Monday, December 04, 2006


As fun as I had on my cruise, Im happy beyond thine comparison to be home with y'all. I would love to post more at the moment, but I cant because I dont have the cord to connect the camera to my comp, and I've gotta go do math. . . but I'll post later about my trip, and hopefully I'll find the cord so if you're lucky, I'll post pics. yeah. . . but I'm back, and happy beyond thine comparison. . . I picked up a few bad habits on my trip. . . I'll tell y'all about it later, cause I dont really wanna write alot now. . .but if you just ask me in person, I'll tell you a bit about it in pieces. You might wanna start with my bad habits that I picked up on my trip. . .lol. cy'all. ttyl. bye


♥Mandy said...

okay... what bad habits did you pick up? picking your nose? lol just kidding. I'm glad your back!!!!!!

Julia said...

by the way that was me who just commented. not amanda

Nono said...

Yeah!! You're back!!! I have so much to tell you . . . see you friday.