Saturday, October 07, 2006


So yesterday was the first SonSeekers/Flock meeting. SonSeekers played liar, then spoons, then Mrs Sillaman gave a speech on being BORED. But the real interesting part began after practice. (short synopisis about band- Cassie asked if I could be a runner in the band and I said yes, so yesterday I was at band from 3:45- 5:15) After practice I went to the cooks to help Lauren with her aim thing(which didnt work out) then i stood next the the doorway to the kitchen, and Erin kept telling me to sit down. Then I started looking at everyone weird. and after Mrs Sillamans speech, people were talking to me, and I started freaking whenever they got 2 feet away. Then Erin started chasing me. bleh. Then we went to 7-11, and when I got back i had the slightest headache, and i started running my fingers through my hair. Im extremely frusterated, but im not completely sure why. So we got home and we sat in the cooks car and talked, then it was time to go in. then Justin and Brian stayed till 11:30. that was weird.

So today I have a band competition. I have to sit during the whole song, then in the last 30 seconds i have to get up and run my flag down the feild to my mark, wave the flag in a figure eight, and bring it down. But i dont know where to run, and which way to wave the flag. it seems easy, but its not. Im not even sure where it is. Im so scared. Im guessing no one is coming to the competition?

So I'll see ya'll later!


aly said...

Bekah, can you please write in a cclear order. You are jump all over in time on this post. Go straight through your day girl! Ok, hope the competition goes well. Though I will not be there I am cheering you on. I love ya...

bex said...

sorry about that. my mind has been jumbled up with everything going on lately- Speech, band, school, Sonseekers,and more. I dont think anyone will be at the competition. it goes till almost midnight,

Nono said...

Sorry I didn't come to your competion thingy today. Sorry I can't come. Socer was cancled and slept in till like tenish.

Today has been a better day for me.

Beccah said...

I didn't know about your competition thing till today, and I don't think I would of been able to go because of Amanda's one Nite Only. Sorry! I heard you did great though.

bex said...

thats ok. My parents came. I wanted to go to Amandas thing so badly, but I had my thing. How did she do??And there was nothing for me to do bad on.

out of my mind! said...

ok thats great talk to me on friday plz don't mentoin any thing about phillip

bex said...

fine. if I must. lol