Monday, December 11, 2006

How'd I get friends like y'all?

Seriously, how did I end up with friends like you?

Friends- Ya know the famous people in your life, who you spend every waking moment with, who you tell every little secret to. The people who are always there to lend you a shoulder to cry on, the ppl who'll help you through a break up, who'll never betray your secrets. Who knows what's best for you, especially when you dont. And the people who'll give you their kidney. . . well that's debatable. And of course, as the famous line goes- You're friends will be there to bail you out of jail, but your best friends will be there with you in jail. somthing like that. You're friends will always be there for you.

Y'all are seriously the best a girl could ever ask for, which stinks when I say that I know I'm not. Everyone of us are jerks at times, so I gotta say that I'm sorry for being a jerk, sorry that I wasnt there when you needed me, even though I wanted to be so badly. And even though I'll never betray your secrets, I'm sorry you won't tell me. I'm so sorry. . .

Hugs are the best, especially from your loved ones, so dont think I'm weird when I hug somone who's not sociably acceptable, or a guy friend, or just someone who you wouldnt hug, and guys, dont think I'm a freak when I hug you, cause then well. . .you'd be the jerk. And if I do hug you, then you either need it real bad, I need it real bad, or it's just my way of saying thanks for being there to talk, or listen to me.

This is for you, yeah you know who you are- I know I've never been there to save your life like others, but you don't have to rub it in. I wanted to be there, but I guess I was one of those "SEASON" friends that Matanda was talking about, cause apparently I wasn't supposed to be a "REASON" friend. But one thing I wanna know is, where were you when I needed a shoulder to cry on? But hey, I guess its partly my fault that you weren't there for me when I needed you most. I chose not to tell you when I needed you. I guess I was afraid you'd preach to me, or judge me too quickly, but I guess that's what we're all afraid of- Being Judged. So why do we do it then? Maybe we just think we're too good for the world, or is that the farthest thing from our minds? Then why do we really judge? I'm sorry, but I'm still not sure what to do.

My reply to Matanda's post- Whether a friend comes into your life for a REASON, a SEASON, or a LIFETIME, they are your friend, and you should make the most of your friendship. Anyway, unless there is somthing I should know, I figured I came into all of y'alls lives for a SEASON, or a LIFETIME, cause I guess I can't see any reason, and I would really really like to be y'alls friends till the end of eternity. But y'all should be happy cause I think that the majority of y'all came into my life for a REASON. If you did come into my life for a REASON, I think it was to teach me. To teach me about life, love, God and of course, more learning. Yes even some of y'all came to me to guide me through rough times. I think I know what each and everyone of y'all came into my life for. If you would like to know, just ask, cause there is way to much to put on here.

Now it's time for the little side notes about the skating party on Saturday-

It was really fun. If you could describe the Christmas party in 1 sentence, what would it be? then try to do it in 2 words.

This is my 1 sentence- Ice skating is always fun, especially when you're with some of your awesomest friends in the world, as are parties. . .oh yeah, definetly fun.

Now my 2 words- beyond belief.

Oh and Noelle or Beccah, can you get Elaine to read this part- Thank Elaine alot for the body cream and the note cards. The cards are really pretty, and the cream smells like heaven, and its really good for my dried hands. Thanks alot!

See y'all l8er.

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