Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Listening to- Put your money where your mouth is by Jet ( and you can't understand a single word they're saying. but that's ok. )

Yes it hurts but I can put up with it. what is "it?" I know you have no idea, and I like confuzing peoples. "It" is the pain in my toe..s. I don't know how but the weekend of my tournament, my toes started hurting...really really badly. I think it had something to do with my shoes which are high heels. No they're not the highest I've ever worn but they are extremely uncomfortable, and it really doesn't help that one of my heels broke... yeah. Anyway-

So today I did a very minimal amount of...stuff. Around 3:15 Cassie's mom picked me up and took Cassie and I to Arundel Mills Mall. We kinda just wandered the mall, talked about her exes and she saw 2 friends from school, and all that. We got food, went to Icing, Hot Topic, and Johnny Rockets (restaurant), then to see The Pursuit of Happyness. I know it's spelled Happiness, but that's how it's spelled in the movie. Don't ask me. It was good, sad and other stuff, but good. I would recommend it, unless you get depressed really easily. yeah.. then I came home, grabbed some chicken fingers and
went and watched TV. Now i'm here.
Now what??

For those who don't know, which I don't think is any of y'all, but I'm Going to REGIONALS!!!!!! I placed 7th in my event, and I got a certificate, which I am very ticked about cause they spelled my name wrong! this is how it's spelled on the certificate- Rebecca. This is how it's supposed to be spelled- Rebekah. Simple enough right? Maybe not... btw, this is all speech stuff.

So today I looked in the mirror, and for that second I saw myself, I looked back at my entire life and how I've changed, and not just me, my friends as well. I asked myself- Is this really who I am? Well I don't know yet, but I'm sure to find out eventually. But I noticed people are asking me and others to find out who we are now. I can't tell anyone that yet. I don't know who I am, and because I'm still changing, you can't say that we're so different. Maybe I'm your bestfriend just disguised at the moment. Who knows? I'm still changing, give me that time. I don't wanna grow up too fast.

Listening to - Shine On by Jet

1 comment:

Julia said...

Yes this is the time in our life where we find out who we are and where we fit in the world. And we can find out together! Yay!