Thursday, November 16, 2006

little ity bit of the week

this is a very shortened version of something that happened this week-

MOnday- I wanted to buy a black gothic looking choker and my mom says thatI'm turning goth.

Tuesday- I told Aly that my mom thinks Im turning Goth, she said that I act very goth at times.

Wednesday- I told Mike that mom think IM turning goth, and he said I was goth.

I guess I went through 3 stages in 3 days. . .thats kinda weird.

So now, what do you think?? and beware, I can delete comments before they even show up on my blog. . .beware.


jesus ♥'s you said...

"turning" goth is retarted. supposal "goths" just want attention.

Anonymous said...

i'm into black B and you of all people know i am not a goth!

we'll know you've turned goth when you show up to church with your tongue and eye brow pierced, until then keep us posted! Have a nice day ;)

bex said...

sorry girl, I'm not turning goth anytime soon.