Sunday, September 17, 2006

Fun Fun Fun Weekend.

So what? I know we were beat by the FLOCK almost everytime. Thats ok, we got the big win. I don't, mean to brag, but we did get the big win. But the FLOCK did win everything else. Yet somehow. . .
Its only candy anyway. As strange as this might sound, but I would probably like to have won every other event, and lost the big one. Plus they did find "The Pink Flamingo" *cough*mr jim*cough*. Although, everyone predicted that the FLOCK would win, cause they were better at everything else. Although Im rambling, and this makes absolutely no sense if you are reading my blog for the first time. . . . lets start over

So this weekend, the youth group at my church went to Mountain Veiw Bible Camp. It was our annual youth group kickoff. There are two main age groups. Im in Son Seekers which is the 6-9th graders, and then there is FLOCK which is the 10-12th graders. FLOCK stands for Fully Leaning On Christ the King. Then of course there is FLOCK plus, which is the college students. Anyway, the youth leaders like to surprise us with interesting things like the theme for the year. So everyone left on Friday. When we got there, we went and got our beds, and then we met in the barn for Worship, and a small skit thing. Then we went to our rooms and we found invitations on an extra mattress. They wanted us to meet at the barn at 8:00 in the morning for an adventure. It turns out the adventure was our morning worship service, and I think another skit. Somewhere in there, we started collecting gold coins. Then we found out that we were doing teams: Son Seekers vs. FLOCK. So anyway, after breakfast, we went and played some like broom hockey, and kickball, and some other that I cant quite remember. The FLOCK pretty much won every event. Then we had some free time I think, and I played tetherball, and I was really good, I guess, because I was taller than everyone I played, although I will admit, Amanda Sillaman, is really good, as was Steven VanEpps. Steven is the only one I have not beat yet.
So then the ladies met in the dining hall, and we did some scrapbooking. I was told I have a knack for scrapbooking. Thats probably because I was taught to do it when I was younger by my mom, who used to be a scrapbook company's consultant.
So, then we went to where the guys were building their "mystery project." We got to guess what it was. Later in the day,we found out what it was.
Then we had to go change for dinner. We went to Isaacs somthingorother (i cant remember the complete name). My mom got a sandwich, and I got a salad, and we split it. It was very tasty. I also had 2 1/2 glasses of Mountain Dew
. I would have drank 3 whole glasses, if it wasnt for Charlatte, and Betsy. When I got back from the bathroom, they had finished my drink completely. I was mad. DONT MESS WITH MY DEW!!! When we got back, we saw another skit, and I think a slide show, and we found out what the "mystery project" is. It's a human foosball thing. Its fun, but it hurts your back because you have to bend over alot. Then we played Man Hunt. If you dont know what that is, comment. The great thing about the camp, is that there are hills, and trees and good hiding places everywhere. The first place I hid was in a very large tree, that people searched really well. I guess the key to hiding is staying as quiet, and motionless as possible. The next hiding spot was in a tree that had to be infested with thorns. The people looking for us searched that tree alot more than the last one. Last year, someone fell asleep while playing Man Hunt. Yikes!!!
So this morning I woke up at 6:37, and went gold coin searching. I found one throughout the whole camp. Then I went and made a cheesecake. Since I dont like cheescake, I didnt eat any. I dont even know how it turned out. So I got 2 coins for that. Then we had our Sunday message, and an interesting story to go with it. Then we went to the dining hall to wait for a weird surprise. The surprise was finding out what the theme was, and we got to see the rest of the skit. Then we had to chase "The Pink Flamingo." The FLOCK found him. Then we got the results of the collected coins. The Son Seekers won, but all we got was this big stash of candy. Yup. Yup. hehe. So then we had more free time, then we had lunch , and we made the banner for the Son Seekers. Its supposed to be a vault with the big handle as the O, and then morse code at the top. So then we got packed and came home. Now Im ready for a nice long shower. Oh, and my AOL internet is down, so i wont be talking to anyone on it for a day or two.Bye


Julia said...

It was so much fun!!!!!!!!!

♥Mandy said...

You explained everything that happend very well, Bekah. Good job. I hope they have the kick off at mountain veiw every year.