Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Lifeboat Game

No, this isnt a literal game, but I got this from one of my friends, and thought it was pretty cool. Its a philosophy game and since Im into philosphy, I thought it would be cool for y'all to try. So read, and follow the directions at the end.

Situation: You are aboard a Disney cruiseliner, enjoying shuffleboard and all the shrimp you can eat, when all of a sudden, the ocean swallows up the cruiseliner. As it happens, God is sick of humans inventing artificial worlds to vacation in when God went to all the trouble of creating the real world for humans to enjoy. Just as God is laughing and heading to Vegas, one lifeboat pops up from the ship and 11 survivors clamor aboard. The trouble is, the boat will only hold 7. If four are not tossed overboard, everyone will die. God is in a hurry but feels merciful, so He reaches down and rips you and your Sunday school class out of Ohio and gives you the task of deciding who should live and who should die. If you don't make the decision in 20 minutes, everyone on the lifeboat and in the Sunday school class will die. God hates procrastinators. Which four will die so that the rest may live?

1. Caucasian male construction worker, age 28. Having problems with wife (#2) due to a history of domestic violence. Pulled 5 people aboard the lifeboat. Main hobby is sailing.

2. Caucasian female homemaker, age 25. Married to #1 and three months pregnant, but considering abortion. Did not finish high school.

3. African American male Iraq war veteran, age 23, divorced. Wounded in friendly fire incident and sent home. Addicted to heroin.

4. East Indian female medical doctor, age 56, widow. From Hollywood, specializes in breast enhancement surgery.

5. Unemployed male Caucasion Philosophy professor, age 42, single. Great sense of humor, plays in a Bluegrass band. Lives with parents.

6. Hispanic female with Down Syndrome, age 7. Parents died in the cruiseliner "accident."

7. Caucasian male Baptist preacher, age 35, married with a wife and three children at home. Has a heavy drinking problem.

8. Famous female Jewish fiction writer, age 82. Husband at home with Alzheimer's.

9. Jewish male grandchild of #8, one of twins, age 16. Thinks he may be homosexual.

10. Jewish female grandchild of #8, one of twins, age 16. Wants to be a fourth grade teacher.

11. African American male from cruiseliner cleaning crew, age 31. Makes extra money by stealing jewelry from rich vacationers aboard ships. Trained in First Aid and CPR. Considering entering Nursing school.

List the four you think should be tossed overboard and give the reasons for your decisions. We don't have to do this in 20 minutes, but we should all try to come to a consensus on it. Have fun.


Jack Yoest said...

#8, THINKS he might be a homosexual???!?!?!??!??

bex said...

you mean #9 right?

Julia said...





Anonymous said...

what do you mean you've thrown overboard two potenial heros! #1 may have probs but so does every body else, he saved some people thats got to amount to something, plus he sounds like someone willing to fight.
I am with you on #2, though, she sounds like someone who wound be a burden, but then hubby would fight even harder if she got tossed because he'll heal responsible and depend on the though that he could save the rest of them. i don't know what to think about #6(well,yes i do), she would be the biggest burden of all, but she's innocent so it's morally wrong to toss her. now #11? what are you thinking? he may be a crook but what has he got to take from any of the castaways? he's got skills- thats whats important, when they are safe at home you can turn him over to the police anyway. by the way i'm not attacking you're jugdment i'm just giving facts here, you are a very nice person. Back up to PC's comment #9 is young so he has a much higher liklyhood (i don't know how to spell that - sorry) of surviving, and he'll end up in Hell anyway if he is a homo. the four i would pick are (and i would love to here your opinions upon my desions as well) #3 because he would have a mental break down or something if he didn't get some kind of help-either asprin of the drug itself. #7 because he would become a burden quickly w/ the drinking, he'd get desperate and drink sea water, or it could have the reverse effect and it could solve his drinking prob. i mentioned #2 allready, heres why-- giving birth in a life raft, bad idea, and she wouldn't have anything to give to the surviors and would become a burden anyway. the last person to get rid of would be tough but the top three in running would be #'s 6,8, and 10, none of them have anything to give and #6 would be a challenge to deal with, but #10 could work w/ her if she knows anything about child behavior, so those two would be alright together. meanwhile we have #10's twin bro. this proposes a problem, because unless sis has an undieing hate for her bro no ones going to sit back and watch there brother be thrown over the ege of a boat to die, plus he's young so he'd fight before they took him out to get him over board. but all in all i think #9 would have to go. but yet again there is a problem #8 isn't going to watch her son die when she had a chance to save him so she might actually solve the problem and sacrifice herself, since her husband won't remember her anyway.
i know this was a long comment and was more like a post itself but i thank you for reading it


Jack Yoest said...

YEah thasts it