Thursday, October 26, 2006



Im kinda bored, and I need y'all's help. My mom is making me be Cinderella for Halloween!!!!!! IM 13 YEARS OLD!!!! Im not blonde either. the reason I have to be Cinderella is because Im in a skit, and and Im playing Cinderella. The thing is that Im still peasanty looking in the skit, so I think I can pull that off. hehehe, but after the skit I will majikly transform into . . . . . Dun duh duh dunnnn. . . . . .you'll have to wait and find out. hehehe. It'll be good. So I guess I dont really need y'alls help, butIdont really want to be Cinderella. Oh well. Bye!


Star said...

Bekah you're so silly!!!!:)

Nono said...

At least you know what your going as. I have no idea.

Julia said...

You will do just fine!

aly said...

Love You Bekah! But you are really weird sometimes. But this time it was your Mom that gave you the part right?

♥Mandy said...

Bekah, do you need your tiarra for the skit? It's really pretty!!! I missed you at bible study, you should have come...but you had a bunch of school, right? I was really bored watching Jake by my self. Lol. Bye! I can't wait until tonight!!

bex said...

i dont think i'll need the tiara. Its when Cinderella is still peasanty.
Sorry about BBL Study.

Luv ya!