Saturday, November 24, 2007

Life seems to be catching up with me

You know how when you were little you always wanted to be an adult and would try to be in adult conversations, and then your elders would tell you to enjoy your youth? Or how (for the girls) you'd play house and pretend to be a mother of children and try to manage them all. Or maybe you play Career, and pretended to be teacher, or a doctor, or a fireman or something equally "heroic". I kind of feel like I'm getting ready to enter into that world of "grown up conversations" and hard work and taxes. And yeah, I do kinda feel like I've already begun to enter that world (which I have, even though i'm only a freshy), but I know that I have friends who are there already or are farther along than me. I say this to those friends with the upmost respect- I am so sorry. I say that cause I'm really sorry you will have to deal with finding the "perfect job" and getting the right college, and following your dreams. So why am I even talking about this?

Today I was talking with Clarence(my step-grandfather), and he asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and was out of college. As we talked about it, he told me about how he didn't follow his dreams and didn't end up getting a career that he loved. I know I don't want that to happen to me. I know I want to follow my dreams and become something that I would be proud to tell my kids and grandkids about, and have them aspire to take up whatever I do. Make sense? Well then he said that I have only 3 years of highschool left. I dunno if it was just me but didn't this year go by really fast? I figured that I like being a kid and being able to goof off and go to concerts and hang out with friends and just have fun. I don't wanna grow up, but heres the real point-

I'm a dreamer. I dont wanna grow up to do something that I hate. Life is coming. Fast.
(I think i'm just scared)

My motto of this school year is this- I believe God created my to dream bigger and to fly higher than those around me.

I believe it, for multiple reasons. The thing is though, career wise, I want to do so much. I would tell you but that'd take a whole other post. But basically after college I want to...well actually I'd rather have y'all ask me in person or over aim cause I don't really wanna post it up for the world to see.
theres alot more I wanted to say about this but I figured I'd keep it as short as possible

maybe I'll write a song about it...

well this one hasn't been posted in a while, and I really like it. Here's Meg & Dia with Roses

Was it something I did wrong?
and NO i don't like him

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Taste of Shakespeare

ok, Joe's nickname is Hitler. He's not dead. infact he's not even mad and I dont have to pay for it either. Oh yeah, and I didn't break his actual head. I broke his snare drum head. Which is practically impossible to break. So yeah me. It was pretty cool though. All I did was hit it with a drum stick, which is what it's meant to be hit by. So he's not mad or anything. He actually wanted it to break. So it's broke and good.

I am here to invite you to come see the play titled A Taste of Shakespeare. Under the direction of Diane Smith, some of the students of Annapolis Area Christian School have put together this marvelous play. It is not a continuous play of a constant plotline and setting, no, for it is called "A Taste of Shakespeare". The first act is a dramatic and tragic piece of Macbeth. Then the second act is an act full of mistakes and hilarity, from A Midsummer Night Dream." I would definitely encourage y'all to come. The Play is showing Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 each night. The cost is $8 for students and $10 for adults. We're still trying to build an actual Drama/Theater Program for the school, so that's why the cost is so high.

Oh yes one more thing before I forget, to introduce each Act, the AACS Madrigal Singers will be singing so that will add an extra oomph to the play. If you don't know, the AACS Madrigals are probably one of the top chorus' for a school at least in Maryland if not on the east coast. So basically the play is gonna be amazing. See y'all there. ;)

So I have a speech to write. that's due tomorrow. Wish me luck. Fare well. (and I have all this homework to get done, and 2 exams tomorrow to study for and a shower and all this other stuff)

Listening to- America's Next Freak by FM Static <3