Monday, July 17, 2006

This is really really random

This is really really random.

First off, this is random.(if i havent made that clear, then you are clearly in need of 1st grade educations. . possibly for the second time in your life) In the file I have made for myself on the family computer, i have alot of strange of (you guessed it) random pictures. My favorite picture is one where my friend Julia is in pain-

Its really funny, cause I got this off her blog (julia's blog), and right next to the picture it says- This is a picture of me in pain. I'd smile but it hurts. Somthing along those lines. Its funny. Julia, I luv you (like a sister, and no more), and that's an awesome split. I mean it. I would never ever in my born days be able to do that. Actually thats probably not true. I would probably be able to do it. . . .eventually. I would have to get my regular stradle split first.

If you were very confused by my conversation, well, then just ask about it. It might be gymnatsics talk. I wouldnt know. Its 10:42 pm, and im tired, and i've got some major stinkin allergies that are horrible. If you know me well enough, then you know that i talk alot when im tired (how ironic). So im really tired. . . .

Yeah, so my next post will be on my newly aquired gymnastics ability. thank you.


Beccah said...

Uhhhh, that was really . . . I guess random is the kindest word.

Julia said...

bekah you talk a lot.

Beccah said...

That's why we love you darling.

bex said...

yeah i suppose i do dont i. yeah know- when i lose my voice, i talk alot still, even though I really shouldnt. oops. . .

Nono said...

Thank you Bekah I feel so very flattered.

bex said...


Beccah said...
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Beccah said...
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Beccah said...
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bex said...
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Beccah said...

I don't.

Julia said...

Why did everyone delete their posts?

bex said...

i guess they didnt want them up there