Tuesday, April 24, 2007

This weekend was awesomating

Listening to-My Pretty Eyes by Rediscover

So this weekend was flippen awesome!!!! On friday we all went up to Mountain View. Everyone kinda accidently stuck Joey with Kyla..poor Joey. hehe. anyway, so that night we played cards, and ate starbursts. Then on Saturday we had our projects. Charlotte, Mr. Jim and I fixed the see-saws. Mr. Jim actually made a new one. I sanded and Charlotte painted. I walked the sander..oh yeah.. We played football, Capture the Flag(JAILBREAK!), we met jeff...hehe. then on sunday we had the sermon and we sang Pharoh Pharoh! OH BABY LET MY PEOPLE GO! that was so fun. We packed and headed to the petting zoo. where matanda got bitten by a horse who has my hair,
we fed animals and petted them and got free icecream! yeah!! Then we went home where Beccah, Matanda and I let our hair down and rolled down the windows and we took bunches of pics with our hair in our face. I'd put the pics from the weekend up, but I can't find the cord that connects the camera to the computer so y'all will just have to wait. hehehe.

Yesterday I had gymnastics. My coach, Ram is evil. I don't like him. Everyone in my class thinks he likes me though cause he said I'm hot. 2 words- Inside Joke. I really almost have my kip.

You Belong in London

A little old fashioned, and a little modern.
A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock.
A unique soul like you needs a city that offers everything.
No wonder you and London will get along so well.

well you can tell me
i promise: i will not laugh
yeah you can tell me i could careless about that.

1 comment:

Julia said...

I love jeff, even though he gave me a huge bruise on my head.