Thursday, January 25, 2007

my cat.

Sometimes life throws me lemons and sometimes strawberries and yes even apples at times.

Lemons- bad day . just like the sour taste, they're not the best

Strawberries- good day. don'tcha just wanna savor the sweet taste?

Apples-ok days. hard but good. it's my version of a day of lemons and strawberries.

Today is and Apple day so far.

P.S. My cat says "hi"


SmallFri said...

I like lemons!!! Well actually limes but they're pretty much the same thing. Tell lightning that I say hi! hahaha

♥Mandy said...

That's good bekah. I hope today (friday) will turn into a strawberry day! It definetly is a strawberry day for me!

Julia said...

yay your at my house!..

matanda said...

1. Whαt's your nαme? matanda

2. Are we close? pretty close i guess...

3. What do you think of me? i think u r amazing

4. What do you admire most about me? your drive, when you wnat to do something, you do it, all the way.

5. Am I your best friend? i dont really have one

6. Where did we meet? church

7. Would you kiss me? sure

8. Would you hug me? totally

9. Describe me in 3 words rebekah joy wayne

10. If you hαd me for 30 mins, whαt would you do? talk and stuff

11. Whαt wαs your first impression of me? shes so cute n spunky

12. Do you still think the sαme? sure

13. Whαt reminds you of me? red hair

14. If you could give me αnything whαt would it be? a boy

15. How well do you know me? ok i guess

16. What do you like best αbout me? your laugh

17. Ever wanted to tell me something you couldn't? nope

18. Could you ever love me? duh

19. Give me a nickname and explain why? bekah. its your name w/o the "re" part

20. Are you gonnα put this on your blog and see whαt I say αbout you?
tech yes

21. Anything to sαy before you go? i wuv you!

bex said...

Matanda, that comment goes on the other post of mine...but it works here too. thanks

LittleChar said...

cute post bex i like the pic, today was definatly an apple for me too :)