Friday, March 30, 2007

y'all might like this-

I set my hair on fire!

yeah that pic of me is at the opera. I was in a pretty cocktail dress and my mom was dressed up too. The pic ofthe tree I thought was awesomating. It's in Pennsylvania. then I realy did set my hair on fire...twice! I was bored.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sometimes death sucks

So I had a really bad Sunday, but at the same time it was good, but mostly bad.

My dog....died. He was old and very sick. He died of kidney failure, which is my own diagnosis, which I'm pretty sure isn't too far off the mark. I guess I was upset, but I don't think I was upset as everyone else, and I think I know why.

A while ago my rat, Pippin died. I was crying my eyes out, almost literally. But after that, something just kinda clicked in me. I understood death, or something like that. I knew that death was a natural part of life, and yeah it's hard, but I understood that Murphy and Pippin are with God and happier than on earth with family. I think that though death is very sad, it's also very releasing. I can't explain it, but it's like, I was on the beach but I couldn't go in the water, and now that he has died, I can go and swim. No I'm not happy that he's dead, for i luv him very much..but I can't explain it. Maybe I have the peace that he's no longer suffering. I dunno. But I miss him very much.

The death of Murphy will probably bring hope for another lucky dog, because I know that one day we will get a new dog, and knowing my family, it'll probably be from the pound or shelter. But nothing can replace my dog.

I have to say though that I can't and don't want your sympathies for they make my heart to much. I appreciate them but for now I can't deal with them. thanks though

Now a great vid for those at home-

Saturday, March 24, 2007

LVCC Tourney

So I'm here on my dad's computer blogging from Purcelville, VA. I had my speeches and they went ok. I forgot some lines and stumbled over words, so if you ever said I was awkward then today proves it, for the most part. I gave some impromtus on Sacrifice, and "busy as a beaver." that was a bit weird. I like challenging people...

Rachel Hoffman says hi! I'll put a pic of her on later.

So I didn't break in persuasive and Impromtu but that's ok. I still gotta find out about Open Interpretations. so today was hectic. I woke at 5:30 am to get ready, and we drove 1hr 40 min and I fought sleep the whole time. I slept...on a balcony....sprawled out on chairs. People woke me up though...

So I'm really tired again, but I've been taking good pics. I'll hopefully be on later. BYE!

btw, the pic is in florida taken my mike wayne(aka my bro)

if we discover a desire within us that nothing in this world can satisfy then we should begin to wonder if perhaps we were created for another world.
-C.S. Lewis

Friday, March 23, 2007

So I grew up with him...

yeah, I grew up with him. He's the bestest. He's the kindest, sweetest, gentlest, fun loving dude you'll ever meet. His name is Murphy James. He is my golden Retriever. But seriously. We've had him since I was 2. I remember getting him. I remember moving with him and all our adventures. I remember when her started getting old. He had trouble getting up stairs, then he couldn't getup stairs at all, then he had a bit of trouble standing up, then alot of trouble when now and then he'd collapse. Now this... he can no longer stand. I grew up with him. He's been our constant companion through this adventure called life. None of us could bear to see him gone. *sniff*

"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day."

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

i told you I'd write more

ok heres more about my bday-


alltogether I got $65
A cool hat
MP4 Player (which doesn't work)
A really cool pic from Noelle(she drew it and it's totally awesome)
2GB Memory Card for...
(and a house full of friends)

So from my parents I asked for 2 things- Digital Camera and 2nd Helping of Chicken soup for the Teenage Soul. I got the camera, but not the book, and that's ok. I luv my camera. now all I need is the underwater case...

So if you still wanna get me something, you can get me

A camera case
FM Static CD*
Itunes Gift Card

But seriously you don't have to get me anything.

I'd put some of my new pics up but my camera is in my van and my mom has the van. Dang it.
Hey look for me on YouTube one day!

oh and the banner at the top is what this girl on the Binding of the Blade forums made for me. Aelwyn is my screen name. Pronounced Ail-win.
Then another person, Timmy, or Inchrist, wrote this for me-

a whole 14 years, has already gone bye,
but you got your whole life ahead of you before you even die.
march 17 is a great time of year,
2 years left til you kick a car back in gear.
but don't forget the present, stay 14 years old.
cause if you look into the future, you'll miss your year of gold.


Monday, March 19, 2007

I'M HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



for those who missed my b-day-

We played a couch game, Mafia, then ate, then watched Step Up. Ate cake. Then I started to open presents, broke out in a fit of laughter from lack of sleep these past days, finished opening presents, screamed at the top of my lungs, screamed more, people left. I went to sleep. I must take my leave now andprep for gymnastics bye.

Friday, March 16, 2007

What's goin on???

So you might have noticed that I've been really busy lately. Here is what happened this week by day-

Sunday-Church(obviously), then we went to the sillamans for the Purity Party(that sounds weird). I got a large bruise on the bridge in my foot and a very small but painful bruise under my toe. DJ bent my toe back when we played Soccer.

Monday-School and cleaning(you'll see why)

Tuesday-School, Tutoring at the Sillamans, Then VARIETY SHOW PRACTICE! Till 8:30 pm. Got a ride home with Cassie

Wednesday- School (of course), more cleaning, then a full dress and makeup rehearsal for the Variety Show!!! it took4 hours and 30 mins probably. Don't worry. The show's not that long. got a ride home with Joe Kaiser

Thursday-cleaning, cleaning, fast cleaning, My Mawmaw came, I got my birthday presents, went to walmart, got ready for Variety show(the real thing). Went to the show. sat around, got cast in another scene(at the last minute. that was the best scene! we couldn't stop laughing. you'll see), then my other scenes, DJ came, got picked up at 11:21 cause DJ didn't call mom and dad to pick us up.

Friday- ah yes this day. School, getting ready for V-show, auditions for another show(possibly), V-show. Go to Alinas house

Satuday- (since this day has not come yet I don't really know what to say) get picked up from Alinas house, get ready for the Matinee at the school, then I don't know what happens...

So Saturday is the closing night. I hope everyone can come. If you don't have a ride, then post a comment and I'll get you a ride. Everyone needs to come. I'm completely psyched! maybe I'm in hysterics..I dunno. o, I got a haircut, but y'all aren't gonna notice. yeah..

So this vid is Aly and AJ. They are sisters. I don't necessarily like their music but I like them. I like them as people.

oh yeah! My birthday is on Sunday. Basically the whole youth group is invited so bring like 10 dollars(not sure the exact ammount) cause we're goin bowling. I couldn't think of anything better to do. Not sure what time or where yet, and again if you need a ride just comment or email or somthign and I'll get you one.

Experience:The most brutal of teachers, but you learn, my God do you learn.
-C.S. Lewis

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


So I'm in the Variety show at my bros school and some of y'all know that I used to go there. Well it so happens that a few of the people I used to go to school with are in the Variety Show. So yesterday I happened to notice a few of the girls that I used to go to school with. Molly Silbert and Elizabeth Hortopan(can't remember how to spell her last name). So I was sitting next to Sarah(who is in 9th grade) and I hear "Rebekah" and since there are a few Rebecca's at the school I kinda blew it off but I still looked around. I looked behind me where Elizabeth and Molly were sitting and they looked right at me. "hello E-Liz-A-Beth. I can't believe you remember me." I sounded out her name as shown. then she replied, "I can't believe you remember my name." I kinda laugh and then turn around to face the stage again. I can only imagine that were trying to figure out my name for awhile. Then there were the people who I did get along with. Actually there was only 1 person who I got along with there. Reagan Edmonds(I actually barely ever talked to him). I walked backstage and I saw him and immediately he goes "Rebekah Wayne." I was stunned to know that someone from 4th grade remembered my first and last name. Then this girl named Maddie came and yeah.. thats that.

so thats me and my broken top hat. someone can get me another one for my birthday. over and out!

Monday, March 12, 2007


This is confusing and hard but fun to try. I still haven't figured it out but I will.



There are no tricks, just pure logic, so good luck and don't give up.

1. In a street there are five houses, painted five different colors
2. In each house lives a person of different nationality
3. These five homeowners each drink a different type of beverage, smoke a different brand of cigar and keep a different pet



1. The Brit lives in a red house.
2. The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
3. The Dane drinks tea.
4. The Green house is next to, and on the left of the White house.
5. The owner of the Green house drinks coffe.
6. The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.
7. The owner of the Yellow house smokes Dunhill
8. The man living in the center house drinks milk.
9. The Norwegian lives in the first house.
10. The man who smokes blends lives next to the one who keeps cats.
11. The man who keeps horses lives next to the one who smokes Dunhill.
12. The man who smokes Blue Master drinks beer.
13. The German smokes Prince.
14. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
15. The man who smokes Blends has a neighbor who drinks water.


good luck

Friday, March 09, 2007

so i dont fear death

but man does this hurt.

"explanation please"

so today at V-sow practice I was preping for my round off backhandspring. I prayed that I wouldn't die. Then I did it. Actually I threw it..out the window. I did the bakhandspring and I messed it up. I thought it was just a simple hyperextension which isn't great but better than what happened. so I expected the pain to go away in a moment or 2. Nope. it stayed. I think it's occupying my body cause it hurts sooooooo badly. I figured out what happened though. When I was doin the backhandspring, my arm at the elbow literally when in. If that doesn't make sense, I'm sorry. You'll have to ask. So yeah.. I can barely type without it hurting.

anyway, I don't knwo if I'll be able to preform for the show. Hopefully I will be able to but no promises. I might need to go to the ER it hurts sooo bad. so please pray for me.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

hmmm interesting....

So Friday night was really fun. We left unusually early though. So the 2 bands that played were Skillet and Jeff Deyo. We're excommunicating Joey because he thinks that Jeff Deyo is better than Skillet. ;)

Anyway, So some girl crowd surfed, which was extremely annoying, especially since she went over us, and we kinda "put her down" *cough*dropped her*cough* I have this horrible cough. Anyway...SO i'm blogging cause "theater" told me to.

So on Sunday I went to the Sillamans house after church. We had lots of fun. I taught Julia and Mandy the 3 step dance thingy. (hop-shuffle-step-fullout-step-stomp). We got on the computer, went outside, talked, and just hung around. yeah..then I ate dinner, and Josh took me to the church where we met up with everyone and went to the Stellar Kart/Kutless/Newsboys concert. It was flippen awesome! They had this turntable with the drums and drummer on it, and it did a 360 an went totally verticle!!!!!! yes, awesomating is the word.

So in 2 weeks is the Variety show. I hope y'all are all gonna come. You better. It's gonna be awesomating. Its great cause I already have my costume for my scene and I just found out what I have to wear, so thats great.. Anyway..Come on Saturday!

So in 2 weeks is my birthday also, and I've barely even thought about it. I don't know what I wanna do. I'll be preforming for the V-Show.. I guess if I did something I'd wanna do it with the whole youth group instead of leaving people out. I dunno... I guess I'm still waiting for my "birthday miracle."