Monday, August 28, 2006

Tip of the Day- yeah yeah yeah, i know

Yeah yeah yeah, I know, I forgot about my tip of the day thing. Here are a few tips-

You should eat citrus things before a test to help release memory cells in your brain to help you do better in school. It will help things go alot smoother. The citrus altoids work also.

Stay away from skunks as much as possible. Im sure you can figure that one out on your own.

Dont stay up till 3:00 am. You can get sick from that. I know- I did.

Those are some tips. Ill do more later.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Friday- Washington DC . . .and more!

Ok, so a while ago my dad started blogging. When he started getting famous in the blogging circle, he met some guy named Adrian Warnock, from the UK. Well, today I went to Washington DC to finally meet Adrian Warnock!

When we got there, I was sooo excited!!! But I was kinda nervous. We had decided that we would meet in Union Station. When we got to Union Station, we couldn't find him. Adrian had come to America with his pastor, Tope, and he met up with his American friend, Travis. So my dad told me to look out for some guys hanging out. So we eventually found them. When I met everyone, I had my first glimpse of English Christians. Tope, and Adrian were so cool. They were really nice and welcoming. They were curious, it seemed, about Americans everyday life.

After we met, we went to the food court in Union Station, and got lunch. I got a bowl of soup from a place called Soup in the City. The soup was absolutely disgusting. So after about half an hour of talking, we decided to go to the air and space museum. We had fun there. I saw the Write Brothers Plane, and the Spirit of St. Louis (which is a plane as well). My personal favorite was seeing Amelia Earhearts plane.While I was there, I took a lot of pictures. Im afraid I can't show you pictures, because, I have to find them on my computer, and I'm feeling kinda lazy now. sooo. . . .oh yeah, did I forget to mention, that Adrian Warnok nicknamed me? Im now known as the Jollette, because my dad is the Jolly Blogger. yeah, and he invited me to come and see him in England. Maybe next summer. . . . . .

Monday, August 21, 2006

2006 Visa Womens Championship!

I can't believe its finally here!!! The 2006 Visa Womens Championships is the competion that decides who is gonna represent America in Worlds!!! There were many competitors, but only 1 winner. Natasia Luikin won the competions, with Natasha Kelly in second, and Chellsie Memmel in 3rd. Natasia Luikin started out ahead of everyone else 'cause of preliminaries. Natasha Kelly soon caught up to her, and took the lead. Natasha Kelly had almost no flaws in her routines. I was most impressed by her beam routine. Natasia had to make a 15.6 to win the competition. She made a 15.55. Im no math wiz, but that's gotta be good enough to win.
There were a few special appearances by Mary Lou Retton, Marta and Bela Karolyi. Marta and Bela coached olympians Nadia Comenici, and Mary Lou Retton. The competition was really amazing!!!!!

ooo, and the 2006 World Competition is on October 14-22!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Tip of the Day (yesterday and today)

hehehe oops. i guess i forgot yesterdays tip of the day-

Never leave the freezer door open, even the slightest bit. puddles will be your problem. Our family knows.

Tip of the day for today-

if your brother has a blog and doesnt want you to read it, its probably best that you dont read it.

Those are the Tips of yesterday, and today, by Rebekah Wayne

Thank you and have a nice day.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Yesterday at Gymnastics

ok, Ive been gone for the past 2 weeks, so i've missed a lot of my gymnastics classes, and last night I had a makeup. It was called Advanced Open Gym. Since I have my roundoff Bhs, I can go to AOG (advanced open gym). Last night, I was doing some roundoff bhs's on the floor, and on my last one, my arms just gave out, and I pretty much did a face plant. It really hurt my nose. ooo, on top of that, I've had tendonitis in my ankles, but one of my ankles healed, and the other was almost healed, but now my ankle is getting inflamed again. Please please pray that my ankles will get better. Thanks

Tip of the Day- August 15th

Tip of the Day-

Always wash your own fruits and vegetables. Never trust anyone to do it for you. I heard that people are suing Dole for there being Ecoli in the bagged lettuce. You are supposed to wash the lettuce before eating it, but aparently no one knew that.

That is the Tip of the Day by Rebekah Wayne

Thank you and have a nice day.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Tip of the Day

I think i might start doing a tip of the day. If I forget to do it, then I'll just make up for it by doing more than one when I do post. yah, so here is my tip of the day

Try your hardest to not get shot by any sort of gun. it hurts, trust me.

That is the Tip of the Day by Rebekah Wayne

Thank you and have a nice day.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

This is somewhat entertaining

Um, i was gonna blog on somthing else, but i felt like blogging somthing else, instead. So i found this video, and, i thought it was kinda kewl, so i decided to post on it-