Monday, September 25, 2006

Speech! Speech!

ok, my mom signed me up for a speech class thingamajig, and now I have to do 3 speeches in 2 days, and public speaking is not one of my strong things. yes I did sort of get over stage fright, but they are asking me to memorize my speech. I'm supposed to recite a poem, or a story or somthing, and I chose to do that poem called After a While. Its on here somewhere. There is supposed to be another speech on hobbies or sports. I still have to write that one, and Im supposed to take a current event article, and summarize it in 30 seconds or less, and if you know me, that is not easy. So I'm asking you to pray for me that I dont freak out or anything, and that I remeber my lines and all that junk. The speeches are on Wednesday, and Thursday this week, and they want me to wear a dress or skirt, so I have to wear a skirt. I think I'm going to try to wear dress pants on Thursday. so thanks bye


Anonymous said...

If I can memorize my speeches and get up and say them, you can!!!! Just try not to talk to fast try to make eye contact (I hate making eye contact)and try not to be last!!!!! Get it over with!!!

Anonymous said...

If I can memorize my speeches and get up and say them, you can!!!! Just try not to talk to fast try to make eye contact (I hate making eye contact)and try not to be last!!!!! Get it over with!!!

bex said...

thanks. I've pretty much memorized my lines, now I still have to pick a current event.