Monday, January 29, 2007


Last night I talked on the phone with Cassie, and one of the first things she said was "I think I might have to go to the ER tonight." I asked her what the flippen heck is wrong with her and she said that she has the horrible pain below her ribs. I talked to her around 8:30 pm last night. I just got off the phone with her dad, and he said that they did go to the ER and that she's home right now, but she's sleeping. He also said they haven't seen her at all today...and she normally wakes up around 6:45 or somewhere around there. So keep her in your prayers

So this weekend was alot of fun. I went to the Sillamans around noon and we ate, and just did stuff. Then we had Youth group. That was good. Then we all got in a car and went back to the sillamans. the ppl that were in a 5 seater car- Julia, Amanda, Mr Sillaman, Mrs Sillaman, Valerie, Alina and me. yeah so we got back and we watched Step Up and did stuff...Then we played (believe it or not, we played it) Truth or Dare, but since it was around Midnight or 1 we only did truth. That was...interesting, but fun. Then around 3:30 am we went to sleep. The next day, Julia and I got up around We ate, then went downstairs and watched "How to lose a guy in 10 days" and we did eachothers hair. That was a very long but fun process. Valerie, Julia, Amanda and I all did my hair...inthe span of 2 curled Alinas hair also, and it looks so perty! So thats practically what we did on Saturday..I know we did more...but yeah. Then at around 9:30 we went to bed cause we were soooooo tired, but I didn't go to sleep till around 11:15 for reasonsI will explain, but basically I couldn't sleep. So the next morning at 7 we got up and got all ready for church and stuff, then we went to church and did my hair, Julia, and Amandas hair. Then we had...well you know the rest.

For those who have my aim screen name- I can accept off line messages, so if theres somthing you need to tell me or whatever message me when I'm off line and I'll get the message.

the explaination to why I went to sleep at 11:15 on Saturday-
Late at night I like to sit up in my bed and just think about life, love, learning, my friends, my enemies, my day, what went wrong, what went right, my mistakes and much much more. But it's only at night when I think about these things. I can't think about it during the day cause I'm so much more vulnerable to...everything. But another reason for thinking about these things only at night is, if I choose to write...if I choose to cry, and if I choose to become someone else. Someone said that night is a good time to think because it's so quite. The whole world is sleeping... So no one knows when I sit up and think about these things. But it's good for me. I give me a chance to shamelessly look back on life. YOu should try it.

Today has been a Strawberry day so far...besides the fact that I sound horrid, but the day isn't over yet.

OH yeah...I have a tournament coming up this please pray for me. Anyone wanna come see me speak about something?


LittleChar said...

i put up a comment earlier but i don't thinkit went through so here it is again! i had a bad weekend cleaning the whole time, the rest of the family had a great weekend going to parties and diners and baseball camps, but i'm glad y'all had a good time and i hope you do gr8 at your tournament :)

♥Mandy said...

YAY i like your edits! OOOO i love that Scene!!!!! i just wrote something on my blog about fri-sat

Joey said...

that's a lot of stuff. I think to myself a ton.

Julia said...

I really liked that post!