Saturday, September 29, 2007

quick-ish update

So real quick lemme tell ya what's been goin on. Last weekend was the family retreat. My camera was kinda broken so I didn't get any pics on my camera, but I put my memory card in Amanda Sillamans camera and I got some pics with that. I'll post those later when I got more time (probably never at the rate im goin). but the family retreat was really fun. It wasn't one of those trips where something dramatic happens so it's totally memorable for the rest of your life. This was one of those weekends that was just fun. Nothing big happened so it's not gonna be as memorable as -oh lets say- last year. But it was still really fun. My bridge didn't do very good. and please dont remind me how it did. but enough about that.

oh and last weekend at the fall retreat AACS Marching band has their first competition of the season in Lancaster PA. We placed 3rd and didn't do that great apparently

So this is a vid of the band last year at Chapters in Scranton PA. THe theme is "The Coming of the Messiah" Christmas music in November...I guess it works. this is actually only 1 song. but it was amazing.

So I just got back from a Marching band competition where we placed FIRST!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOTTT!!!!!!!! well it wasn't my best show (considering it's my first) but that's ok cause WE GOT FIRST!!!!!!!!so yeah. congradulate me and betsy. oh and we got best brass, and auxiliary(guard), and best pit crew. so yea. we rock. oh and we're up 10 from last week!!! yeah us!!!

So school still sucks(thanks NoNo for the list) but it is slowly starting to look up. I ran for Vice President for my class. I lost. thats ok, I dont have any time for it anyway. I'm already an officer for the drama club and a key member of the Pit Percussion. And it a popularity contest anyway and I really dont wanna be a part of that. Sorry for not blogging. life is really heck-tick lately and I just dont have alot of time for the computer. so I'm really tired, and I think I"m gonna go to bed. so i'll see y'all later.


him: dont hate school to much
me: why not?
him: because that place is where you will make friends for the rest of your life
him: its also where you make the path for the rest of your life
him: ill leave you with that

Sunday, September 02, 2007

High School Musical- I Gotta Go My Own Way

So I'm not breaking up with anyone (not that theres anyone to break up with), but in a way I feel like Gabriella in this scene. I wanna go my own way terribly. I hate my school. I always have. Of course I like some stuff about it, but not much. I dont belong there. Anyone who really knows me would know that it's not the place where I would fit in. I'm not used to this. I keep falling to pieces in the middle of school. AACS will be fine without me. I'm honestly not dealing with it well. Maybe it's the truth of the matter. or Maybe it's just one of those phases...I dont really think so cause I've never liked the school. I mean, I like my classes, sorta, I like the activities, but there is just something about AACS that just...changed me quickly. On thursday, I barely said 2 words in class (except for in speech when I yelled at Chris, but that's another story), I was totally quiet, I barley even sang. (and most ppl should know that I love talking and singing)I felt uncharacteristically depressed...for no apparent reason. And I HATE when I have to adjust from how I am at AACS to how I am at church and home. I dunno. but right now I feel like the chorus from Cavanaugh Park by Something Corporate.

It was great. This summer was so great! I was so happy and ecstatic, now...I just dunno. Lots have changed already. But I know I really cant complain. There are ppl out there who have harder lives than me. So I thank the Lord that I have a great family go to a good school(even if I dont like it), have the bestest friends anyone could ask for, 2 obnoxious cats, food, clothes, shelter, and a lighter to play with.

So, what are y'all doin this Labor Day?

You Are a Roller Coaster

You live for excitement, adventure, and the most intense of thrills.
Nothing is better than feeling you're truly alive, and you're willing to take risks to feel this way.
In relationships, people often feel a bit nervous about what they're getting into...
But generally, everyone enjoys the wild ride you take them on.

Your life has more low points and high points than most people's lives.
But that's okay - you love them. You figure that a smooth ride is boring!
Besides, you know that super high highs only come from knowing super low lows.
You cherish every emotion you feel and feel it fully. Why deny what life is truly about?

At your best, you are loving life and sharing your wild times with everyone you know.
You are able to open your friends up to a whole new world of experiences.
At your worst, you feel extremely disoriented and even a bit dizzy.
There's only so much intensity a human (even you!) can take.

There was never any place for someone like me to be totally happy

Listening to Broken by Amy Lee and Seether