Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Yesterday at Gymnastics

ok, Ive been gone for the past 2 weeks, so i've missed a lot of my gymnastics classes, and last night I had a makeup. It was called Advanced Open Gym. Since I have my roundoff Bhs, I can go to AOG (advanced open gym). Last night, I was doing some roundoff bhs's on the floor, and on my last one, my arms just gave out, and I pretty much did a face plant. It really hurt my nose. ooo, on top of that, I've had tendonitis in my ankles, but one of my ankles healed, and the other was almost healed, but now my ankle is getting inflamed again. Please please pray that my ankles will get better. Thanks


Beccah said...

Oh you poor dear! That does not sound fun. Don't kill yourself, okay? I'll pray for your face (haha), but seriously I'll pray you get better.

bex said...
