Tuesday, May 01, 2007

This Far and no Farther

listening to- baby it's fact by hellogoodbye

So I got the title of this post from a chapter in a book called Shadow in the Deep(3rd book in the Binding of the blade series by LB Graham). The chapter has one of teh main characters shouting, "This Far and no farther you shall come!" to the enemy or something like that.

So that was last weekend for me. This far and no farther. Regionals but not Nationals. So is this the end of my public speaking career? haha. HECK NO! For NCFCA, most likely, but for life and other venues, definetly NOT.

Onto what happened this weekend

Thursday early morning we left for FA. Go there, spoke, Didn't go teribly well..w8ed..spoke again, went to the hotel, went into the lobby ofthe hotel only to find a bunch of people from the tourney playing chess or eating or talking or watever. I claimed to be horrible at chess and they wanted me to prove it. I did.(lol) eventually we all went to bed

Friday- Spoke, waited, spoke, played wooden solitaire, mafia, did gymnastics(got injured) and later went to the mall afterwards(where I got flipflops, socks and horrid nailpolish), went to hotel, watched chess games, talked got on computer and then went to bed

Saturday-Sat around, talked to ppl, took pics, sat around..listened to more speaches and debate(which was rather amusing), talked to ppl..comforted ppl who didn't break, congratulated those who did, got hit on by Levi Payne..again, got a very strong urge to punch Levi Payne..again, walked around, listened to breaks, didn't break, walked around..again, took pictures, said "I'm never goin to see you again so bye!" :( or something like that. ate then left.

As Noah Oberlander always said, "Do your best and let God do the rest" Well I didn't to my best this weekend and I know it. But this is how it is to be...

In the grand scheme of things I'm ok..but for now I'll be ok..eventually. I say eventually because I just like everyone else at the tourneys I worked hard and I LOVE public speaking and apparently I'm good at it to. It's one one of those things that I can't give up without a fight.

2 Things I'm gonna miss the most about speech- The adrenaline rush of giving a speech, but mostly all the friends I've made. i have some pretty awesomating friends from speech..The woodruff girls, the olsen twins, JD Farh, Christine orsini, Noah Oberlander, David Umstaatd, Emilie Lewis, Emily Pickering, Emilie Eastman, and I really got to knwo Megan Ring finally..

Hello speech! will you be my best friend??
Goodbye speech it's hard to let you go but I'm glad I met you for the skills you taught me will remain with me and help me for the rest of my life. Thanks

There's a 60% Chance You've Been Abducted By Aliens

Maybe you've really been abducted by aliens... but probably not.
Let's face it. You're just a little weirder than most people.

It's like I wish I had never gotten involved with it so it wouldnt' hurt so bad but in the long run i'm glad I did. like meeting people that you lose/ Wish I didn't meet them so I wouldn't feel the pain of loss but I know I'm glad I did.

End of the world? heck no. Life has just started. :D

"Life is what you choose to make of it, my friend,
if it doesn't fit
You must make changes".

~ Anon ~
listening to- Paperthin hymn (as you should be doin or finishing) by Anberlin


Julia said...

The olsen twins?? yeah right. I'm glad you made it as far as you did in speech :). Now what?

Elysa said...

(*gasp*) I LO-O-O-VE that video! My little sister & I will watch it & cry.