There are billions of people in this world, and each of them have their own story to tell. Each story is unique. Everyone wants to tell there story, because you see, everyone wants someone to understand them, but out of the billions of people that you can tell your story to, no one will truly ever understand you. If you pour your heart out, and tell them everything about you that you think would make them understand, still no one truly will understand you.
So I've given up. I've given up trying to get people to understand me by telling them my problems. You see, it just doesn't work that way. For someone to understand you they have to have lived your life. So because no one has lived my life, no one will truly understand. I know that deep down I will always want someone to understand me and my problems, but I know what it costs for me. Every word that comes out of my mouth hurts. And after I say it, it hurts even more. I don't wanna feel that pain and regret. So here I am, I'm putting my walls back up, stronger than ever before. I'm bottling everything up, and I know I won't explode. I'm not shutting everyone out, I'm merely shutting up. If you really really wanna break down my walls, then well, you have to prove to me that I can trust you. I need to see who's really willing to try to break down my walls, actually anyones walls.
You see, a while ago, I got so close to a few of my friends, but then..everything just came crashing down on us. I realized that I couldn't get close to anyone anymore. It ends up hurting way too much. I learned to stop trusting people, and start keeping things to myself, but then I thought I was free, to start trusting more and more people. But things backfired. So here I am..again, wishing that it wouldn't be so painful, wishing...truly wishing for someone who truly knows my heart. . .
Maybe someday...