Friday, September 29, 2006

The last 2 days

Well, as some of you know already, I was in a speech conference all day on Wednesday, and Thursday. Here is a little how it went.

Well, I got there, and I saw The Ring Family - Mr.Ring. But that's besides the point. They split everyone up according to their speech skill, and set everyone in a room, while different people came in and talked about the different kind of speeches. Here are some examples-

Platform- A prepared speech that was writen down and memorized

Impromtu-YOu are given a topic to talk about and 2 min. to prepare for it, and 5 min to speak.

Apologetics-Defending you faith

Interpretation- where you do a skit or a scene from a play or book or somthing, and you give it a flare with actions.

Extemoraneous- Talking about current events

So I think that's it. Impromtu and Interpretation are my favorite. So that was the first day, ooo but at the end all the groups split up into much smaller groups, for group interpretation- a group acts out a story, that has a twist (a bigtime twist in our case) ours was Goldilocks. It took place in a new york Loft, and Goldilocks was a boy. It was very fun!

So the next day we got to choose our classes. We were given a list of all the classes, and they told us what they were about. So for a few hours I was in a bunch of classes. Then we had our practice time for the tournament. It was strange. . . . Anyway then we went into tournament orientation, and then we came out, and since I had to leave early I was first for the tournament. I did horrible! So then I went to gymnastics. That is a different story which I will tell later. So I came back just in time for more group interp. practice. Then we had 20 min. of goof off time, and we played "Do you love your neighbor?" that was fun. Then we practiced again and then we went and preformed.

So it probably sounds boring and all, but it wasnt. The teachers (or should I say interns) were hilarious, and they were interactive, and it was great. Im goin next year. . .


Julia said...

how long was the speech thing?

matanda said...

im BEAST at do you love your neighbor...but only if you play full contact...

aly said...

Yeah Bekah! How long were you there each day?

bex said...

the speeches were 30seconds to 2 mins. long, but the conference was Wednesday and Thursday. On wendnesday is was 8:45- 5,and on Thursday is was 9 am-9 pm, but i had gymanstics so i left at 3:30, and got back at 5:30

Beccah said...

Speech is fun and a little bit scary. I like interpritation the best too. That's cool that you do speech.

What's love your neighbor?

bex said...

its this awesome game. . . Amanda m, would you like to explain it please?