Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Good Christmas

Well this have been a pretty good Christmas. I got alot of clothes though. I guess getting clothes isn't that bad especially when you already have them picked out, but still . . .

Here is a list of everything I got. y'all don't have to read it.

Kutless CD
Barlowgirl CD
4 or 5 Shirts
1 new pair of Jeans that have embroidery on them
1 new belt
1 new hat
a $100 gift card to JC Penny
a $3 gift card to Brusters (see Cooks, now we have excuses to come visit y'all at work. lol)
candy. .
Fountain pen
Caligraphy Set (it came with a fountain pen that you have to put together. . we can't figure it out. anyone know how?)
1 Lotion and body wash set with a sponge. . .
I'm sure I got more. . .i just feel too lazy to go check

yeah so all that was from my parents and grandparents. I got stuff from my friends (y'all of course!) but since it was y'all that gave the stuff to me, I'm not gonna put it up here cause y'all know what you got. yeah. .. MERRY late CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 25, 2006

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is what i said last night- MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!!

this is what I'm saying now- MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Who's gonna be at the Christmas Eve Service? I need to know so I can give y'all your presents. I'll be here, as will my grandparents.


Sunday, December 17, 2006

bored. . .

im feeling very bored right now. I'm waiting for people to leave my house cause it's 7:23, and the party ended at 7. yeah, so Richard, Julia, Amanda, Craig, Paul, and of course my brothers are in my basement. They are watching Mean Girls. AAAAAHHH! I HATE THAT MOVIE! although it has some really funny scenes. Anyway, Im here blogging . . . oh yeah, here's a picture of my uncle, aunt, and cousin, and NO JULIA! MY UNCLE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE YOUR ORTHODONTIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

I guess I know

I guess I know why each of y'all came into my life, whether a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime. Here goes-

The Pruitt Family- Y'all came into my life to teach me humility, and about friendship. I believe that y'all came into my life for a reason, and yes as I found out today, its very possible that y'all only came into my life for a long season, but its also very possible y'all came into my life for a Lifetime. Whichever it is, I'm very thankful that y'all did come.

The Sillaman Girls (yes, Mrs. Sillaman too)- Y'all came into my life to teach me about life and God and learning. I believe that y'all came into my life for a Lifetime, and a Reason.

Aly- You came into my life to teach me about love. At first I didn't know why you came, so I was gonna say you came just to be my friend, but then I thought about my past, and your past, then my troubles, and how you were there for me. I believe you are here for a Lifetime.

Lauren Cook- You came into my life for a Reason. To aid me in my times of trouble, and yeah you're good at it. I think you came for a Lifetime.

Erin- You came into my life to teach me about failure and friendship. Yeah it probably doesn't seem like it, but I believe it's true. I think you came into my life for a Lifetime also.

Betsy- You came into my life to teach me about being humiliated, and life. I think that you're here for a Lifetime, even though sometimes it seems like just a long season.

Valerie and Brianna- Y'all came into my life to teach me about beauty, both inside, and out.
I think y'all are more Lifetime friends.

Brian- I think you came into my life to teach me about friendship. I'm still not sure though if you're a Lifetime or just a really long Season friend.

Justin- I'm not completely sure why you came into my life, but I think it was just to be there for me. Lifetime for sure.

Joey- You came into my life just to be a friend for me. Again I'm not sure if its for a Lifetime or just a loong season.

Cassie- You came into my life for a Reason. It was to teach me about life and love and God, learning, sadness, death, and friendship, and gladness. I'm so glad you came for a Reason but I guess I can't change the past, I can only hope to change the future.

You never know what you're missing until it's gone.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Nickleback- Faraway

I love this song, and the video is really sad, but flippen awesome. Its great.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I want this shirt

For a very long time now, I've loved trucks. I'm not really sure why, but I do. My mom told me about this shirt she saw in an ad. I told her I wanted it. I found it again. I have the link too. hehehe. I want the shirt, but the other picture is just of what it says. No my love of trucks has nothing to do with Erin, or her love of trucks. Its my own thing.
yeah. feel free to tell my mom about this shirt. I"ll cy'all bye

Monday, December 11, 2006

How'd I get friends like y'all?

Seriously, how did I end up with friends like you?

Friends- Ya know the famous people in your life, who you spend every waking moment with, who you tell every little secret to. The people who are always there to lend you a shoulder to cry on, the ppl who'll help you through a break up, who'll never betray your secrets. Who knows what's best for you, especially when you dont. And the people who'll give you their kidney. . . well that's debatable. And of course, as the famous line goes- You're friends will be there to bail you out of jail, but your best friends will be there with you in jail. somthing like that. You're friends will always be there for you.

Y'all are seriously the best a girl could ever ask for, which stinks when I say that I know I'm not. Everyone of us are jerks at times, so I gotta say that I'm sorry for being a jerk, sorry that I wasnt there when you needed me, even though I wanted to be so badly. And even though I'll never betray your secrets, I'm sorry you won't tell me. I'm so sorry. . .

Hugs are the best, especially from your loved ones, so dont think I'm weird when I hug somone who's not sociably acceptable, or a guy friend, or just someone who you wouldnt hug, and guys, dont think I'm a freak when I hug you, cause then well. . .you'd be the jerk. And if I do hug you, then you either need it real bad, I need it real bad, or it's just my way of saying thanks for being there to talk, or listen to me.

This is for you, yeah you know who you are- I know I've never been there to save your life like others, but you don't have to rub it in. I wanted to be there, but I guess I was one of those "SEASON" friends that Matanda was talking about, cause apparently I wasn't supposed to be a "REASON" friend. But one thing I wanna know is, where were you when I needed a shoulder to cry on? But hey, I guess its partly my fault that you weren't there for me when I needed you most. I chose not to tell you when I needed you. I guess I was afraid you'd preach to me, or judge me too quickly, but I guess that's what we're all afraid of- Being Judged. So why do we do it then? Maybe we just think we're too good for the world, or is that the farthest thing from our minds? Then why do we really judge? I'm sorry, but I'm still not sure what to do.

My reply to Matanda's post- Whether a friend comes into your life for a REASON, a SEASON, or a LIFETIME, they are your friend, and you should make the most of your friendship. Anyway, unless there is somthing I should know, I figured I came into all of y'alls lives for a SEASON, or a LIFETIME, cause I guess I can't see any reason, and I would really really like to be y'alls friends till the end of eternity. But y'all should be happy cause I think that the majority of y'all came into my life for a REASON. If you did come into my life for a REASON, I think it was to teach me. To teach me about life, love, God and of course, more learning. Yes even some of y'all came to me to guide me through rough times. I think I know what each and everyone of y'all came into my life for. If you would like to know, just ask, cause there is way to much to put on here.

Now it's time for the little side notes about the skating party on Saturday-

It was really fun. If you could describe the Christmas party in 1 sentence, what would it be? then try to do it in 2 words.

This is my 1 sentence- Ice skating is always fun, especially when you're with some of your awesomest friends in the world, as are parties. . .oh yeah, definetly fun.

Now my 2 words- beyond belief.

Oh and Noelle or Beccah, can you get Elaine to read this part- Thank Elaine alot for the body cream and the note cards. The cards are really pretty, and the cream smells like heaven, and its really good for my dried hands. Thanks alot!

See y'all l8er.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Day 3, Tuesday November 28, at sea

Just to inform y'all that this is gonna be a loooonnngggg post. Sorry, but it's an especially good one, but I'll try to shorten it as much as possible. Here goes-

This morning we had fruit and breakfast delivered to our room. Then I went to watch a dance class, but Aaron was there, and he didn't have a partner, so he asked me to be his partner. I think we learned the Meringue(sp?), or was it the Mambo? I'm not sure anymore. Anyway, we were ok dancers, but we can't have anything to distract us when we're dancing, or else we'd get off beat, and lose it completely. Then I went up to the teen center, (which is called Off Limits, so that's what Im gonna be calling from now on) and I played pool and taboo. Then I went and I found my grandma. We went to lunch, then we hung out on the deck, and then I had to go to my manicure and pedicure. The lady that did my mani and pedi, was really nice. She was from Jamaica. Her name was Toyen. I think she had alot of fun in St. Thomas(sorry that was random). Then we went back to our room, and read, slept some, and played Phase 10. Then my grandma went to a computer class, and I went to Off Limits, and did some more stuff. Then at 7:30 I went to my room and we got ready for dinner. Then we went to dinner.

Afterwards I went to Off Limits. We played (are you ready for this?)BATTLE OF THE SEXES!!! or if you prefer, we played BATTLE OF THE GENDERS!lol So here goes for the fun explanation- We had a bunch of different competitions.

The first competition was was getting a name and a cheer. The girl's was this- Our sh*t is Bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S. can you guess what our name was? and just to let y'all know, I was not for the cheer, but I didnt have a say. Girls won.

The second competiton was a puzzle game. The leader gave each team a 100 piece puzzle that were both exactly the same. You had to see who could get the most peices of the puzzle together in 1 min. Girls won. . .again.
(so throughout these competitons, you get points, no matter what, so the boys were getting points just not as many as the girls)

The third competition was a building block contest. We were given a bunch of little blocks and we had to see which team could build the tallest tower. . .on a rocking ship. .. . in 30 seconds. . . .the guys were not orderly at all. . .Girls won. .. . . . again.

The 4th competition was a trivia game. A guy would go up, choose a question from a book, then ask the girls. If the girls didnt know the answer, the guys got a chance to get it, and so on with the girls. There was this one guy who knew the answers to almost all of the girl questions. It was quite strange, cause he told us that he and a friend had done makeup and dressed as girls once (and they weren't that young when they did it either. Try about 15. *shudder*) yeah, so the girls one that was also. .hehehe

Then the 5th and final game- This game was an all or nothing game, as in, if you win, you get 50 points, and if you lose, you get none. So heres what happened. YOu had to take whatever was already on your person, and make a chain with it. shoes, jewelry, for the guys- their shirts, ect. . The girls lost that round by 8 steps. So the guys got 50 points. They only won by 20 points anyway.

So we had alot of fun doin that. Then I went back to my room, got ready for bed, then went to sleep, after a while.

ya know, if no one had won that last round, then the girls would've won the whole game. I guess it shows what guys are good at, and what they're not good at.

Lol, I'm just jokin' guys.

carrots are gooooooood!!!!!!!! I just finished a bag.

See? the rabbit like carrots too. Wow that was weirdly stupid. I'm still tired. See y'all tonight! cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

Friday, December 08, 2006

Day 2, Monday November 27, At sea

Today was a very lazy day. We slept in and ordered breakfast in our room,slept even more, then went to lunch, came back to our room and slept even more and I read my book. Then we got ready for dinner. It was formal night so I wore my cocktail dress. We went to anytime dining. We were seated with a lady and 4 men. 2 of the guys were from Canada. Fred-the oldest- was in his 70s, and Aaron, the younger one was 17. . . . they were not related nor were they gay. Fred had an extra place in his room, and he invited Aaron to go with him. Anyway, so during dinner we were talking randomly, and I found out 2 important things about Aaron, and Fred- They were both Christians, and both Pastors Kids. Well that was a big surprise for me, especially since I was a PK and a Christian as well. I also found out that Aaron was a Fantasy Freak, like me and NoNo (hey at least I'm not a philosophy freak. . .well thats debatable). So we got to know each other, but it was kinda weird. So then after dinner, i went up to our room and changed, then I went to the teen center, and of course played pool like always, we also played pictionary, but it was a racing version. it was fun. then i went back 2 my room, and we stayed up till 2:30 playing Phase 10, watching Over the Hedge. lol. But we could stay up till 2:30, cause we slept the whole day away pretty much. . .

Chocolate covered raisins are oh sooooooo good.

"Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe tog...
-Oprah Winfrey

Dancing is really hard on a ship. . . . especially when the swells that are hitting the ship are up to 14 feet high. . . . .scary

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

This is a little more urgent

As much as I would like to tell you about my trip in the Caribbean, I cant. I have some more pressing matters like WHAT TO DO FOR SPEECH.

In January, I'm going to Kentucky for another speech conference, but this is also a tournament. I just read last night that I have to enter 3 different speech categories- Limited Prep, Interpretation, and Platform. If that made no sense to you, thats ok, I'm gonna explain it in small words- I have to write 2 speeches for this competition(or tournament if I prefer). The platform is going to be the easiest to write, and the Interpretation is gonna be the hardest. . . So let us start with Platform-

Original Oratory- Just a regular speech written by me of course

Persuasive- A speech written by me that is trying to persuade ppl to do or believe something.

Expository- A speech written by me that is to expose everything about my topic- I did an expose about gymnastics, and I showed some skills, talked about apparatuses, and that stuff. you get that right?

Now the hard type of speeches to write- Interpretations-

Dramatic Interp- All interps have a point to them, but the dramatic is not supposed to be funny. . . but you can add alittle bit of funny in it. you understand dramatic right?

Humorous Interp- FUNNY!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahah. wow that was self explanatory. . .

Poetry/Prose Interp- Im sure you understand Poetry, but prose? they are both similar. Poetry/Prose is an interp in Lyric Mode, like Dr. Seuss(sp?).

Thematic Interp- An interp with a theme like dragons, and you get a bunch of peices of literature and put them in your speech and they all form to a common point. Simple enough.

Original Poetry/Prose- Just the normal Poetry/Prose, but it's written by you.

I could do duo, but I dont have a partner.

Anyway, I really really need to know what to do for my Platform and Interp speeches. I need to know what category speech I should do, so pppppplllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee comment!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Day 1 November 26, 2006

This is an account of my first day headed toward the Carribean.

I woke up at 5:32. I was ready at 5:45, but no one else was. We left around 6 and we missed our flight at 7. We got another flight at 8:30. In the time that we had we got breakfast. Then we finally got in the airplane. Once we got our seats, my grandma pulled out the barf bag and set it in an easy to reach place. I said "Barf bag- ya gonna need that?"
Then she replied "I might"
Then I fell asleep. About 45 mins before we landed there was this little boy in the seats in front of us. He was really cute, but he was crying. Then he looked over his moms seat, and looked at me, then I started doing my cheer-up-any-kid-whos-crying thing. He immediatly started smiling. Throughout the rest of the flight, he was looking at my grandma and me.
After we got off the flight we found the people with our cruise line, then we got our luggage, and got on the bus that took us to the port. We went through 2 llllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnngggggggg lines and at the front of the second line, they asked for my ID, or Birth certificate, and I had neither, so we had to get my mom to fax them to us. Then we got to our room and we settled in and got lunch, then we slept some more, then we went to dinner, then we came back to our room and played cards then I went up to the teen center and we played dodge ball. That was definetly hilarious and fun. Ya wanna see my bruises?????? Then I went back to my room and got ready for bed and you know the rest.

So seriously- ya wanna see my bruises???????

yeah that's what happened the first day. I guess I'll post more later. bye

Monday, December 04, 2006


As fun as I had on my cruise, Im happy beyond thine comparison to be home with y'all. I would love to post more at the moment, but I cant because I dont have the cord to connect the camera to my comp, and I've gotta go do math. . . but I'll post later about my trip, and hopefully I'll find the cord so if you're lucky, I'll post pics. yeah. . . but I'm back, and happy beyond thine comparison. . . I picked up a few bad habits on my trip. . . I'll tell y'all about it later, cause I dont really wanna write alot now. . .but if you just ask me in person, I'll tell you a bit about it in pieces. You might wanna start with my bad habits that I picked up on my trip. . .lol. cy'all. ttyl. bye