Wednesday, June 13, 2007

From MD to DC to VA to DC to VA to MD to almost DC

Listening to- Over my head(cable car) by the Fray

Very little if any of this post is exaggeration


I went w/ my grandma to DC yesterday…after we went to Virginia cause we got lost then got lost around Union Station..yeah. crazy. So this is how our travels went today-

From MD
Through DC
(the following is after we did whatever we came to do)
to VA
to DC
toward New York
got lost in Baltimore
headed back to DC
Then headed to Glen Burnie
Then to Annapolis
Then to Glen Burnie
Then to Hanover
Then to Cromwell Station
Then to Glen Burnie..again
Then to Baltimore
Then back towards DC
Then towards Bowie and Upper Marlboro
Then to Ferndale
Then to Glen Burnie
Then to Shoppers food warehouse
Then home

Yeah…we got lost….A LOT!

So I saw the Yoests while in DC. IT WAS SO COOL!!!!!!! For those who know and possibly love the Yoests(like me) then you’d think that’s cool too. If not….that’s your problem. So when they left our church about 6 months ago James(the youngest) had blonde hair….now he has brown hair. It’s been a long time…kinda
And John is the same as ever. Crazy and retarded. Sara and Gibby…rambunctious as ever. And Hannah is awesome as ever. She hates her school and new church….So the only friends she has are in MD. Oh and get this- everyone thinks she’s this freaky emo kid. lol. But we know it’s not true. Oh and she shadowed an intern in a Senators office as well. And she’s got braces, but they’re nice.


Yeah, I got to walk around a bit with Hannah without adult supervision. Lol. so it wasn’t like we went all around. We just explored the Smithsonion and went to dinner around the corner. But I must say, it was soo exhilarating being without adults or siblings in a big city. It was so much fun. I had a blast.

But the way home wasn’t terribly fun
We got directions, yes. They fell through. Then we got lost over and over again. So around 10:30 pm we called Mr. Davidson and asked for directions(he’s come through before and apparently knows the state like the back of his hand). But something always went wrong. There’s this place called Mohawk industries and we passed that once to go to DC and twice(LOL) coming back. We went in circles constantly. Oh yeah. It.was.crazy.

If you’re ever in DC-

2 restaurants you should check out- Potbelly and Ollies Trolley

they are NO WHERE near each other but they’re both delicious. Oh and potbelly has real ice cream sandwiches. Two chocolate chip cookies with ice cream(you choose the flavor from what they have) in the middle cut in half, prepared right before your eyes. Ollies Trolley has the bestest fries you will ever taste in your life. Seasoned perfectly, And their burgers, oh yes, much better than Burger King©. It’s all good.
The Smithsonian is really cool as well, but I would suggest only goin to the art part of it if you have a lot of time on your hands and no children with you.

so yeah. yesterday was an adventure. yeah....the pics are of hannah and me and James and our new kitten named Ike.
listening to Dirty Little Secret by The All American Rejects


LittleChar said...

Thats me!!! The one good picture we got!! Potbellys--the BEST

LittleChar said...

wow, i almost didn't recognize James, thats so weird how he's smiling! i can't stop laughing, it's like 3 am my moms going to kill me...

LittleChar said...

hey! idon't hate both of them at the same same time! they more of take week it's finals and i hate my school the next week i can't find my shoes for churh, then they show up in some random place and we're late for church, then i hate my church, you see it's just hormones

LittleChar said...

wow, i'm reading one paragraph at a time and commenting on each oops... anyway I used to pass Mohawk industries on the way to church every sunday (now you all realize how far Glenburnie id from laurel)

Nono said...

Cute Kitten

Julia said...

Your cat is ADORABLE!!!!!!!

Julia said...

ike is soo little in this pic