Friday, March 09, 2007

so i dont fear death

but man does this hurt.

"explanation please"

so today at V-sow practice I was preping for my round off backhandspring. I prayed that I wouldn't die. Then I did it. Actually I threw it..out the window. I did the bakhandspring and I messed it up. I thought it was just a simple hyperextension which isn't great but better than what happened. so I expected the pain to go away in a moment or 2. Nope. it stayed. I think it's occupying my body cause it hurts sooooooo badly. I figured out what happened though. When I was doin the backhandspring, my arm at the elbow literally when in. If that doesn't make sense, I'm sorry. You'll have to ask. So yeah.. I can barely type without it hurting.

anyway, I don't knwo if I'll be able to preform for the show. Hopefully I will be able to but no promises. I might need to go to the ER it hurts sooo bad. so please pray for me.


Nono said...

praying, I'll have my family do the same. Hope you feel better soon.

LittleChar said...

oh bex, thats terrible. i'm totally praying for you and i'm sure you'll feel up fast :/ still that really sounds hard... thats an interesting music choice and ironic that i was listening to it last night too (my sports outlet was kind of harsh too, we ran alot and now i've got some pretty bad shin-splits but i'l live).