Friday, July 28, 2006

nothing to do with gymnastics- How to recognize a stroke

ok, I got this in an email from my grandma. Its a way to find out if someone had a stroke. Here is what it said-

How to Recognize a Stroke

This might be a lifesaver if you can remember the following advice, sent by a nurse, whose husband is a medical doctor.

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. A stroke victim may suffer permanent brain damage when people fail to recognize what's happening. Now, doctors say any bystander can recognize a stroke, simply by asking three questions:
  • ask the individual to smile.
  • ask him or her to raise both arms.
  • ask the person to speak a simple sentence.
If he or she has trouble with any of these tasks, call 911 immediately, and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher. Researchers are urging the general public to learn to ask these three questions quickly, to someone they suspect of having a stroke. Widespread use of this test could result in prompt diagnosis and treatment of a stroke, and prevent permanent brain damage.

You may want to pass this along.

ok, I made a commitment to only show the truth on my blog, and that's what Im doing. i've checked this out. There is a site called Snopes, and you can find Urban Legends about stuff you get in emails. This site shows if stuff is true or not. Belive it or not, this is true. Everything that is above in the box is true, but what is not true (and I dont even know how ppl got this) is making a stroke victim bleed from his fingers will prevent further harm. That is sooo not true, and I dont even know how ppl can think that. so yeah. . . save a life. . .


Beccah said...

Spiffy, now i know how to tell if you're having a stroke.

Cherise said...

Thanks for that info... maybe someday it'll come in handy.