Sunday, February 04, 2007

As many things as I can think of I learned this weekend and Thursday.

Listening to right now- There now, I've said it by Further Seems forever

1. You can never trust the weathermen . oh wait! I already knew that..
2. There is such a thing as ultimate bliss.
3. Coffee and I don't mix that well...
4. If no one interesting is preforming for speech or debate, you will fall asleep.
5. you should always try to remember what you're saying and why, especially during a tournament.
6. Girls- the weirdest ppl will say things about you, or think the weirdest things about you.
7. Especially guys. I'd know.
8. The people that you will miss the most are the people that you never really got to know all the way.
9. it's either the older girls or the really young girls that are always trying to set people up together.
10. Toothpaste will remove any koolaid mustaches from your upper lip. weird-yes.
11. Writing speeches the day you have to give them is not a good idea.
12. Stockings are evil!
13. If you're constantly busy, you will never miss the people that mean the most to you.
14. Even if you don't believe it there are people that think you are beautiful and will do anything to convince you of it.
15. As much as people would like to think, they probably don't have you aaalll figured out like they claim to..
16. There will always be a different side to everyone around different people, places and times.
17. Maybe dreams can come true after all.

Everywhere you go, theres gonna be 2 sides to every story. Just like the play Wicked, everyone has another side to their story. We're only human right? So we're not perfect. I noticed in a big way that I act differently, a lot around different groups of people. So theres this group of guys that I hang out with at speech and we get along pretty well. I act so differently around them then how I'd act around the guys at church. Because I know y'all are gonna kill me later, I'm gonna explain this now- We're just friends. Yes it's true they can't shake the fact that I look and act like I'm 16 around them, but nothing is goin on. Plus, they're like all 17. That would be a bit weird. Just friends. We're not even good friends.. just...friends. too much? But I act differently, we all do in different social groups. I know I'm not the only one.

Over and out.

Listening to- Bruised by Jacks Mannequin


Julia said...

ooook. Do they know how old you really are? Did you do a good job Saturday?

Anonymous said...

number 16 isn't true for everyone. I only have one side, I'm a jerk. All the time. No doubt about it, there is only one Eric, and he's not a nice person to be around.