Saturday, December 09, 2006

Day 3, Tuesday November 28, at sea

Just to inform y'all that this is gonna be a loooonnngggg post. Sorry, but it's an especially good one, but I'll try to shorten it as much as possible. Here goes-

This morning we had fruit and breakfast delivered to our room. Then I went to watch a dance class, but Aaron was there, and he didn't have a partner, so he asked me to be his partner. I think we learned the Meringue(sp?), or was it the Mambo? I'm not sure anymore. Anyway, we were ok dancers, but we can't have anything to distract us when we're dancing, or else we'd get off beat, and lose it completely. Then I went up to the teen center, (which is called Off Limits, so that's what Im gonna be calling from now on) and I played pool and taboo. Then I went and I found my grandma. We went to lunch, then we hung out on the deck, and then I had to go to my manicure and pedicure. The lady that did my mani and pedi, was really nice. She was from Jamaica. Her name was Toyen. I think she had alot of fun in St. Thomas(sorry that was random). Then we went back to our room, and read, slept some, and played Phase 10. Then my grandma went to a computer class, and I went to Off Limits, and did some more stuff. Then at 7:30 I went to my room and we got ready for dinner. Then we went to dinner.

Afterwards I went to Off Limits. We played (are you ready for this?)BATTLE OF THE SEXES!!! or if you prefer, we played BATTLE OF THE GENDERS!lol So here goes for the fun explanation- We had a bunch of different competitions.

The first competition was was getting a name and a cheer. The girl's was this- Our sh*t is Bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S. can you guess what our name was? and just to let y'all know, I was not for the cheer, but I didnt have a say. Girls won.

The second competiton was a puzzle game. The leader gave each team a 100 piece puzzle that were both exactly the same. You had to see who could get the most peices of the puzzle together in 1 min. Girls won. . .again.
(so throughout these competitons, you get points, no matter what, so the boys were getting points just not as many as the girls)

The third competition was a building block contest. We were given a bunch of little blocks and we had to see which team could build the tallest tower. . .on a rocking ship. .. . in 30 seconds. . . .the guys were not orderly at all. . .Girls won. .. . . . again.

The 4th competition was a trivia game. A guy would go up, choose a question from a book, then ask the girls. If the girls didnt know the answer, the guys got a chance to get it, and so on with the girls. There was this one guy who knew the answers to almost all of the girl questions. It was quite strange, cause he told us that he and a friend had done makeup and dressed as girls once (and they weren't that young when they did it either. Try about 15. *shudder*) yeah, so the girls one that was also. .hehehe

Then the 5th and final game- This game was an all or nothing game, as in, if you win, you get 50 points, and if you lose, you get none. So heres what happened. YOu had to take whatever was already on your person, and make a chain with it. shoes, jewelry, for the guys- their shirts, ect. . The girls lost that round by 8 steps. So the guys got 50 points. They only won by 20 points anyway.

So we had alot of fun doin that. Then I went back to my room, got ready for bed, then went to sleep, after a while.

ya know, if no one had won that last round, then the girls would've won the whole game. I guess it shows what guys are good at, and what they're not good at.

Lol, I'm just jokin' guys.

carrots are gooooooood!!!!!!!! I just finished a bag.

See? the rabbit like carrots too. Wow that was weirdly stupid. I'm still tired. See y'all tonight! cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111


Julia said...

ooo bekah danced with a boy! lol just kidding. yes i know that was stupid! i'm glad you had fun!

SmallFri said...

lol that bunny is soooooo cute!!!! To bad you weren't that cute...hahaha j/k love you bex!!!