Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You never know what you really have 'til it's gone

You have no idea how glad I am to be home.

And now that i've seen the majority of my friends I'm pretty happy.

PPL still left to see- AACS ppl, and the Dwyers.

But I'd really luv to see y'all more often.

Ok So a few highlights from my past few weeks are displayed in my pics. hehehe.

THe one of Josh...well can't you see how that's a highlight?
Pink Toes. ok this is my friend Connor Craig. His team...well they painted some of the guy's toes pink. lol
The rose on Josh is cause Elaine put a dragon on his right shoulder and Noelle put a skull and crossbones on his left. So someone(i think it was corrie) put a rose on his arm to even it out.
The other picture is mostly representation. It represents ppl, and friends. The ones that I've made and grown closer too.
The horse is the one I rode at RVR. Tracer. I have some stories about him.
The pic of a bunch of girls are the ones I roomed with. They rock!
oh and the guy is my friend Blane. If I told you about him. thats a pic of him. He rocks too. ;)
and the other pic is of my cousin Sasha(he's got a 6-pack), my Grandma and Katia my other cousin. :D

Now an awesome vid by Hoobastank called The Reason. ♥♥ (ok so the vids not all that spectacular but the song, I like)

o yea, band started...To come- Busy Weekends and afternoons after school this fall. yeah me. :(

We hide because we want to be found, We walk away to see who will follow, and we let our hearts get broken to see who cares enough to fix them.


Nono said...

hehehehe, I forgot how red josh's face was hehehehe

Julia said...

Nice post! I love that song and now after hearing it for the tenth time on the radio I now know who sings it! Yay! To me Sasha looks like Dima of what I remember.

Nono said...

By the way, I didn't draw a skull and cross bones I drew the dark mark. Very different.

LittleChar said...

ugh, I hate virginia, you all have all the fun, but rest ashurd I will gloat endlessly about my trip to peru and you all will be the ones jealous (or not since none of you will care since the photos I'll most likely put up will be of people you don't know which takes away from the over all concept) remind me again why I moved??