Tuesday, June 13, 2006

First Post

hi ppl. . . . yeah. So this is my first post, and I dont know what to say. . .

oh yeah! my grandma sent me this email. It gave a link-helicopter .

This is a helicopter . ITS SOOO FUN, and addicting. The point of the is to get as many points as possible. Simple enough. SO are the direction- YOu click and hold the left mouse button to go up, you release the button to go down. DONT HIT THE GREEN WALLS, OR BLOKS IN THE MIDDLE! YOU'LL DIE! as i said, simple enough. i wonder if Im forgetting anything. . . oh yeah- someone had a problem with this earlier- DONT USE THE RIGHT BUTTON!!!!!! its nothard ppl. Oh and one more thing- it goes kinda fast, so you dont wanna get distracted, or anything like that, cause you'll crash an die. So, can you beat my score of 2099????? my brother can. its up to you. bi


Nono said...

Yes very addicting. That's not spelled right but oh well. Cool Blog and don't forget to post a lot or all wont work on story,

Julia said...

I suck at that game. lol

Julia said...

lol! I just got my dad addicted to it!!!!!!!!!! HE NEVER plays computer games!

Anonymous said...

its ok, alot of ppl get addicted fast, and its very fun, but it is hard, but you get used to it, so you can get good.
