Thursday, February 08, 2007



no not really!

terribly sorry, I'm trying to get my mind off of...things....

Listening to- Forward MOtion by Relient K


Theater- email me! ifyou have no idea what me email is just go to my profile and look at the far left corner. yeah, and if other people do this whom I don't know then I'm just gonna read your email and delete it unless you have a very important question for me....yeah..

So the other day I talked on aim with Katrina...the hurricane. NO NOT REALLY! it's Josh's girlfriend. So i asked her a total of 26 very random questions. Some of them went like this-
What is your favorite number
what is your favorite letter
what is your favorite name
what is your favorite rodent
favorite author
favorite book
favorite season
favorite word
yeah...I had more to ask but I had to go. maybe another time...hehehe

Sooo...who's goin to the baby sitting thing on Saturday which is also FLOCK band practice and drama. BTW! those who are in drama- PRACTICE YOUR LINES BEFORE!!!!!!! you want to surprise my mom with them memorized or atleast some of them memorized...believe me.

tell your siblings "hi" for me! thanks

So today a bunch of the keys on my comp keyboard hasn't been workin. the "b" the "c" and the "v." at the moment it's the "b." I have to press it a million times to get it to do somthing. my comp is weird

Listening to- Shine On by Jet

well I hope you liked the rantings

Over and out.


Julia said...

I'm going babysitting! You can ask Kat questions Friday.

Joey said...

Hmm, mny opinions

Relient K - ummm, no

Aim - crappy

Jet - I'm not really into them, but liking them denotes good taste in my opinion.

jesus ♥'s you said...

whats with Jet

I LOVE how you do your rainbowed colors thingys!

LittleChar said...

those were very good rantings of you, now post something new already. i really need to get e-mail, mom was very amused by the fact that you were on her side, thank you Bex, thank you so much. so i've been thinking about going on the trip to peru with the youth group but can't decide, but i am (thanks to the unanmuse decision of my parents, my brother and YOU) going on the winter retreat, (not that this is really punishment, they have a hot tub. HELLO r&r!!!

Julia said...
