Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rain rain go away, come again another day. . . wait, I like rain.

yeah so this post was inspired by Beccah Pruitt, and DJ Wayne. The first part is from Beccah-

I love rain! Whenever the weather is nice, I'm always so glum, but when its rainy, I'm oh so perky, and hyper, and happy! But I know it's going to be short lived. Oh well. It's nice while it lasted. I LOVE RAIN!!!!!

Second part inspired by DJ Wayne (the mean brother)-

Question for all of y'all-

To each of you, what is so special about music?

I was told once that music is a way to express yourself. Another time, I was told it was a great stress reliever (that's what I told the President of the USA). They both are, but for me one of my favorite things about music, is the way its takes you away from the world. When you are writing lyrics, you can be as imaginative as you want to be. Lets say that someone died, and your feeling really sad about it, if you listen to music, alot of times, it just takes you away to a world where either bad is going on or good. It just takes you away. It's like lala land. You know when you were younger your teacher used to ask you if you were in lala land if you werent paying attention? well is so similar to that. You just get to be you without boundaries, or without anyone to judge you. Music is awesome. Well that's just my 2 cents.

Well, I probably should go now. C ya'll l8er

Over and Out

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