! Kutless, Red and Disciple are flippen awesome, although I prefered Red. I have this newfound love of hard rock, or howeveryou wanna classify it. It was great. No one really watched the soccer game. Then at 4th quarter we got in line for the concert. We got there and suddenly we see a bunch of ppl running to the line, and we're like WOW!!!!!So we're waiting in line for a while, and people keep farting! EW! So we get on the feild and we're still waiting while a few ppl are talking, then they let us through. So the first band was Red. They were awesome! their opening was flippen sweet! the guitarists went up on the speekers and started playing. it was really cool The lead singer had makeup aroundhiseyes, and half the time he looked like he was on drugs. it was funny. Then Disciple came out, and they were ok. Then Kutless came out and they were pretty good. yeah, so Im running short on stuff to say, but we got home around 1:15. then Iwent to bed around 2:30. that was great. So yeah. ttyl!!

You never know what your missing till its gone.


Joey said...

My neck hurts really bad from headbanging (without the hair): (

It totally rocked

bex said...


Nono said...

Twas a lot of fun . . . I really liked reds entrance too.

Julia said...

I watched the soccer game the whole time all except when i was standing in line. Yeah all 3 bands were really really good and very loud!