Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Pennyville. and a little oral surgury

So on Monday (the day that I was coughing alot) I was in Pennsylvania all day. the whole day were either were in Cabellas or driving, and looking at leaves. BORING!!! But I took some nice pictures that we're goin to experiment with on Photoshop. hehehe. So anyway, when we started to leave, we got a call from Joe Palumbo, the athletic director at AACS, and he explained that DJ busted open his upperlip. As best as i can understand what happened, DJ was goin to head the soccer ball, and the goalie was going to it also, and the crashed into each other. The fell down, then both got up, and DJ thought he knocked out his teeth, so he went and saw the trainer. His upperlip aparently got snagged on his braces and they sliced his lip open. So they got him to the ER, but the couldnt stop the bleeding. So he got a bunch of stiches. So now his lip is really swolen, and he's always drooling, cause he cant really feel a whole lot near his mouth. So yesterday bright and early they went to the oral surgeon, and he had some mouth surgery. It turns out that he pretty much knocked out 3 teeth. OUCH!!! So he missed school yesterday and today. So he's been on the computer most of the time that's why I havent really had time to post on what happened. So can y'all pray for him, and one more person- While in Pennyville, we went to this bookstore called hearts and minds, and the owner has a 14 year old daughter named Marissa. She has had lime disease for 3 years, and it's become a chronic illness. Some days she is too weak to even get out of bed, so because of that, she cant take place in her church youth group and other activities, so she doesnt have any friends. So can y'all pray that one day she'll get better, and that God will bless her with friends who will love her through her sickness? thanks all.

So onto yesterday. I had speech club, and the kind of speeches were impromtu. You pick 3 topics out of an envelope, and choose one. You're supposed to have 2 mins. to prepare, but they gave us 3 or 4. Then you're supposed to get up and give a speech that has to be less than or exactly 5 mins. No one made that time. Oh crud, i just realized that i didnt get my ballots from my speech, cause my mom made us leave early! oh well. So anyway, i thought i did horrible, but everyone does. My speech topic that I chose was carelessness Im not going to tell you what I said.

So i probably should go now, and do school. bye


♥Mandy said...

Poor D.J. and poor Marissa!!! That would be really sad if I got lime disease when I was 11 and any other age for that matter. Yea, I'll deffinatly pray for both of them.

I'm sure you did great on your speech, Bekah. I like that topic. C U Friday.

Nono said...

Poor DJ. If you get that girl address then I'll write to her.

I have a surprise about myself. I will show to you not this friday but next friday.

Justin said...

impromtus? Cool, yea I started English yesturday night with aacc. I found out that we are going to be studying differnt kinds of writing styles. This should be fun. Well take care bekah love ya