Thursday, November 23, 2006



So my whole family is here on my moms side. My aunt, uncle and cousin Dima, and my Grandma. We just finished eating our Thanksgiving meal. We made- cranberry sauce jelly style and homemade, sweet potatoe casserole, Green bean casserole, turkey (of course), mashed potatoes, green beans, broccoli salad, cornbread dressing ( the dry stuffing like stuff), gravy, and this really good sweet bread made by yours truly. I was wiped after making my bread stuff. Everyone here are zombies. We're all soooooooooooooo tired. Anyway, it was all really good, especially the broccoli caserole. Now they're cleaning up, and my aunt has fallen asleep on my shoulder. Aw. I feel like Im gonna barf. No I didnt pig out, but I've been eating little bits and peices all day, and its apparently all built up so my stomach was full immediatly. Too bad caffeine doesnt really affect me a whole lot. tsk tsk. I had some Mountain Dew. I really need somthing to do besides blogging. Good thing Im gonna get our Christmas tree down in a few mins. hehehehe. We're having an early Christmas with this side of our family. Sooooo. . .wat did/ are y'all doing for Thanksgiving? huh? huh? huh? TTYL


♥Mandy said...

Sounds like a nice T-day! Mine was weird. Dreamy but not the good kind. I felt like I was in a dream all week long, 'cause everything is out of routine.

jesus ♥'s you said...

same here mandy, but i had an awesome time in Ocean City, bekah ur copying me on the "y'all"!

bex said...

Val, hun,i've been doin the "y'all" thing all my life. My grandma is a southerner so she always uses that slang, and my dad does it too, so I've been surrounded by ppl my whole life. I hardly think Im copying you. Maybe you're copying me! no jk, lol

♥Mandy said...


Jack Yoest said...

I'd go with "turkey day"

jesus ♥'s you said...

lol, okkee dokkee. but my grandpa is from the south.

Anonymous said...

there is like three different conversations going on in the comments and who the heck was PC talking to anyway?