My computer is mesed up . . .again. The sound isn't working so those who put vids on their blogs, Ican't listen to them. .i can only imagine. . anyway. . .
NOELLE! you are sick, but so am I. we can bask in the sniffles together. . .did that sound weird to anyone else??? Well I think I might have laryngitis also. . .so y'all need to learn Sign Language.. . .cause alot of times I don't feeel like talking. . .is that even possible?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!??!?!?! I never thought I'd want to not talk. .. double negatives. . ..you know what I mean. . .
ok, thanks Lauren for the pint last night . hehehe I ate it aaaaalllllllll last night. . .yeah. .
Bekah honey, you couldn't stop talking even if you wanted to. Luv ya!
yeah, thats probably true. . .
yeah Bekah stop talking, I think we would have to cut out her tounge before that could happen.
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