Sunday, October 29, 2006

wow. . . .

i know I say I have a life. I do have a life, but it really mostly only consists of email, blogging, school, speeech, gymnastics, music, and hanging out with friends. oh yeah. a great life. lemme tell you what each subject consists of- email- mostly checking email, and just staying on my email page. blogging- blogging almost everyday. school- school on the computer and math.-speeech- thinking of somthing to write or use for speech, writing, and memorizing. gymnastics- going to gymnastics on Thursdays and doing alittle in the week. music- piano, and listening to music in my room (boring)hanging out with friends- this ones a little interesting. almost every weekend I go out with friends to the mall, or just around doing stuff (no its not illegal stuff). like last nigh- we went to panera bread, then to the mall, then to the cooks to watch a movie. The group normally consists of Brian, Justin, the cook girls, and the waynes, but DJ doesnt always come. But last night Tina and Jessica came with us. sothat was fun. but we might go do somthing l8er today. but basicly I need to get a life. I socialize, quite often. I do activities, so why am I saying I need a life? I have no idear. but right now im bored. . . .

1 comment:

Beccah said...

You have a life. It just has a good solid routine. You need to do something out of the ordinary every once in while. :b