Monday, October 23, 2006



So one day I was up in my room, and I was lighting some of my candles, and doing my weird pyro thing, with candles and chopstix, and there was alot of smoke in my room. That was a Tuesday in the month of September. That day, I went to the Sillamans house, and I was randomly coughing *cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*cough* and Mrs. Sillaman asked what was up, and I explained the thing about the candles. So i figured it would go away soon enough. I was totally totally wrong*cough*cough*cough*. That Friday, I was sitting on the window sill in the SonSeeker room*cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*, and pretty much throughout the night I was randomly coughing *Cough *cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*. Two weeks later- still coughing, but more of a gargling sound. Two weeks later- Still coughing. Two weeks later- Still coughing, but now its really messing up my voice. *cough *cough*cough*. 4 days later- Still coughing, now its keeping me up at night though, and its not helping that its freezing outside. *cough*cough*cough* Last night- I went to go to bed at a reasonable hour. I was almost coughing up my esophogous(no joke/no exaggeration) My parents even heard my coughing (which is kinda strange, cause they're normally tuned out to that kind of stuff). Today- I was in Pennsylvania for the majority of the day. My *cough*cough*coughing is worse than last night, and more frequent*cough*cough*cough*. My mom has gotten me an appointment with the doctor in the morning*cough*cough*cough*. I've got a really bad runny nose (which has been there for a while now) One more thing to add to the sick/pain list-my limbs keep giving out on me a.k.a. sometimes my legs or arms, or even finger, will just spontaneously start hurting like crap, so i cant walk or use that part of my body for motion without pain*cough*cough*cough*cough*.

So Im being bugged about getting off my computer. So Iprobably should get off now. so quick update on whats going on in my life- blah blah blah blah blah. pretty much nothing, although can ya'll pray that I do well on my speech tomorrow? its Impromtu!

oh yeah, to all ya'll who are reading this- I know that alot of ppl who are reading this are sickies now. So Im not the only one. I'll pray for all of y'all, but could you pray for me also?

C y'all later!


aly said...

Love ya Bek. Hope the doctor could help. I know how miserable you can be.

Nono said...

I AM NOT SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beccah said...

Sure I'll pray for you! I hate being sick. Especially when you cough so much that your throat feels like a giant (soar) blood vessal about to explode.

Julia said...

awww poor bekah. dont get me sick again okay?! jk

bex said...

when did I ever get you sick?