Sunday, October 29, 2006
so for my very first post, I posted about this helicopter game. My score was in the low thousands. Now my high score is 2099!!!!!!!!!!! Yipee!!!! so yeah, Im just now challenging everyone to go and beat my score. have fun!
wow. . . .

i know I say I have a life. I do have a life, but it really mostly only consists of email, blogging, school, speeech, gymnastics, music, and hanging out with friends. oh yeah. a great life. lemme tell you what each subject consists of- email- mostly checking email, and just staying on my email page. blogging- blogging almost everyday. school- school on the computer and math.-speeech- thinking of somthing to write or use for speech, writing, and memorizing. gymnastics- going to gymnastics on Thursdays and doing alittle in the week. music- piano, and listening to music in my room (boring)hanging out with friends- this ones a little interesting. almost every weekend I go out with friends to the mall, or just around doing stuff (no its not illegal stuff). like last nigh- we went to panera bread, then to the mall, then to the cooks to watch a movie. The group normally consists of Brian, Justin, the cook girls, and the waynes, but DJ doesnt always come. But last night Tina and Jessica came with us. sothat was fun. but we might go do somthing l8er today. but basicly I need to get a life. I socialize, quite often. I do activities, so why am I saying I need a life? I have no idear. but right now im bored. . . .
Saturday, October 28, 2006
New Jeremy Camp CD!!!!!
i really have nothing better to do. . . .

um. . . .yeah, so brian spent the night at our house. . .again. sooo. . . .now the cooks are downstairs and Brian is still here, and my bros are here. They're all gonna leave soonish, and that'll be sad, c ause my mom's gonna put us to work, cause Pastor Rod(our old pastor who is in town and is preaching on Sunday) is coming over to watch the football game. BORING!!!!!!! yeh, so i dont have anything better to do than blog. sooo, here are some pics. you can write your own little caption in your head for them, cause im not gonna write one on here.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Im kinda bored, and I need y'all's help. My mom is making me be Cinderella for Halloween!!!!!! IM 13 YEARS OLD!!!! Im not blonde either. the reason I have to be Cinderella is because Im in a skit, and and Im playing Cinderella. The thing is that Im still peasanty looking in the skit, so I think I can pull that off. hehehe, but after the skit I will majikly transform into . . . . . Dun duh duh dunnnn. . . . . .you'll have to wait and find out. hehehe. It'll be good. So I guess I dont really need y'alls help, butIdont really want to be Cinderella. Oh well. Bye!
Im kinda bored, and I need y'all's help. My mom is making me be Cinderella for Halloween!!!!!! IM 13 YEARS OLD!!!! Im not blonde either. the reason I have to be Cinderella is because Im in a skit, and and Im playing Cinderella. The thing is that Im still peasanty looking in the skit, so I think I can pull that off. hehehe, but after the skit I will majikly transform into . . . . . Dun duh duh dunnnn. . . . . .you'll have to wait and find out. hehehe. It'll be good. So I guess I dont really need y'alls help, butIdont really want to be Cinderella. Oh well. Bye!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Pennyville. and a little oral surgury
So on Monday (the day that I was coughing alot) I was in Pennsylvania all day. the whole day were either were in Cabellas or driving, and looking at leaves. BORING!!! But I took some nice pictures that we're goin to experiment with on Photoshop. hehehe. So anyway, when we started to leave, we got a call from Joe Palumbo, the athletic director at AACS, and he explained that DJ busted open his upperlip. As best as i can understand what happened, DJ was goin to head the soccer ball, and the goalie was going to it also, and the crashed into each other. The fell down, then both got up, and DJ thought he knocked out his teeth, so he went and saw the trainer. His upperlip aparently got snagged on his braces and they sliced his lip open. So they got him to the ER, but the couldnt stop the bleeding. So he got a bunch of stiches. So now his lip is really swolen, and he's always drooling, cause he cant really feel a whole lot near his mouth. So yesterday bright and early they went to the oral surgeon, and he had some mouth surgery. It turns out that he pretty much knocked out 3 teeth. OUCH!!! So he missed school yesterday and today. So he's been on the computer most of the time that's why I havent really had time to post on what happened. So can y'all pray for him, and one more person- While in Pennyville, we went to this bookstore called hearts and minds, and the owner has a 14 year old daughter named Marissa. She has had lime disease for 3 years, and it's become a chronic illness. Some days she is too weak to even get out of bed, so because of that, she cant take place in her church youth group and other activities, so she doesnt have any friends. So can y'all pray that one day she'll get better, and that God will bless her with friends who will love her through her sickness? thanks all.
So onto yesterday. I had speech club, and the kind of speeches were impromtu. You pick 3 topics out of an envelope, and choose one. You're supposed to have 2 mins. to prepare, but they gave us 3 or 4. Then you're supposed to get up and give a speech that has to be less than or exactly 5 mins. No one made that time. Oh crud, i just realized that i didnt get my ballots from my speech, cause my mom made us leave early! oh well. So anyway, i thought i did horrible, but everyone does. My speech topic that I chose was carelessness Im not going to tell you what I said.
So i probably should go now, and do school. bye
So onto yesterday. I had speech club, and the kind of speeches were impromtu. You pick 3 topics out of an envelope, and choose one. You're supposed to have 2 mins. to prepare, but they gave us 3 or 4. Then you're supposed to get up and give a speech that has to be less than or exactly 5 mins. No one made that time. Oh crud, i just realized that i didnt get my ballots from my speech, cause my mom made us leave early! oh well. So anyway, i thought i did horrible, but everyone does. My speech topic that I chose was carelessness Im not going to tell you what I said.
So i probably should go now, and do school. bye
Monday, October 23, 2006
So one day I was up in my room, and I was lighting some of my candles, and doing my weird pyro thing, with candles and chopstix, and there was alot of smoke in my room. That was a Tuesday in the month of September. That day, I went to the Sillamans house, and I was randomly coughing *cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*cough* and Mrs. Sillaman asked what was up, and I explained the thing about the candles. So i figured it would go away soon enough. I was totally totally wrong*cough*cough*cough*. That Friday, I was sitting on the window sill in the SonSeeker room*cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*, and pretty much throughout the night I was randomly coughing *Cough *cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*. Two weeks later- still coughing, but more of a gargling sound. Two weeks later- Still coughing. Two weeks later- Still coughing, but now its really messing up my voice. *cough *cough*cough*. 4 days later- Still coughing, now its keeping me up at night though, and its not helping that its freezing outside. *cough*cough*cough* Last night- I went to go to bed at a reasonable hour. I was almost coughing up my esophogous(no joke/no exaggeration) My parents even heard my coughing (which is kinda strange, cause they're normally tuned out to that kind of stuff). Today- I was in Pennsylvania for the majority of the day. My *cough*cough*coughing is worse than last night, and more frequent*cough*cough*cough*. My mom has gotten me an appointment with the doctor in the morning*cough*cough*cough*. I've got a really bad runny nose (which has been there for a while now) One more thing to add to the sick/pain list-my limbs keep giving out on me a.k.a. sometimes my legs or arms, or even finger, will just spontaneously start hurting like crap, so i cant walk or use that part of my body for motion without pain*cough*cough*cough*cough*.
So Im being bugged about getting off my computer. So Iprobably should get off now. so quick update on whats going on in my life- blah blah blah blah blah. pretty much nothing, although can ya'll pray that I do well on my speech tomorrow? its Impromtu!
oh yeah, to all ya'll who are reading this- I know that alot of ppl who are reading this are sickies now. So Im not the only one. I'll pray for all of y'all, but could you pray for me also?
C y'all later!
So one day I was up in my room, and I was lighting some of my candles, and doing my weird pyro thing, with candles and chopstix, and there was alot of smoke in my room. That was a Tuesday in the month of September. That day, I went to the Sillamans house, and I was randomly coughing *cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*cough* and Mrs. Sillaman asked what was up, and I explained the thing about the candles. So i figured it would go away soon enough. I was totally totally wrong*cough*cough*cough*. That Friday, I was sitting on the window sill in the SonSeeker room*cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*, and pretty much throughout the night I was randomly coughing *Cough *cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*cough*. Two weeks later- still coughing, but more of a gargling sound. Two weeks later- Still coughing. Two weeks later- Still coughing, but now its really messing up my voice. *cough *cough*cough*. 4 days later- Still coughing, now its keeping me up at night though, and its not helping that its freezing outside. *cough*cough*cough* Last night- I went to go to bed at a reasonable hour. I was almost coughing up my esophogous(no joke/no exaggeration) My parents even heard my coughing (which is kinda strange, cause they're normally tuned out to that kind of stuff). Today- I was in Pennsylvania for the majority of the day. My *cough*cough*coughing is worse than last night, and more frequent*cough*cough*cough*. My mom has gotten me an appointment with the doctor in the morning*cough*cough*cough*. I've got a really bad runny nose (which has been there for a while now) One more thing to add to the sick/pain list-my limbs keep giving out on me a.k.a. sometimes my legs or arms, or even finger, will just spontaneously start hurting like crap, so i cant walk or use that part of my body for motion without pain*cough*cough*cough*cough*.
So Im being bugged about getting off my computer. So Iprobably should get off now. so quick update on whats going on in my life- blah blah blah blah blah. pretty much nothing, although can ya'll pray that I do well on my speech tomorrow? its Impromtu!
oh yeah, to all ya'll who are reading this- I know that alot of ppl who are reading this are sickies now. So Im not the only one. I'll pray for all of y'all, but could you pray for me also?
C y'all later!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Just Because . . . .
ok, this is just because a bunch of people talked about their birthdays recently-
so anyway, yeah. ifyou want to know what to get me for Christmas or my Birthday, just add the robot SantaClaus to your aim buddy list, and type in hi, then menu, then "3", then "2", then enter my screen name for aim. I've got to update my wish list though, or you could go to my wishlist on my profile on here. yeah, so over and out.
so anyway, yeah. ifyou want to know what to get me for Christmas or my Birthday, just add the robot SantaClaus to your aim buddy list, and type in hi, then menu, then "3", then "2", then enter my screen name for aim. I've got to update my wish list though, or you could go to my wishlist on my profile on here. yeah, so over and out.
If you read this, please comment.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Rain rain go away, come again another day. . . wait, I like rain.
yeah so this post was inspired by Beccah Pruitt, and DJ Wayne. The first part is from Beccah-
I love rain! Whenever the weather is nice, I'm always so glum, but when its rainy, I'm oh so perky, and hyper, and happy! But I know it's going to be short lived. Oh well. It's nice while it lasted. I LOVE RAIN!!!!!
Second part inspired by DJ Wayne (the mean brother)-
Question for all of y'all-
To each of you, what is so special about music?
I was told once that music is a way to express yourself. Another time, I was told it was a great stress reliever (that's what I told the President of the USA). They both are, but for me one of my favorite things about music, is the way its takes you away from the world. When you are writing lyrics, you can be as imaginative as you want to be. Lets say that someone died, and your feeling really sad about it, if you listen to music, alot of times, it just takes you away to a world where either bad is going on or good. It just takes you away. It's like lala land. You know when you were younger your teacher used to ask you if you were in lala land if you werent paying attention? well is so similar to that. You just get to be you without boundaries, or without anyone to judge you. Music is awesome. Well that's just my 2 cents.
Well, I probably should go now. C ya'll l8er
Over and Out
I love rain! Whenever the weather is nice, I'm always so glum, but when its rainy, I'm oh so perky, and hyper, and happy! But I know it's going to be short lived. Oh well. It's nice while it lasted. I LOVE RAIN!!!!!
Second part inspired by DJ Wayne (the mean brother)-
Question for all of y'all-
To each of you, what is so special about music?
I was told once that music is a way to express yourself. Another time, I was told it was a great stress reliever (that's what I told the President of the USA). They both are, but for me one of my favorite things about music, is the way its takes you away from the world. When you are writing lyrics, you can be as imaginative as you want to be. Lets say that someone died, and your feeling really sad about it, if you listen to music, alot of times, it just takes you away to a world where either bad is going on or good. It just takes you away. It's like lala land. You know when you were younger your teacher used to ask you if you were in lala land if you werent paying attention? well is so similar to that. You just get to be you without boundaries, or without anyone to judge you. Music is awesome. Well that's just my 2 cents.
Well, I probably should go now. C ya'll l8er
Over and Out
Sunday, October 15, 2006
We Must do Something about this. . .
ok, if your wondering this is a serious matter to me.
So in alot of books that I read, the author talks about how the characters can read peoples faces. Maybe not like open books, but they can sense wariness, or sadness, or joy, or pain, or any number of emotions. Can you do that? I know Im still working on it. So that is what we have to have everyone doing somthing about. So all you have to do is watch peoples faces and you might understand them more. Maybe reading their eyes is probably better than trying to "read their faces". So that is my challenge for you, next time you see me, I'll probably have a strange look on my face, so maybe you'll be able to read it. If you need to, practice on your friends or parents. have fun!
So in alot of books that I read, the author talks about how the characters can read peoples faces. Maybe not like open books, but they can sense wariness, or sadness, or joy, or pain, or any number of emotions. Can you do that? I know Im still working on it. So that is what we have to have everyone doing somthing about. So all you have to do is watch peoples faces and you might understand them more. Maybe reading their eyes is probably better than trying to "read their faces". So that is my challenge for you, next time you see me, I'll probably have a strange look on my face, so maybe you'll be able to read it. If you need to, practice on your friends or parents. have fun!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
We're going down in flames
Yes I know that the title is really really strange and random. But thats ok, its kinda how Im feeling now. Just bear with me.
Well, today has been interesting to say the least. I woke up reasonably early for a Saturday. Then someone called on behalf of the Golden Eagles Marching Band(the annapolis area christian school band) to ask my parents if I could come to the competition today. well I could, and when i got there I watched band practice. And wrote some of my speech.
Because Im kinda at a loss for words at the moment, Im just gonna sum it all up. i went to the competition an hour away, and we waited for an hour to perform, and during that time, we found out that someone couldnt come, and someone else couldnt come to replace the first person that couldnt come (but of course no one can replace the Chinese General). So Mrs. Wenger (the band director) was stressed. She's also really really funny when she's trying to sound out the drums. hehehe. Anyway so we competed, and us runners did really really bad. We missed our cues and everything. the funny thing is that we were all together, when running, but we werent supposed to be. yeah. So anyway, Justin, Brian, Allen, and the Cook s are at my house at the moment, so I really should stop being unsociable. Bye.
Well, today has been interesting to say the least. I woke up reasonably early for a Saturday. Then someone called on behalf of the Golden Eagles Marching Band(the annapolis area christian school band) to ask my parents if I could come to the competition today. well I could, and when i got there I watched band practice. And wrote some of my speech.
Because Im kinda at a loss for words at the moment, Im just gonna sum it all up. i went to the competition an hour away, and we waited for an hour to perform, and during that time, we found out that someone couldnt come, and someone else couldnt come to replace the first person that couldnt come (but of course no one can replace the Chinese General). So Mrs. Wenger (the band director) was stressed. She's also really really funny when she's trying to sound out the drums. hehehe. Anyway so we competed, and us runners did really really bad. We missed our cues and everything. the funny thing is that we were all together, when running, but we werent supposed to be. yeah. So anyway, Justin, Brian, Allen, and the Cook s are at my house at the moment, so I really should stop being unsociable. Bye.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Speech Club
Ok, so I have been talking alot about my speech club and stuff. So Im going to be talking more about it.
So today I gave my persuasive speech. that was strange. . . . to say the least.
Oh and this is for you Matanda- I did the original speech that I planned on!
yup. I was convince by Megan Ring to do it.
I'll tell everyone else the topic in person. so I have the opportunity to answer questions.
So for next week I have to write an expository speech. I dont exactly know what Im supposed to write on, but I know that I have to have visual aids. My mom said that splits and walkovers count as visual aids. yipee! But seriously, I need a good topic. Please give me ideas. Thanks
So today I gave my persuasive speech. that was strange. . . . to say the least.
Oh and this is for you Matanda- I did the original speech that I planned on!
yup. I was convince by Megan Ring to do it.
I'll tell everyone else the topic in person. so I have the opportunity to answer questions.
So for next week I have to write an expository speech. I dont exactly know what Im supposed to write on, but I know that I have to have visual aids. My mom said that splits and walkovers count as visual aids. yipee! But seriously, I need a good topic. Please give me ideas. Thanks
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Well. . . I was told I need to organize my thoughts, by 2 people, so Im going to go in order with what happened yesterday.
Well Erin came over, and Brian and Justin came over at the same time almost, then Lauren. So for a while we just sat and watched DJ play Xbox. Then I had to get ready to go to band practice, then Aly came over, and I left. I had to wear all black which was funny cause everyone thought we were s. So I got to AACS high school,and my mom gave me her cell phone. not that I used it. So I met everyone and we went to practice in the big feild. We used the lines on a football feild to find out where we were supposed to go. So what we did was when it was our time to go, we ran to our mark, and then we waved our flag in a figure 8 then brought it behind our back then whipped in to the holding position. it was fun. I was paired with another named Becka. So now I know 4 Becca/Beccah/Becka/Becca's
They are interesting.
So anyway. After practice, we went to Broadneck High and sat around for 1 hour, then we competed. Then I went home and ate dinner at 10:00. Anyway so Im getting tired. And I've got stuff to do. So I'll c ya'll later!
Well Erin came over, and Brian and Justin came over at the same time almost, then Lauren. So for a while we just sat and watched DJ play Xbox. Then I had to get ready to go to band practice, then Aly came over, and I left. I had to wear all black which was funny cause everyone thought we were s. So I got to AACS high school,and my mom gave me her cell phone. not that I used it. So I met everyone and we went to practice in the big feild. We used the lines on a football feild to find out where we were supposed to go. So what we did was when it was our time to go, we ran to our mark, and then we waved our flag in a figure 8 then brought it behind our back then whipped in to the holding position. it was fun. I was paired with another named Becka. So now I know 4 Becca/Beccah/Becka/Becca's
They are interesting.
So anyway. After practice, we went to Broadneck High and sat around for 1 hour, then we competed. Then I went home and ate dinner at 10:00. Anyway so Im getting tired. And I've got stuff to do. So I'll c ya'll later!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
So yesterday was the first SonSeekers/Flock meeting. SonSeekers played liar, then spoons, then Mrs Sillaman gave a speech on being BORED. But the real interesting part began after practice. (short synopisis about band- Cassie asked if I could be a runner in the band and I said yes, so yesterday I was at band from 3:45- 5:15) After practice I went to the cooks to help Lauren with her aim thing(which didnt work out) then i stood next the the doorway to the kitchen, and Erin kept telling me to sit down. Then I started looking at everyone weird. and after Mrs Sillamans speech, people were talking to me, and I started freaking whenever they got 2 feet away. Then Erin started chasing me. bleh. Then we went to 7-11, and when I got back i had the slightest headache, and i started running my fingers through my hair. Im extremely frusterated, but im not completely sure why. So we got home and we sat in the cooks car and talked, then it was time to go in. then Justin and Brian stayed till 11:30. that was weird.
So today I have a band competition. I have to sit during the whole song, then in the last 30 seconds i have to get up and run my flag down the feild to my mark, wave the flag in a figure eight, and bring it down. But i dont know where to run, and which way to wave the flag. it seems easy, but its not. Im not even sure where it is. Im so scared. Im guessing no one is coming to the competition?
So I'll see ya'll later!
So today I have a band competition. I have to sit during the whole song, then in the last 30 seconds i have to get up and run my flag down the feild to my mark, wave the flag in a figure eight, and bring it down. But i dont know where to run, and which way to wave the flag. it seems easy, but its not. Im not even sure where it is. Im so scared. Im guessing no one is coming to the competition?
So I'll see ya'll later!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
new speech class
well, my mom has officially been inspired to start me on a speech class. I do have to say that my mom signed me up for that speech conference without my knowledge, or my consent, but I loved it, so we will see how this goes. The rings are in my new speech club thing, and so now I'll see them once a week or somthing like that. So my homework for this week is to write a persuasive speech, and get it memorized. I still need a topic, and I have to write it tommorow, so I can start memorizing and stuff. Anyone got any ideas???
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