Saturday, September 30, 2006

Gymnatics on Thursday *shudder*

Well, I had gymnastics on Thursday, but I had my speech thing also, so my mom took me to gymnastics after my tournament. So I got there, and we had a weird warm up, and then we had Floor as our first event. we did a few things, and then my coach Mrs Lisa wanted us to do a roundoff backextension roll backwalkover backwalkover. Well. . . . whenever I end a roundoff, its normally with a rebound, or a backhanspring, so i did a roundoff, then i started to do a backhandspring instead. When i was putting my hands down, I realized that i was supposed to be doing a back extension roll, i kind of tucked and rolled, but i tucked with my knees on my arm, and I came slamming down on the ground with my knees resting on my arm. it was very very painful. Then we did roundoff backhandsprings for real this time, but I was iceing my arm, but since I was so determined to do a roundoff backhandspring, i just got up from icing my arm, and started doing gymnastics again. My arm hurt so badly after that. then we went to trampoline. I did backhandsprings on the cheese mat, and my hand hurt soo badly, but it wasnt that part that hurt doing my floor thing. It was my hand, and it's been hurting for so long. Anyway, our next event was vault. IT WAS TOTALLY AWSOME!!!! we did fronthandsprings, and I didnt even touch the cheese mat when i ran, I just sailed. once I went so far, that I landed at the end of the mat, and stepped over one of the beams that were at the end of the mat. It was awesome. then we had Bars. . . ugh. I did ok. I really got to work out my abs more. So all in all, it was ok. Then my mom picked me up, and I went back to my speech thing. bye

Friday, September 29, 2006

The last 2 days

Well, as some of you know already, I was in a speech conference all day on Wednesday, and Thursday. Here is a little how it went.

Well, I got there, and I saw The Ring Family - Mr.Ring. But that's besides the point. They split everyone up according to their speech skill, and set everyone in a room, while different people came in and talked about the different kind of speeches. Here are some examples-

Platform- A prepared speech that was writen down and memorized

Impromtu-YOu are given a topic to talk about and 2 min. to prepare for it, and 5 min to speak.

Apologetics-Defending you faith

Interpretation- where you do a skit or a scene from a play or book or somthing, and you give it a flare with actions.

Extemoraneous- Talking about current events

So I think that's it. Impromtu and Interpretation are my favorite. So that was the first day, ooo but at the end all the groups split up into much smaller groups, for group interpretation- a group acts out a story, that has a twist (a bigtime twist in our case) ours was Goldilocks. It took place in a new york Loft, and Goldilocks was a boy. It was very fun!

So the next day we got to choose our classes. We were given a list of all the classes, and they told us what they were about. So for a few hours I was in a bunch of classes. Then we had our practice time for the tournament. It was strange. . . . Anyway then we went into tournament orientation, and then we came out, and since I had to leave early I was first for the tournament. I did horrible! So then I went to gymnastics. That is a different story which I will tell later. So I came back just in time for more group interp. practice. Then we had 20 min. of goof off time, and we played "Do you love your neighbor?" that was fun. Then we practiced again and then we went and preformed.

So it probably sounds boring and all, but it wasnt. The teachers (or should I say interns) were hilarious, and they were interactive, and it was great. Im goin next year. . .

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My speech!

Well, here is my speech. I've edited it an all. here goes-

“Gymnastics is an expression of my innermost emotions, my response to the love and care with which I have always been surrounded in my life.” Olga Korbut said that. She was the young from Belarus who was the first to successfully preform a back flip on the beam. By doing this she got everyone excited about gymnastics again. No one took the sport seriously, but that changed over the years, thanks to her.

Gymnastics is one of the most daring, sports out there. It demands flexibility, courage, strength, balance, stamina, and overall power. The top gymnasts practice for hours a day. Most have to leave school, and become home schooled, just so they can get in enough training each day. Most gymnasts compete according to their skill levels, on 4 different apparatuses. They are Floor, beam, bars, and vault. Some of the best gymnasts have invented new skills that were named after their creators. The Yurchenko and the Sukarah-more commonly known as the “sook,” are some examples of the skills the were named atfter their creators.

Bela Karolyi is a coach who has trained some of the top gymnasts in the world- Mary Lou Retton, and Nadia Comenici. They both scored perfect 10's in the Olympics, Nadia being the very first in her sport. These are truly magnificent women.

Injuries are extremely common in this sport, some of them are even . But as tragic as that is, people love gymnastics to watch, and to participate in. I am proud to say, that I am a gymnast, and I love it with all my heart.

Yeah, I know it's kind of long, but its what I wrote, and its almost perfect timing. So yeah. Pray for me! thanks

Monday, September 25, 2006

Speech! Speech!

ok, my mom signed me up for a speech class thingamajig, and now I have to do 3 speeches in 2 days, and public speaking is not one of my strong things. yes I did sort of get over stage fright, but they are asking me to memorize my speech. I'm supposed to recite a poem, or a story or somthing, and I chose to do that poem called After a While. Its on here somewhere. There is supposed to be another speech on hobbies or sports. I still have to write that one, and Im supposed to take a current event article, and summarize it in 30 seconds or less, and if you know me, that is not easy. So I'm asking you to pray for me that I dont freak out or anything, and that I remeber my lines and all that junk. The speeches are on Wednesday, and Thursday this week, and they want me to wear a dress or skirt, so I have to wear a skirt. I think I'm going to try to wear dress pants on Thursday. so thanks bye

Sunday, September 24, 2006

This weekend. . . .

So now I can safely say that this Saturday was probably the strangest day of my life. Im not going to go into detail there though. But this weekend was really really fun. My bridge won in its age group. I did absoulutely horrible on the corn toss competition, and went to 2 petting zoos. We got to hold a million bunnies, and we named half of them. There was this huge rabbit he was seriosly bigger than my grandmas dog. He is HUGE! We named him Murphy. Only Alina got to hold him though, because no one else tried to. Yeah, we played truth or dare a few times. Then on Saturday night, we went square dancing. Corrie made me dance with her. It was kind of strange, but I learned a do-si-do, whatever that is. We played man hunt on Friday, and they didnt find us at all.
OOO! I got three huge bruises just from rolling down the huge hill, although, I did have a belt on. There was a pie contest, but my pie didnt set, so its was all liquidy, but I heard it was really good. I didnt try it though. It was a peanut butter pie. Yum Yum. There were so many people at the retreat, that we had to sleep downstairs, but thats ok, because it wasnt bad at all. Oh yeah, Amanda couldnt bring her video camera, or somthinglike that, so she brought a tape recorder. That was very interesting, because everytime she turned it off, someone said somthing funny. Oh somthing awesome we did, was star spinning. its where you pick out a star in the sky, keep your eye on it, then spin till somone says go, then everyone runs to a certain point. It was really funny. According to Noelle, coffee, and I dont mix. probably because, I get extrememly hyper even if its just half regular,and half decaf, we dont mix well for her, but we mix great for me. Anyway, this weekend was just plain fun, and confusion for me. ooo my latest act of hilarity.
During church today, I was extremely tired, so pretty much throughout the whole sermon, I was closing my eyes, and my head would fall back, but I would always catch it. So eventually I got so I couldnt keep my eyes open at all. So i had my head straight, then i closed my eyes, and then all I remember is that i could feel my head going back, but i was so tired, I didn't catch it, so the back of my head went, BAM! my head hit the top of the chair with a really loud thud. I jolted upright after that, and everyone in my row, and behind me was ing up, cause they had see it. Julia, Betsy and I, were trying so hard not to burst out laughing. I looked back a row and Brian and Erin were just sitting there laughing at me, so hard. So Brian kept asking me how my head is. Now he or anyone for that matter, no one is going to let me live this down. My head really hurts now. I should do short list of things I learned this weekend, like my friend Noelle.

5 things I learned this weekend

  • Never and I mean never fall asleep in church especially if the chairs are wood.
  • Star spinning might make you puke, or just make everyone fall down and keep you dizzy for the next 2 days.
  • High school relationships really are kind of stupid.( dont get mad)
  • I'm a bad square dancer
  • Truth or Dare is stupid!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thank you and have a nice day. . .

    Thursday, September 21, 2006

    El Mejor Puente

    I finally finished my bridge yesterday! I am sooo happy!!!It is absolutely awesome! Im ecstatic about it, if you havent noticed! my bridge is soo totally awesome. I even wrote a theme song for it, in spanish! Im soo happy. there is a lattice on top, and on the sides, then I have a bottom truss. I even decorated it with markers!! It soo rocks my socks!!!!!

    Wait till you see it!

    Tuesday, September 19, 2006

    After a While continued. . . . . .

    Here is bits and peices of a conversation about the poem I put on here. I had this conversation with a friend, so if it doesnt really make sence, just say so. This was just a thought about what might have happend to make her write such an emotional poem like this.

    the thing is , she probably has felt failure, and realized that she needed to learn more, and she has probably thought she was in love and felt hurt, because she was not loved back, and she was probably been defeated many times, but learned how to react to it. and maybe she knew someone who had planned on doing something for one day, but then out of the blue just died, and could no longer do what they planned. she has probably been sunburned. and maybe just maybe, she was waiting for someone to come and make her happy again, but decided that she would make herself happy, and get throught the rough times. And she probably felt like she was worthless, that she couldnt handle things, and she just didnt have the emotional or physicall strength to get through life

    It may not seem like it, but she probably had felt joy because she knows that even though nothing is completly set-love, life, tomorrow-she is happy because she can learn and yet at the same time write and be happy because she loves to write. That probably didn't make alot of sence.

    Then my friend says-
    hmm it makes me feel that the author is unable to trust anyone with anything insicurity, need but no willingness to search out what is needed, nothing to rely upon
    no poem makes me feel a certian way
    i just feel how the author feels
    me:says you
    you dont know the author feels
    friend:i just told you did i not
    me:you told me how you think the author feels
    friend:and was i wrong
    friend:lol then corret me
    me:the author had to feel an emence amount of emotions
    love joy happyness, sorrow, anger, failure

    Now this is part of a conversation I had with another friend-
    me:for. . . ?
    her:a simple life before they experienced all the hardships in life

    yeah, so if you can give me good things she might have been feeling when she wrote this poem, then post a comment, and I might put it on my blog!

    What is your theme Song

    Your Theme Song is Beautiful Day by U2

    "Sky falls, you feel like
    It's a beautiful day
    Don't let it get away"

    You see the beauty in life, especially in ordinary everyday moments.
    And if you're feeling down, even that seems a little beautiful too.
    What's Your Theme Song?

    Oh yes, I took a theme song test. and It turns out that I love this song.

    Monday, September 18, 2006

    After A While

    I found a poem that I like alot-

    After a While

    After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul
    And you learn that love doesnt mean leaning and company doesnt mean security,
    And you begin to lean that kisses arent contracts and presents arent promises
    And you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes open with the grace of an a(d)ult, not the grief of a child
    And you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrows ground is too uncertain for plans
    After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get to much
    So plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
    And you learn that you really can endure. . .
    that you really are strong,
    and you really do have worth
    And you learn and you learn . . .
    with every good-bye you learn. . .
    written by Veronica A. Shoffstall

    The Truth of the Matter
    no matter how many times you figure it out, everytime you read it, you still got to figure it out again
    you try your hardest to know what it means. to feel it, then act on it
    and the sad thing is, that with every goodbye you really do learn
    and this poem is true down to the last period, its true.

    So that was the poem I found. I really really like it. Now,I want to know, when you read it, how did you react to it, and how do you think the author felt when she wrote this?


    See this bunny?
    Copy him and
    help him take over
    the world!!


    Sunday, September 17, 2006

    Talk Like a Pirate Day

    On Tuesday, it is National Talk Like A Pirate Day. So in honor of that day, I decided to put a video on my blog. Yes it is extrememly stupid and cheesy, but its kind of cute. Here it is-

    Fun Fun Fun Weekend.

    So what? I know we were beat by the FLOCK almost everytime. Thats ok, we got the big win. I don't, mean to brag, but we did get the big win. But the FLOCK did win everything else. Yet somehow. . .
    Its only candy anyway. As strange as this might sound, but I would probably like to have won every other event, and lost the big one. Plus they did find "The Pink Flamingo" *cough*mr jim*cough*. Although, everyone predicted that the FLOCK would win, cause they were better at everything else. Although Im rambling, and this makes absolutely no sense if you are reading my blog for the first time. . . . lets start over

    So this weekend, the youth group at my church went to Mountain Veiw Bible Camp. It was our annual youth group kickoff. There are two main age groups. Im in Son Seekers which is the 6-9th graders, and then there is FLOCK which is the 10-12th graders. FLOCK stands for Fully Leaning On Christ the King. Then of course there is FLOCK plus, which is the college students. Anyway, the youth leaders like to surprise us with interesting things like the theme for the year. So everyone left on Friday. When we got there, we went and got our beds, and then we met in the barn for Worship, and a small skit thing. Then we went to our rooms and we found invitations on an extra mattress. They wanted us to meet at the barn at 8:00 in the morning for an adventure. It turns out the adventure was our morning worship service, and I think another skit. Somewhere in there, we started collecting gold coins. Then we found out that we were doing teams: Son Seekers vs. FLOCK. So anyway, after breakfast, we went and played some like broom hockey, and kickball, and some other that I cant quite remember. The FLOCK pretty much won every event. Then we had some free time I think, and I played tetherball, and I was really good, I guess, because I was taller than everyone I played, although I will admit, Amanda Sillaman, is really good, as was Steven VanEpps. Steven is the only one I have not beat yet.
    So then the ladies met in the dining hall, and we did some scrapbooking. I was told I have a knack for scrapbooking. Thats probably because I was taught to do it when I was younger by my mom, who used to be a scrapbook company's consultant.
    So, then we went to where the guys were building their "mystery project." We got to guess what it was. Later in the day,we found out what it was.
    Then we had to go change for dinner. We went to Isaacs somthingorother (i cant remember the complete name). My mom got a sandwich, and I got a salad, and we split it. It was very tasty. I also had 2 1/2 glasses of Mountain Dew
    . I would have drank 3 whole glasses, if it wasnt for Charlatte, and Betsy. When I got back from the bathroom, they had finished my drink completely. I was mad. DONT MESS WITH MY DEW!!! When we got back, we saw another skit, and I think a slide show, and we found out what the "mystery project" is. It's a human foosball thing. Its fun, but it hurts your back because you have to bend over alot. Then we played Man Hunt. If you dont know what that is, comment. The great thing about the camp, is that there are hills, and trees and good hiding places everywhere. The first place I hid was in a very large tree, that people searched really well. I guess the key to hiding is staying as quiet, and motionless as possible. The next hiding spot was in a tree that had to be infested with thorns. The people looking for us searched that tree alot more than the last one. Last year, someone fell asleep while playing Man Hunt. Yikes!!!
    So this morning I woke up at 6:37, and went gold coin searching. I found one throughout the whole camp. Then I went and made a cheesecake. Since I dont like cheescake, I didnt eat any. I dont even know how it turned out. So I got 2 coins for that. Then we had our Sunday message, and an interesting story to go with it. Then we went to the dining hall to wait for a weird surprise. The surprise was finding out what the theme was, and we got to see the rest of the skit. Then we had to chase "The Pink Flamingo." The FLOCK found him. Then we got the results of the collected coins. The Son Seekers won, but all we got was this big stash of candy. Yup. Yup. hehe. So then we had more free time, then we had lunch , and we made the banner for the Son Seekers. Its supposed to be a vault with the big handle as the O, and then morse code at the top. So then we got packed and came home. Now Im ready for a nice long shower. Oh, and my AOL internet is down, so i wont be talking to anyone on it for a day or two.Bye

    Thursday, September 14, 2006

    This weekend, and gymnastics

    Well, today I had gymnastics. I guess I did ok on bars. I did kind of bad on vault. I almost did a face plant on vault, but then I finished great. Floor was pretty good I guess. I hurt my wrist. Same with trampopoline (the wrist thing), but we did back tucks. This week was supposed to be USA spirit week. I forgot. oops

    Now, onto this weekend! This weekend our youth group at my church is going to northern Maryland on a youth kickoff (its like our celebration to start the new youth group year) and we are going to Mountain veiw Bible Camp! That is where we have the Fall Fellowship Retreat. We are going to have soo much fun. I still have to pack though. No one knows what hte theme is for the year. That is a surprise. Everyone is really really anxious to find out. . .

    Friday, September 08, 2006

    30 Day Challenge and other stuff

    ok, so, Julia Sillaman told me about this 30 Day challenge thing by Brio. here is the link for it-Brio 30 Day Challenge . they give you this list of stuff you need to do for 30 days. Im currently on the 4th day. The most annoying thing to do is reject abreviations, so if you see that I used an abreviations such as lol, or g2g, or gonna, then tell me and I will fix it. You should try the 30 Day Challenge.

    Now onto the gymnastics stuff. Yesterday I had gymnastics. It was fun. My new coach's name is Mrs Lisa. She's cool, but she is tough. She made us do 50 situps, which isn't an exuberant amount of situps, but still, it was kind of annoying. On floor, I was doing my roundoff backhandspring, and I was doing it pretty much perfectly. It was so totally awesome!!!! I felt like I was flying through the air. It was spectacular. The best part about it, is that I did it more than once. My old coach was standing there, and she was amazed at how far I had come since her class. Then we did fronthandsprings. I was the only one that didnt need the mailbox thing from the getgo. I used to work my fronthandsprings in the Sillamans backyard, and now that has finally paid off. So this moring I woke up with a lot of sore places. Mostly my shoulders and neck. I have this muscle ointment called Tiger Balm. It has the strongest cinnamon scent that makes your eyes water, but on the bright side it really does help with your muscle pain. You can buy it at any natural food store. . . I think. So my mom just commented on how good the stuff smelled. . . not. yah.

    So lately I've been working on my bridge for the family retreat. It's going to be good.. I just hope I can beat my record of 74 lbs. Unfortunatly I still have a ways to go, so I just hope that I get done on time. Your going to have to wait to see my bridge. I hope you are going to the family retreat. . .