Monday, January 01, 2007


is it really "happy?" yeah.. . its supposed to be. . anyway, juliA, I see you finally found my blog, and Joey, Barlowgirl is a band. . .I'll post one of their vids at the end of this post. Anyway, last nights party was fun, and I'm really gonna miss the Yoests. . .no more all nighters with theater, getting forced to read mystery books. . .no more sneaking food up to her room. . .no more laser tag with theater, and Panzer Commander around their house (THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!). .no more. . .waaa!!!!!!! oh well, but y'all better keep in touch. . .

Anyway, I gotta write a speech, and just to let y'all know I won't be here the 9th through the 15th. Not all of y'all know that so yeah. Im goin to Kentucky for a speech conference and tournement. YIKES!!! So please pray cause I still don't have a speech. thanks. here's the vid-


Julia said...

I like that song. yeah last night was pretty fun. those who wern't there should have been.

Nono said...

Grey is not a color, tis a shade

Cherise said...

I updated! :) Good luck on that speech......