Friday, July 28, 2006

nothing to do with gymnastics- How to recognize a stroke

ok, I got this in an email from my grandma. Its a way to find out if someone had a stroke. Here is what it said-

How to Recognize a Stroke

This might be a lifesaver if you can remember the following advice, sent by a nurse, whose husband is a medical doctor.

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. A stroke victim may suffer permanent brain damage when people fail to recognize what's happening. Now, doctors say any bystander can recognize a stroke, simply by asking three questions:
  • ask the individual to smile.
  • ask him or her to raise both arms.
  • ask the person to speak a simple sentence.
If he or she has trouble with any of these tasks, call 911 immediately, and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher. Researchers are urging the general public to learn to ask these three questions quickly, to someone they suspect of having a stroke. Widespread use of this test could result in prompt diagnosis and treatment of a stroke, and prevent permanent brain damage.

You may want to pass this along.

ok, I made a commitment to only show the truth on my blog, and that's what Im doing. i've checked this out. There is a site called Snopes, and you can find Urban Legends about stuff you get in emails. This site shows if stuff is true or not. Belive it or not, this is true. Everything that is above in the box is true, but what is not true (and I dont even know how ppl got this) is making a stroke victim bleed from his fingers will prevent further harm. That is sooo not true, and I dont even know how ppl can think that. so yeah. . . save a life. . .

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Yeah!!!! i got my roundoff backhandspring!!!!!

Yeah!!!! i finally got my roundoff backhandspring!!!!!

ok, here is a brief discription of my gymnastics history- I started gymnastics when I was in Kindergarten, or 1st grade. I can't remember. I was working on the basics like cartweels, and handstands. Then I quit for 1 year. . . i think. then i moved, and started it up again for 2 years. Then i moved again, and i stopped for 1 year, and i've been doing it for 3 years after that. So all in all, i've been doing it for 6 years, but my first year, wasn't that great. Anyway, I started teaching one of my friends when I moved to Maryland, and she is a really fast learner. I just taught her a cartweel, front limber, back bend kickover. I just taught her how to do it, she's the one the got it down. I wasnt' there for most of the time's she got the hard stuff. Anyway, now she is in a class at our gym.
Her name is Julia, and her blog link is on the side. Yeah.

ok, the class that I'm currently in is called Dolphins. So a few weeks ago, I went to a gymnastics camp called Camp Woodward.
I worked on roundoff backhandsprings alot there, but only on the tumble track(tumble track is similar to the trampoline, but its really long, and its less bouncy), and only 3 times on the floor with a spot, so i guess I kinda got alot of experience. . . on the tumble track. Anyway, so last Tuesday, at gymnastics, I was working on roundoff backhandsprings (while everyone was working on roundoff bhs bhs, or roundoff bhs backtuck much to my dismay, but then agian, i cant do a backtuck, or a double bhs, so i have to deal.), and I did a bunch, and on my last one, my coach told me that he wasn't gonna spot me, so i did my rdoffbhs!(roundoff backhandspring)BYMYSELF!!!!!!! i think it might have helped that he was there just incase i freaked out in the middle of my bhs. yeah, so those who dont know what a roundoff backhandspring is, well, there is a video i have found for you that shows someone doing a roundoff backhandspring. yeah. bye

Monday, July 17, 2006

This is really really random

This is really really random.

First off, this is random.(if i havent made that clear, then you are clearly in need of 1st grade educations. . possibly for the second time in your life) In the file I have made for myself on the family computer, i have alot of strange of (you guessed it) random pictures. My favorite picture is one where my friend Julia is in pain-

Its really funny, cause I got this off her blog (julia's blog), and right next to the picture it says- This is a picture of me in pain. I'd smile but it hurts. Somthing along those lines. Its funny. Julia, I luv you (like a sister, and no more), and that's an awesome split. I mean it. I would never ever in my born days be able to do that. Actually thats probably not true. I would probably be able to do it. . . .eventually. I would have to get my regular stradle split first.

If you were very confused by my conversation, well, then just ask about it. It might be gymnatsics talk. I wouldnt know. Its 10:42 pm, and im tired, and i've got some major stinkin allergies that are horrible. If you know me well enough, then you know that i talk alot when im tired (how ironic). So im really tired. . . .

Yeah, so my next post will be on my newly aquired gymnastics ability. thank you.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Rest of My Time In Florida

Anyway, so the rest of my time in Florida was really really great. Here is a basic description of my time starting on Tuesday-

We went to the movies on Tuesday, and saw Garfeild:A Tail of Two Kitties. It was cute.
Wednesday-We went to the beach, for only 2 hours, but we had to go shopping for tile, and appliances, cause my grandma is gonna remodel her inium. I wanted to go to Dima's (my cousin) youth group, but St Augustine was almost 2 hours away, and it started at 6:30, and we left at like 5:30, so i was sad, and, on top of that, my grandma almost fell asleep at the wheel, so we stopped and parked at a convienience store, so she could sleep, and we could get a snack and drink.While we were there, we discovered Frappachinos. We already knew about them, but we actually got to taste it. IT WAS SOOO GOOOD!!!!!!!!! We eventually got home safely, but we were really tired. So Wednesday morning, I went to breakfast with my aunt suzie. We went to go see Cars at the theater. On Thurday around 5-ish, we went over to my aunt and uncles house, and have a cookout, and play in there pool. Dima can do a back flip, and a back dive into the pool. They have a jucuzzi (that works), and two sweet dogs, that can be a pain sometimes. So on Friday, I finished packing, and we headed off to the Tampa Airport. When we got there, my grandma got an escort pass. We stopped at Quizzno's in the airport for lunch. Then we boarded, and my Grandma left. We ended up sitting in the plain for 30 minutes, then we had to get off the plain because of bad weather in the Baltimore area. Our flight was delayed for 2, and 1/2 hours! I borrowed someones cell phones to call my parents, and my friends who were picking me up. So I eventually got back to Maryland. When I got home, I had to repack for Camp Woodward!!! then I went to sleep. Up above is a picture of my uncle Sam and Dima.