Saturday, January 20, 2007

a quiz thing.

I found this, and I want all of y'all to answer it. Do not be freaked out by some of the questions. just answer it..

1. Whαt's your nαme?
2. Are we close?
3. What do you think of me?
4. What do you admire most about me?
5. Am I your best friend?
6. Where did we meet?
7. Would you kiss me?
8. Would you hug me?
9. Describe me in 3 words
10. If you hαd me for 30 mins, whαt would you do?
11. Whαt wαs your first impression of me?
12. Do you still think the sαme?
13. Whαt reminds you of me?
14. If you could give me αnything whαt would it be?
15. How well do you know me?
16. What do you like best αbout me?
17. Ever wanted to tell me something you couldn't?
18. Could you ever love me?
19. Give me a nickname and explain why?
20. Are you gonnα put this on your blog and see whαt I say αbout you?
21. Anything to sαy before you go?

just answer...

btw, I was gonna get that shirt....isn't is awesomating??


Nono said...

Yes that shirt is awsome. If you get me one I'll wear it:)

1. I am Noelle
2. Yes
3. I think that your a sweet caring person that is a lot of fun to around
4. I admire how you love to talk just to listen to peoples answers
5. One of them
6. Airport
7. ew, no
8. yeah
9. enterjetic, excited, and lovable
10. I would just hang out and talk with you or go horse back riding with you or I would write a story with you
11. When I first saw you I thought that you looked like a very sweet and highstrung person
12. yeah basically, only now I know that I drag you into trouble
13. chocolate cookies
14. a hug or a horse
15. pretty well
16. how you are great to talk to
17. yeah
18. sure, why not? hehe, just kidding, I love all my friends.
19. Squirmy, because you can't hold still
20. I don't know, probably, but I'll take out a few questions.
21. Burp!

Julia said...

1. Whαt's your nαme? Julia sillaman
2. Are we close? I think...
3. What do you think of me? packed with tons and tons of energy
4. What do you admire most about me? You are very outgoing
5. Am I your best friend? i don't have a best friend
6. Where did we meet? The airport
7. Would you kiss me? no
8. Would you hug me? yes
9. Describe me in 3 words. Fun, energetic, friendly
10. If you hαd me for 30 mins, whαt would you do? talk or do gymnastics
11. Whαt wαs your first impression of me? wow..
12. Do you still think the sαme? yes?
13. Whαt reminds you of me? a squirel.
14. If you could give me αnything whαt would it be? snow
15. How well do you know me? I used to know you pretty well, but now you seem to be pretty private..
16. What do you like best αbout me? your beautiful red hair.
17. Ever wanted to tell me something you couldn't? Yes
18. Could you ever love me? umm as a friend.
19. Give me a nickname and explain why? furel, oh you know why. lol
20. Are you gonnα put this on your blog and see whαt I say αbout you? YES
21. Anything to sαy before you go?
I'm glad we are friends.

Nono said...

that's not good

Julia said...

bekah can you please fill out my quiz thingy too?