Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I just felt like it. GOSH!

Full Name: Rebekah _ _ _ Wayne

Age: 13
School: Im homeschooled but next year I'll be goin to Annapolis Area Christian
Email: like I'd tell you. stalker!
Eyes: brown (boring!)
Hair: Auburn Red
Height: 5' 6"
Shoe Size: 9
Who lives with you: Lets see, I live with my family, but on Fridays and sometimes Saturdays Brian is here.
When is your bedtime:I dont have one, but Im normally in bed by 12, and I normally stay up till 1 or 2
---------HAVE YOU EVER--------
Flown on a plane: yes
Drank so much water that you started to feel sick: yes. its not fun
Missed school because it was raining: not really.
Told a girl that you liked them?: as a friend
Been hurt emotionally: yea
Kept a secret from everyone: um....yes
Had an imaginary friend: yes, what about it!?
Ever talked to yourself: who doesnt?
Been on stage: yes
Cut your hair: yes
Had crush on a teacher: no. GROSS!

Shampoo: Herbal Essences with anti frizz
Favorite colors: red, green and black
Day/Night: Night (you can sneak around and sleep for once)
Summer/Winter: I don't really like either. I'm one for the season of Autum
Cartoon Character: Tweety!
Favorite Food: I dont really have a preference, but I really like my moms chicken enchiladas
Favorite Advertisement: I dont really have a preference
Favorite Drink: Hot Chocolate, or Hot Apple Cider (if you spike the cider. . .well you know the rest. . . hehehe)
Favorite Sport: Lacrosse, and Gymnastics
Favorite car:Dodge Ram Truck 3500

------------RIGHT NOW-------------
Wearing: jeans, gator hoodie and shirt underneath hoodie.
Eating: nothing.
Drinking: nothing
Thinking about: trucks
Listening to: Wine Red, by The Hush Sound
--------IN THE LAST 24 HRS---------
Cried: yes
Laughed: uh . . .yeah! lol. SEEE
Worn Jeans: yes
Done Laundry: no
Drove a car: no.
Talked on the phone: yes
Said "I love you": to my grandmother yes

---------DO YOU BELIEVE IN----------
Yourself: now and then
Your friends: most of them
Santa Claus: belive in my parents? yes
Tooth Fairy: not really
Destiny/Fate: no
Angels: yes
Ghosts: yes
UFO's: yes
God: yes

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE-----------
Do you ever wish you had another name? all the time, and I know exactly what'd would be
Do you like anyone? no. guys are friends at the moment, and nothing more, for a long long time.
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Cassie (big surprise isnt it?)
Which of your friends have you known the longest? here the cooks either that or Noelle by like 2 mins
Who's the loudest: Definetly Erin
Who's the shyest: depends what you mean by shy, if you mean quiet then me, but Lauren for everthing else at times.
Are you close to any family members?: not really no
Who do you hang out with the most? family: Cooks, Brian and Justin, and Mike
When you cried the most: How would I remember that?
What's the best feeling in the world? its a matter of opinion, but for me it's love
Worst Feeling: not being loved
What time is it now? 9:25
Let's walk in: river
Let's run through: mall
Let's dance in: the ballroom
Let's look at the: horses
What a nice: horsey
Where did all those: idiots go?
When will they: be back?
How are: your teeth?
Why can't you: just shut up!?
Silly, little: boy.
Show me some: of my friends!!!!!
The sky is: tranquil
Tell me: wats goin on with ya?
Hide me: in your computer so I can play with the HTML!! (that was really weird)
Love me: forever, or I'll never love again.
My mom thinks you're: kinda strange. . .
He's not: that great.
Are you that: one person that this other person introduced me to 2 years ago?
Can't you: stop insulting every person you love?
What time is it now: 9:31


Jack Yoest said...

Did you make that up?

Jack Yoest said...

Hey, i don't get a darn approval!!! I'M SUIING!!!!!!!!

Joey said...

I know your middle name, but don't worry, i won't tell : )

I thought you thought "Wine Red" was creepy. The Hush Sound totally ROCKS!!!

bex said...

no i didnt make that up. John Im confuzed. . . you dont get approval?

thanks Joey. When I listened to Wine Red the first times, I said it was ok, but you're always bugging us about it so I thought I'd check it out on purevolume.

bex said...

oh and Joey, alot of people already know my middle name, but I put that for those who dont, so they never do unless I tell them.

Julia said...
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Anonymous said...

you're sure you've cried lately but haven't laughed?
whats wrong with you!?

Have a nice day

bex said...

OF COURSE I'VE LAUGHED! IT SAYS IT ON THE QUIZ! what is wrong with you girl??? no jk. lol