Friday, November 10, 2006

Prayer Request

She fooled all of her friends into thinking she's so strong,
but she still sleeps with her light on,
and she acts like It's all right,
as she smiles again her mother lies there sick with cancer,
and her friends don't understand her,
she's a question without answers,
who feels like falling apart.
She knows, she's so much more than worthless,
but she needs to find her purpose,
she wonders what she did to deserve this and...

"Do not worry Aelwyn, whats done is done. We can not change the past. We can only hope to change the future."

Many of you know that I grew up in Florida. The place I moved from before coming to Maryland was called Winter Haven. Our church was small and mostly retired people were members of the congregation, but we did have about 2 other families with kids. One specific family I want to focus on at the moment though- The Irby's. The Irby's had 1 daughter and 1 son. Their names were Thomas and Anna. Im not sure of the ages at the moment cause I havent seen them in so long. Their parents names were Tim and Lisa. They have 1 dog, a dachshund named Ashley. When I was in Florida, Anna and I had some rough times. She was 2 years older than me, and we were pretty much the only kids at our church, besides our brothers. Despite everything, we were friends, and I grew to love the Irby family, which pains me more and more to say that the other day I got news that both Irby parents were diagnosed with cancer. I have told some of y'all about this on Friday. So please pray for them. One thing about what I opened this with-
I havent seen the Irby family in a few years, and I dont really know if what that said fit the description of Anna or Thomas, but I know that their mother lies there sick with cancer. There's not much to say really, except, please keep them in your prayers. Thank you.


Julia said...

That's soo sad! I feel so bad for them. It's like we take it for granted that our parents will always be around.... But they won't be. I will keep them in my prayers.

Joey said...

wow. I'll be praying