Friday, March 16, 2007

What's goin on???

So you might have noticed that I've been really busy lately. Here is what happened this week by day-

Sunday-Church(obviously), then we went to the sillamans for the Purity Party(that sounds weird). I got a large bruise on the bridge in my foot and a very small but painful bruise under my toe. DJ bent my toe back when we played Soccer.

Monday-School and cleaning(you'll see why)

Tuesday-School, Tutoring at the Sillamans, Then VARIETY SHOW PRACTICE! Till 8:30 pm. Got a ride home with Cassie

Wednesday- School (of course), more cleaning, then a full dress and makeup rehearsal for the Variety Show!!! it took4 hours and 30 mins probably. Don't worry. The show's not that long. got a ride home with Joe Kaiser

Thursday-cleaning, cleaning, fast cleaning, My Mawmaw came, I got my birthday presents, went to walmart, got ready for Variety show(the real thing). Went to the show. sat around, got cast in another scene(at the last minute. that was the best scene! we couldn't stop laughing. you'll see), then my other scenes, DJ came, got picked up at 11:21 cause DJ didn't call mom and dad to pick us up.

Friday- ah yes this day. School, getting ready for V-show, auditions for another show(possibly), V-show. Go to Alinas house

Satuday- (since this day has not come yet I don't really know what to say) get picked up from Alinas house, get ready for the Matinee at the school, then I don't know what happens...

So Saturday is the closing night. I hope everyone can come. If you don't have a ride, then post a comment and I'll get you a ride. Everyone needs to come. I'm completely psyched! maybe I'm in hysterics..I dunno. o, I got a haircut, but y'all aren't gonna notice. yeah..

So this vid is Aly and AJ. They are sisters. I don't necessarily like their music but I like them. I like them as people.

oh yeah! My birthday is on Sunday. Basically the whole youth group is invited so bring like 10 dollars(not sure the exact ammount) cause we're goin bowling. I couldn't think of anything better to do. Not sure what time or where yet, and again if you need a ride just comment or email or somthign and I'll get you one.

Experience:The most brutal of teachers, but you learn, my God do you learn.
-C.S. Lewis


Nono said...

SOrry I can't come to you V. show. My whole family is sick except me and I'm due to go off any second so yeah. Basically you don't want me to come.

Julia said...

You did great at the V show!!!!