Monday, July 30, 2007

I'M GOIN CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bEFORe i go on my tirade lemme recap.

this past week was soo much fun. we had lots of fun in our room! ;) the projects were lots of fun too. basically it was an amazing week.

So on Saturday I got back from the missions trip. And since my parents were in Minesota this weekend Josh stayed at our house to "house sit." it was kinda weird.

my tirade-

so i'm sitting here wondering when my flight to Florida is. I wondering cause I wanna know if it conflicts with The youth group party or the Marching Band Picnic. So I check my moms email and I find out that I leave on Wednesday the 1st of August. aka in 2 days. So i start freaking out and not cause its in 2 days and I had no idea. i'm freaking out because I JUST got back from a slightly stressful and busy trip. I DONT WANNA LEAVE AGAIN!!! I've just been gone soo much this year and I dont wanna keep leaving my friends and everyone. maybe I'm just really tired from band. i dunno.

i'll put pics up later.

now 2 vids that balance everything out

a very loud song by Nightwish. you dont have to watch the vid. just listen...
(oh yeah. the song is called Nemo)

and now a much quieter video by Bon Jovi. Its called Till we ait strangers anymore. the vid is boring cause it isnt the real one. We're doin this song for somthing in band. here it is-

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Fare Well World!

FAREWELL WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm goin on a misson trip this week so I'll be off the internet. CYA'LL!!!!!!

(if you live in the area you should come visit us at the church)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Who? What? When?Where? Why?

Listening to- I Want to Save You by Something Corporate

So answer these questions as best as you can.

Who controls us?
God gave us freewill, so do we just do whatever we want to?

What are we running from?
alot of ppl run from their pain. Is it the same with you? cause we all run...

When will we stop running?

Where are we headed?
are we going down the path of never ending strife and pain?

Why do we run?
Are we running cause we can or because we feel we have to?

just some thoughts

So I"m kinda on drugs right now...bennadryll to be exact. It makes me extremely tired in the middle of the day. And I"m a bit out of it right now...

oh and my computer is really really sloooooow

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Nightwish-Over the Hills and far away

OK! this bandtotally rocks!! They're similar to Evanescence. but mostly in appearance. The girl...she has a higher vocal range than Amy Lee from Evanescence. AND she can split her vocal chords. ya know how you can play a 2 notes that go together on the piano? well she can do that....but with her voice. They're just amazing. Nightwish- Over the hills and far away.


and the girl you see singing in this vid left the band in *think) 2005. They have just replaced her. :(

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You never know what you really have 'til it's gone

You have no idea how glad I am to be home.

And now that i've seen the majority of my friends I'm pretty happy.

PPL still left to see- AACS ppl, and the Dwyers.

But I'd really luv to see y'all more often.

Ok So a few highlights from my past few weeks are displayed in my pics. hehehe.

THe one of Josh...well can't you see how that's a highlight?
Pink Toes. ok this is my friend Connor Craig. His team...well they painted some of the guy's toes pink. lol
The rose on Josh is cause Elaine put a dragon on his right shoulder and Noelle put a skull and crossbones on his left. So someone(i think it was corrie) put a rose on his arm to even it out.
The other picture is mostly representation. It represents ppl, and friends. The ones that I've made and grown closer too.
The horse is the one I rode at RVR. Tracer. I have some stories about him.
The pic of a bunch of girls are the ones I roomed with. They rock!
oh and the guy is my friend Blane. If I told you about him. thats a pic of him. He rocks too. ;)
and the other pic is of my cousin Sasha(he's got a 6-pack), my Grandma and Katia my other cousin. :D

Now an awesome vid by Hoobastank called The Reason. ♥♥ (ok so the vids not all that spectacular but the song, I like)

o yea, band started...To come- Busy Weekends and afternoons after school this fall. yeah me. :(

We hide because we want to be found, We walk away to see who will follow, and we let our hearts get broken to see who cares enough to fix them.

Monday, July 02, 2007

"And it was so" AKA- FLORIDA!!!!

Greetings from FLorida!!! haha so lemme tell ya real quick whats been happening here in Fl

ON Saturday I went to the airport(I stayed at the SIlllamans on Friday night and Mrs. Sillaman dropped me off at the airport) got on the plane and as we were taxiing out, I got a very random nose bleed. I just felt my nose running and I wiped my nose and I saw blood. So yeah. that was fun. Then when we landed the lady who sat next to me, her daughter got a nose bleed. but she was picking her nose...ew. anyway. So my grandma and my cousin Katia picked me up from the airport. (see picture). isn't she perty?

anyway. So I got to my aunts house and we went swimming. Later the guys showed up. Sasha and Dima. Y'all met Dima but not Sasha. dude. that kid is 13 and has a 6-pack. it's scary. oh yeah. he doesnt talk in english much. he knows it but doesnt use it. and Dima is a dadushka. hehehe.

sunday I made breakfast and we went to church then I went to lunch then to Brusters then to my aunts house so Katia could get her clothes then my grandma and I went back to her house where I slept for like 3 or 4 hours. I was sooo tired. and I dont know why. then I made dinner.

so today we were supposed to go horseback riding but nope. thats tomorrow. yeah....

oh yeah, "and it was so." Katia was reading the creation story in the bible and she wanted to kno what the word "so" meant. I had no idea how to explain it. Isn't it funny how we can use a word over and over again in our everyday lives and not know how to explain it, and sometimes not know what it means? It was that way with a bunch of words, like "was." oh does anybody know what "firmament" means?

RVR WAS SOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! i'll post pics later.

I miss y'all.